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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 10/27/2016 2:06:13 AM
    [b][i]Lawyers, Guns, and Money[/i][/b] [b]In the Woods Near the Dojo[/b] [i]The two armored figures moved quietly through the softly blowing snow to a large clearing in the woods. The field was flat, covered in snow, and beautiful in the moonlight. The larger of the two approached the center of the clearing, and lit a flare, pulled from his bandolier. Holding it low to the ground, he used it to melt the snow away, and after a moment, a strange metal device, a flat rectangular object could be seen, a pulsing red light and several buttons on it. Tossing the flare aside, he picked up the device, punching in something using the buttons. Tossing the device forwards about one hundred feet, he backed up, and in seconds, a rift had opened before him, and a large aircraft flew slowly out, a tiltrotor gunship, better known as a Vertibird. Coming forth from the rift, the craft was loud, its rotorwash kicking up debris and blowing snow all around. As it landed, the rear cargo bay opened, the ramp lowering to the ground. The other figure approached calmly as the larger one entered the rear of the aircraft, which was fully stocked with an immense array of weaponry, from grenades to rocket launchers to mininuke time bombs to rifles, handguns, and belt-fed machine guns. At the rear, a large belt-fed machine gun, an M2HB, was mounted as a rear door gun as well. There were also crates of supplies, medical gear and foodstuffs, along with plenty of alcohol and water. The other figure climbed aboard the craft, handing the larger one the strange remote-like device. [/i] Plan on heading in? [i]he asked.[/i] Yeah. Gotta get in someday. Wanna see how many people will buy sh*t from me. [i]he said, chuckling.[/i] [i]The hulking figure made his way forwards in the cargo bay, and began working the aircraft from a touch screen display on the wall behind the pilot's seat, which was occupied by a blow-up doll. In moments, the aircraft had lifted off from the ground and was above the trees. Flying forwards, it headed directly for the Dojo. From the gates, it was perhaps a terrifying sight, a large tiltrotor gunship with twin 30mm nose cannons, a nose-mounted Gatling laser, and a large shark's mouth painted on the front of the cockpit. [b]At the Dojo[/b] The aircraft thundered over the gates, and heads to an open spot amidst the courtyards, shifting its rotors so that it is hovering like a helicopter. From the bottom of the craft, the landing gear unfold like insectoid legs, the Vertibird setting down gently. Once on the ground, the craft powered down, and the rear ramp was opened, the hulking figure stepping out into the light. Now he was unmistakable. Alex Wilson stood in his full suit of X-01 MKVI Advanced Tesla Power Armor. His M134D sat atop his left shoulder, the skull of an alpha deathclaw atop his right. A large knife was situated in a leg holster on the inside of his left leg, and two large revolvers sat at his hips. Two belts of 7.62x51mm NATO ammo crossed his chest, and on his back, beneath his Old World Flag cloak, an M240B, an M1 rifle, and a machete. On the rear of his waist, a sawback Bowie, and an M1911 in a shoulder holster. The helmet he wore was still spattered with blood, and the insignia of the Cobalt Phoenix graced his chest-plate. Behind him approached the other figure, who's identity was made clear as well In his full suit of armor, Jackson looked extremely imposing. The exosuit was painted matte black, with scratches and scrapes all across it, along with a few bullet ricochet marks. On his left leg, a large Bowie knife sat in its sheath. At his waist, a leather gunbelt, and at each of his hips, a .44 magnum, Smith and Wesson Model 629 Performance Center Specials. Magnum shells lined the gunbelt as well. Across his chest, a bandolier, with numerous tactical pouches used to store various items for any situation. His cloak was back, exposing both his shoulders and his helmet. On his left pauldron, a kukri was situated in its sheath, and on his right, five .50BMG rounds sat in a sidesaddle. The tip of his blade's hilt could be seen over his right shoulder, the stock of his Barrett M107A1 over his right. However, what stood out the most was the mask he wore. It fully covered his face and head, and the lenses of the eyes glowed an eerie blue. Like the armor, it was painted entirely black, save for three jagged white slashes across the right side, painted bright white. As Wolfe exited, Wilson headed back in, dragging out several crates loaded with weaponry and gear. Obviously he had plans to make a little money. His intentions were made clear when he brought out a cheap "Guns for Sale" sign, which was no more than a spray-painted piece of plywood.[/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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      [i]Breath in.[/i] [i]Breath out.[/i] [i]Pull the trigger.[/i] [i]The click of a trigger was heard as a loud BOOM! resounded, the noise coming from the barrel of a modified Evelyn flintlock-style pistol, crafted in Cainhurst and upgraded rather heavily. The silver ball shot out of the barrel immediately after the racket sounded; crafted out of silver and holding shrapnel within it's core, the ball was the size of a .44 Magnum round, while the Evelyn itself fired with the force of a Smith and Weston 500 Magnum revolver, which sent the gloved hand that fired the weapon straight back. How a brass and steel barrel could handle that much firepower would seem rather surprising to most, but it was within the craftsmanship of the pistol itself that made the idea work. The billet sped onwards, until it found it's way into the forehead of a particular Vileblood, splintering her skull open and tearing through her frontal lobe and more with relative ease.[/i] [i]Her light blue eyes rolling back into her shattered skull, Irina's now dead body fell to the ceramic floor with a surprisingly light thud, dark blood beginning to pour out of the killing blow within her skull. And the one that delivered the blow itself?[/i] [u]"Simulation: Complete.[/u] [u]Status of 'Irina S. Eiliza': Successful.[/u] [u]New Record: 0:22."[/u] [i]The smoke cleared from the barrel of the Evelyn, revealing the strikingly pale, angular face of 'Irina S. Eiliza', or simply Irina. With high, shallow cheekbones, smooth pale skin, pinkish lips and a perfectly fine forehead, unlike her counterpart in front of her, Irina's cold, light blue eyes stared at the dead clone of her that she had murdered in less that thirty seconds with a singular shot from her Evelyn, expressionless as the dead Irina began to fade away into black cubes and into the air, leaving no traces of her very existence in the first place. Irina's platinum blonde hair was tied back in a long ponytail that rested upon her back, although some of her surprisingly neat hair rested in her light blue eyes still. A slight smile appeared on Irina's face as her laced up gloved hand then holstered her Evelyn at her side, alongside a long brass sheath that held a sword within, held to a tight belt that wrapped around her waist. Resting upon the Vileblood's head was her trademark black leather tricorne hat, completed with a pure white feather plucked from a pigeon. Her outfit consisted of a dark grey longcoat that draped her body, alongside a previously white shirt and a handkerchief protruding from the neckpiece of the outfit. Her gloves were tightened by steel buttons, to ensure that they were not lost in combat. Irina's light tight pants were tightened more by the belt wrapped around her waist, while her feet we're hidden away by laced up leather boots. A long, tattered velvet red and dark leather cape protruded from her left shoulder, and simply waved as she made movements towards a wooden chair within the simulation.[/i] [i]The weapons that she had bore this day were rather unique in their own way as well. Alongside the brass sheath to her Rakuyo and the Evelyn she had just used to kill a clone of hers was a slightly curved, stainless katana with a stone hilt, which rested upon her clothed back and utilized straps to hold it in place. Also alongside her Evelyn was the handle of a lightsaber, a particularly odd yet useful weapon for the Vileblood to use. The final weapon that she bore that day was a simple katana blade, a weapon that belonged to Tesuto and something she intended to return to him. The blade was stainless and cared for, as if Irina actually valued it's very existence. [/i] [i]...Did she do the right thing, when she betrayed her own Queen, all because a samurai that guarded a place of fighting offered a way out of her suffering? Was it right to betray all of the men and women in New Illios, the ones that relied on her to bring victory to their nation, to guard them and protect them in their times of need?[/i] [i]Irina didn't know for sure. One second, she was a proud Vileblood that served the Immortals, and the Within the Dojo.[/i] [i]The simulation room that Irina was within was...unique, to say the least. It bore striking similarities to her home, the forbidden castle of Cainhurst, specifically the entrance hall to the building. Dark, bloodstained velvet rugs covered the stone ground as marble pillars rose up to the second floor, holding up the floors above Irina's head. The walls were decorated with fading paintings of the royal family and tattered flags and symbols, most including the symbol of the Vilebloods themselves. Torches and lanterns faintly lit up the dark entrance hallway, while wooden benches and chairs sat out to the side. The stone entrance was the entrance to the simulation itself, so a blurry wall covered it entirely. Overall, the place felt just like home to the Vileblood, as she felt rather..comfortable, funny enough. After a moment of staring at the masterful structures, Irina sighed lightly as she resumed what she was doing before, and made her way to a wooden chair that was almost against the wall. She did not rest within it just yet, but instead grasped the wooden structure of it and began pulling it quickly towards the center of the supposed arena. Irina then pointed it towards the entrance, and proceeded to plop down within the chair. She had to at least seem somewhat formal, although she thought centering herself in the middle of the room seemed rather snobbish. After a moment, she leaned back against the wooden seat, closing her light blue eyes as she waited for the inevitable challenger. [/i] (Open! Yeah, if you combat her, she will try to kill your ass.)

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      • [b] Several Dojo ships fly through the air above the great plains, heading for a fortress looking area. Anti air rocket missiles exploded through the air, shaking the ships roughly as they continued going, firing back with their own rockets. Suddenly, a rocket strikes one of the gunships, and goes straight through, causing it to explode from the inside out. It goes down, crashing into the ground and Exploding into a firey ball. As the ships near and they begin to land, a second ship is taken down and it immediately explodes, crashing downwards. The remaining gunships land in the plain and begin opening their doors. The troops inside sprint out, going for the fort. The anti air stops suddenly, and a machine gun fire opens up from the fortress, ridding the men with bullets. The ones that do survive take cover behind their bodies, and a man is heard throughout the comms [/b] "This is Snow. I want a count on who's left. I'll start. One." [i]"Two."[/i] [u]"Two, oh sorry. Three."[/u] [i][u]"Four"[/u][/i] [b]The soldiers continue counting off, and the numbers stop and 39.[/b] "-blam!-. We started with 114. -blam!-. How do we get to the fort!?" [i]"I don't know sir. Perhaps we should call for reinforcements."[/i] "Excellent idea! Do it." [i]"Do we have any radio guys alive?"[/i] [b]No answer.[/b] "Well-" [b]A voice Patches through[/b] [b][i]"Yeah, I'm a radio carrier." [/i][/b] "Excellent. Call them." [b][i][u]"I can't sir. There's no signal. They're jamming us!"[/u][/i][/b] "We're on our own. Bazookas?" [url=]"Two left sir!"[/url] "Fire at the fortress." [b]Two men pop out from behind cover, and two explosions occur along the fortress wall. The machine guns stop and the forty remaining men begin sprinting to the fortress. They arrive quickly, and breach a hole in the wall, firing upon a group of robotic looking soldiers. As they enter, several men are shot down due to their defenses being rather powerful. The soldiers stay outside the hole, and throw grenades into the fort. Explosions and screams ring out as a soldier with a flamethrower enters, and sprints inside. There is a sprout of fire, and more screams then suddenly a hot explosion as the man with the flamethrower is shot. The fire from the explosion moves outward, enveloping many of the men inside. More dojo soldiers move inside, firing as they entered. The soldiers move in tight formation, taking down the bandits inside. They quickly clear the fortress and count up the men still alive. [/b] [i]"Twenty-five men survived over all sir." [/i] "Holy -blam!-. We lost some good men out there..." [b]Snow sighs [/b] "Send out a transmission. Get reinforcements." [b]The soldier runs off, and contacts the dojo. A dozen dojo gunships are sent out to the fortress, and landing by it. The soldiers fire into the fort and claim it as their own. [/b] [b]A man with Stange vines as a patch approaches Snow[/b] "Vain! Good to see you." [i]"Nice job living through this Snow. Seriously. This must have been tough"[/i] "Oh trust me. It was." [b]And Scene[/b] [spoiler]Closed. This was more of a practice post for what I could write [/spoiler]

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        • [i]I was walking down the hallway in my quarters. Shadeslayer wanted to speak to me and Kaleb. He was trailing behind, he knew I needed some time to myself. My footsteps made no noise, yet I could hear the Tap, Tap, Tap, of Kaleb's feet as he walked against the cold stone floor. When we reached the door, He was waiting for us outside. [/i] "Kaleb, you first." [i]Kaleb nodded and stepped inside, the door closing quietly behind him. I sat down and leaned against the wall. I was worried, to be honest. Erago- I mean Shadeslayer, never called people to talk to him unless it was the entire class. There seemed to be something wrong. And I didn't know what. Seconds turned to minutes. Minutes turned to an hour before Kaleb walked out that door. [/i] "Your turn, Kaden." "Kaleb, are you sure this'll end well?" "Kaden, don't worry. I've got your back. I'll always have your back." "Okay..." [i]I push open the door to see a neatly organized office of sorts. There were many Fairths along the walls, depicting fortresses and cities. But there were two on his desk that stood out. One depicted a beautiful Elven lady with flowing hair. The other one depicted a man who was somewhat aged, carrying a staff in one hand, carved with runes from the Ancient Language. His hair was short, maybe receding. For some reason, these two Fairths were important to Shadeslayer. I don't know why, and I wasn't about to ask. [/i] "Come, sit down, Kaden," [i]He says. His voice is calm and even.[/i] "Of course, Sir," [i]I reply. Taking a seat in the simple wooden chair that sat on the other side of the desk.[/i] "Kaden, I wanted to talk to you about something I should've told you a long time ago," [i]He continued. His voice was still even, yet it quivered slightly near the end of the sentence.[/i] "What might that be?" [i]I inquire.[/i] "Tyrian, your father...." [i]Wait---- Tyrian? Tyrian[/i] [b]Tyrian[/b] [u][i]Tyrian[/i][/u] [i][u][b]TYIRAN![/b][/u][/i] I jolt awake from my sleep, sweating intensely. I look over at the clock. It read 03:30. It was early. Too early to be awake. Why did I have a dream about that day? Why did he call me Tyrian? That wasn't my name, was it? I was Kaden. Not Tyrian. I reassured myself of that fact. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I decided to put on some clothes and go for a run. The air was crisp and cool. I could barely see my breath when I exhaled. It felt a little chilly on my arms, since I was wearing a T-Shirt and running shorts. I started to jog, my footsteps making no noise. The jog carried on into the forest, where I didn't even disturb the wildlife that live there. I spent lots of my free time in the forest. I had taken up the job of cleaning the Inn I always visited free of charge. I felt like I had to help contribute to the town in some way, So I did. People have started to ask me to for more favors for them. Water their plants, watch their pet for an hour or two. One parent even wanted me to babysit. It was kind of shocking. When I moved here I made it clear about my past and how I used to be, and yet these people were accepting me. Asking me to watch over their children. It was unusual. Yet I loved the feeling of having a home again. Running through this forest, hearing the soft crunch of leaves below my feet, the trees whizzing by faster than I can track, it reminded me of Alagaesia. The longer I ran, he more I started to see shadows behind the trees. Glimpses of faces that seemed familiar. That Jake started to ring in my head again. [i]Tyrian[/i] I turned around and began to head home. [i][b]Tyrian. [/b][/i] Almost there, almost at the front door. [b][i][u]TYRIAN![/u][/i][/b] I fell tot the ground, shaking. My eyesight was fading. I passed out right there on the spot.

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          • Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 10/27/2016 5:17:19 PM
            [u]The Strange Traveler[/u] 8:00PM In the dimly lit streets there is a man. He is not the man for this story. This man is enraged, angered with bloodshot eyes. This man wishes to kill, axe slung over his shoulder. This man proves be be trouble for the timeline, for the future, for everyone. Another man appears from seemingly out of thin air behind this man. This 'other man' is the man of this story. He flips through a book and pulls out a feather. This individual seems to check off something in this book. As he draws closer this new man pulls out a rapier as he draws close to his target. So close and then stabs. [u]*Ugh!*[/u] "My apologies sir. You just aren't good for what comes next" He checks his pocket watch. "Right on time..." He then proceeds to kneel over the now dead man taking measurements, and comparing his victims face to an image. [spoiler]Open. Intro to Gerald Von Chronos[/spoiler]

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            15 Replies
            • [b]Ry woke up, it was early morning. She was in a pair of pajamas, her room blazing hot. While this heat, would make many have a heat stroke, it just felt pleasantly warm to Ry. Perks of being a Solarian. Very high heat resistance and when she is burned, it feels nice to her. She didn't know why. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that her and her people worshipped a supercomputer in the center of their planet. Of course, they didn't think it was a computer. They thought it was some sort of magnificent god, one that could offer them protection, for it already gave them warmth. She said her morning prayer to the god, nicknamed the Sun by its worshippers. She pulled the yellow sheets off of the red, circular mattress, and got up out of bed. Her hair wasn't tied back like it usually was, and it was frizzy and stood up in all directions, all in its normal, dull purple. Her bare feet hit the red carpeting, soft to the touch. She thought it felt like clouds, but most people would just call it very hot. She looked out the window that covered the entirety of the back wall of her room, and she looked out at the Dojo. She smiled. The place began to really feel like a new home. She walked over to her dresser, and picked out a set of her orange robes to wear today. She decided she would choose her thin robes, she didn't plan on leaving the ship. She grabbed some underwear from her top dresser drawer, and hurried out to take a bath. She got out of the bath around twenty minutes later, having changed into her new robes and everything. She hadn't tied her hair back up, and it fell down past her shoulders, down to the middle of her back. It swayed slightly as she walked, matching the slight sway of her hips. She took a breath, there was nothing like a good bath in some hot lava. Yes, she does actually bathe in lava. When I said heat resistance, did you think I meant that she wouldn't be burned easily? She walked to the kitchen, and glanced at the clock. It was 7:37, right about when she usually woke up. She'd memorized her sleep patterns, she had nothing better to do when she was up in her ship, before she got here. She walks over to her fridge, which isn't actually a fridge. It just looks like one. It keeps stuff in suspended animation. She takes out some bacon, and some eggs. She decided she would also try to make another traditional human breakfast item, hash browns. She toons some potatoes out, and set them near the grater she would use to shave the pieces off to make the little potato strips. She got out four pans, two for the food she would make for herself, and two she would use to make her guest's food. She began with her stuff, it was easy. She sat the bacon and the eggs in their respective pans until they burnt. Burnt food tasted good to her. She shaved the potatoes into tiny strips, and burnt them also. She played hers, and moved on to the second set. She didn't really know how he liked his eggs, so she just went with scrambled, cooked until it was all solid. She cooked the bacon like a normal person would cook bacon, and same with the hash browns. She called out through the ship, hoping her guest was up and was hungry.[/b] "Hey Leone! I made some breakfast! Come get it while it's hot!" [b]Meanwhile, while all this was happening, the door to the spaceship was open for once, and pretty much anyone could walk in.[/b] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by Devious_Melons: 10/26/2016 7:37:14 PM
                [u][b]Creatively bankrupt real-esate[/b][/u] Its so goddamn cold. [b]a slippery looking man guides Lego through a gothic castle covered in snow.[/b] You don't need a freezer for food. [b]Lego rolls his eys[/b] If I'm interested in a castle of this caliber you think i can a afford a -blam!-ing Freezer? [b]The realtor laughs it off[/b] Right this way. [b]Lego spots a strange, golden pyramid head sticking out of the snow. He reluctantly gets inside and gets unnerved by all the crying[/b] Umm... Whats up with all this sobbing? [b]the realtor brushes off the question[/b] Its ambiance from the previous owner. [b]Lego still gets weirded out by corpses everywhere and screaming ghost ladies with knives[/b] The interior is nice. [b]the realtor says smiling and Lego elbows one of them and cuts her throat open with the Ghosts disarmed knife.[/b] Yeah, has a big ghost problem. [b]one of the servants in the library scrubbing the floor just dies.[/b] The work ethics are a bit out of whack also. [b]they reach the roof of the castle, an old guy gets out of a chair while regaining his composure. He has a wild beard and a crown full of large jewels [/b] Uhh i think we should go... [b]the realtor turns to leave and he only gets bounced back by a fog wall, lego sighs and armour forms around him. He jumps towards the Frozen king bloke, he start casting crimson skulls that heavily damage Lego. The old codger grabs his pick and swipes at Lego, during the wind up he puts his two palms together and starts glowing. The martyr then swings his pick and it bounces off making a puncher mark in his armour yet he didn't budge.[/b] POISE BITCH! [b]Lego uses one of his hammers the kneecap him and his him across the face. He gets up and begins charging an attack, Lego eyerolls under his mask and draws his great machete. Lego runs and jumps, batting him to the ground and cutting through his skull and his crown falls off and Shatters.[/b] We -blam!- i broke it. [b]the ground starts rumbling as another part of the castle appears out of thin air.[/b] The plot thickens... [b]Lego and the realtor walk in to see a woman in an iron mask[/b] You came back loyal servant. [b]Lego looks confused[/b] Me? What are you- [b]a shot flies past lego as the realtor has a flintlock and a blade[/b] Anything my Queen. [b]Lego points at the two while switching to one another[/b] Ohhhhhh, its a trap. [b]Lego laughs[/b] Yeah, -blam!- that! I don't have time for this shit, i just killed a guy who was [i]chilling outside[/i]. [b]The Queen in the mask just face palms at Legos atrocity of a pun.[/b] Bitch I rearly make puns. [b]She looks offended[/b] I think you shouldn't, kill this ill mannered beast. [b]Lego turns to the realtor who he splits the sword into two, he starts making tricks with the blade. He starts spinning the blades in between his fingers, Lego sighs and draws a handgun and shoots him right between the eyes. The realtor stumbles back and collapses onto the ground.[/b] Yeah... I'm not sold. [b]Lego leaves the castle and his ship hovers over the dead old guy which he gets on and it leaves.[/b] [b]Lego returns to the Dojo and gives Cainhurst castle a 0 star review on Yelp. He stretches and gets a drink at the smoothie bar. This post is open BTW[/b] [spoiler]christ this took a while.[/spoiler]

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                5 Replies
                • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/22/2016 3:48:29 AM
                  [i][b]Nemesis Star (Khalosh, Ollimand)[/b][/i] The skyscraper looked...somewhat armed. All around it seemed to be anti-air and a few snipers in the outside. The faint sound of children and women crying could be heard in the distance. *A clone gunship lands Astrid and Lucy at a building around 5 blocks from the massive building.* "Good luck, ladies! Can't land you any closer or we'll be shot down!" The pilot yells to the two, as he leaves, leaving the two in Khalosh to deal with the hostages. [spoiler]Open to Lego.[/spoiler]

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                  • Pound me

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                    • Edited by FlimsyRoastBeef: 10/24/2016 10:09:42 PM
                      [i][u]A New Beginning[/u][/i] [i]The Dojo[/i] [i]It had been a while since David had been out this far. He usually just stayed in Dojovill with his wife. Ah... his wife. Lori was her name, and she was pregnant. Three months, in fact. Last night, however, he was with Lori in the surrounding forest when he was attacked by a pack of wolves. They barely escaped with their lives, and that was the reason he was here. To train to defend his family, no matter the price...[/i] [b]He approached the gates, and knocked.[/b] Anybody in there?

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                      • Edited by JealousOrc: 10/26/2016 2:09:48 AM
                        [b][i][u]Set In Stone[/u][/i][/b] [i]Location: Middle of the Ko Russo Mountains[/i] [b]Royal was just dropped off in the middle of the mountains by a plane, he's freezing and in the middle of a blizzard[/b] [b]He hears nothing but the wind. Speaking of the wind, it's strong today.[/b] [b]He can barely walk. [/b] [spoiler]open to Royal[/spoiler]

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                        58 Replies
                        • Edited by Pamhakat: 10/25/2016 12:35:20 PM
                          edit: why does no one ever reply? edit2: oh yeah, havent been tested yet.

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                          • Edited by JealousOrc: 10/25/2016 9:40:19 PM
                            [b][i][u]The Dead Don't Judge[/u][/i][/b] [b]Deity is took to Graveyard Island by the boat that brings the bodies[/b] [b]the person driving the boat makes him promise to bury a body for him[/b] [b]he then drops Deity off with a body and a shovel[/b] [b]Deity sees a grave already dug[/b] [spoiler]open to Pants[/spoiler]

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                            77 Replies
                            • [b][i]All Nightmare Long[/i][/b] [i]Luck Runs Out Crawl from the wreckage one more time Horrific memory twists the mind Dark, rutted, cold and hard to turn Path of destruction, feel it burn Still life Incarnation Still life Infamy [/i] [b]Deep in the Forest, Two Miles from the Dojo Gates[/b] [i]The sound was deafening, the flash intense. Trees around the site were blown back, charred, and then the silence set in. From out of the shallow crater, a single figure walked forwards, and then came the second blast. A bang, a flash again, and a second, more bulky figure walked forwards. Walking forwards and out of the crater, the two figures were obscured in the darkness of night. Both were cloaked, the first first bearing a hood to his, his body completely covered. The second bore a long cape-like cloak, tattered and torn. As they walked away from the blast site, the eyes of each of their helmets lit up, the bulkier figure's a hellish orange, the slimmer figure's a cold blue. Together they walked forth from the blast, off into the cold night, snow falling all around them. [/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                              274 Replies
                              •'s not [i]digital[/i] dojo anymore.... [spoiler][i]Hrm. [/i][/spoiler]

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                                • [u]a family secret[/u] [i]serenity was busy watching her four kids jura, sivath, syrilth and venia. She at the moment was just watching all three of them at the moment play outside cause surprise surprise jura the naturally curious one that he is happens to somehow find a very old picture laying on the ground outside a picture of exactly what though is anyone's guess but his face has a look of disbelief on as he look at the batter old photo. He looks at for a bit absolutely in shock. He runs to go show serenity what he found on the ground.[/i] "Mama look what i found!!" Jura [i]when serenity looks at the photo all the color drains from her face instantly. She then looks at jura with a eyebrow raised[/i] "Where did you get this photo?"says serenity "On the ground"says jura "Who the other lady that standing next to you and auntie. Why does she look like her?"says jura [i]she sighs and shakes her head not knowing really how to explain to him at all.[/i] "Will talk about it later now hand that here"says serenity "No i found its mine"says jura [i]with that he runs off towards the dojo picture in hand before she can catch him. She just sighs and hope he doesn't get himself into trouble. But alas that not the case though cause he turns around one the corners in the dojo and runs smack into someone and drop the photo. He falls over of course and he gets back up and starts looking for the photo which is by the person's foot. The platinum blonde haired boy continues to look for it[/i] [spoiler]you are that person[/spoiler] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                  139 Replies
                                  • [u]Ko Rudo Mountains [/u] [b]Jäger and three other soldiers hike in the mountains during a blizzard. Jäger with his hands on his head. Guns trained on him.[/b] [i]Really? You guys need to take me out here to kill me?[/i] [quote]Just keep walking.[/quote] [i]Seriously, just, shoot me.[/i] ("Just keep quiet Jäger, we wouldn't be doing this if you didn't kill all those people") [i]Oh don't talk like you haven't slaughtered anyone. You're only doing this to collect one of the 67 bounties put on my head.[/i] [b]One of the soldiers hits him in the back of the head to shut him up.[/b] //"Ok, this is far enough, shoot him here." [b]They put Jäger on his knees, a shotgun resting on his neck.[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                    30 Replies
                                    • [b][i][u]ONE HUNDRED MEMBERS!!!!!!! [/u][/i][/b] 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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                                      • [b][i]Recuperations[/i][/b] [b][i]After a week of simply brushing off the pink petals of the courtyard, Rorek seemed to be getting very angry with his "mentor." The white haired man who sat up against the cherry blossom tree, barking criticism at the boy each day for the littlest things. This wasn't training, no Rorek seemed to be doing chores. [/i][/b] "What did I tell you about how to put your feet on the ground kiddo! You ain't sweeping up shit if you are doing the god damn splits!" [spoiler]for Zane [/spoiler]

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                                        26 Replies
                                        • So much reading

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                                        • (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚ ~A WILD LENNY SORCERER APPEARS~

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                                          9 Replies
                                          • Edited by SilverPulse620: 10/22/2016 4:02:44 PM
                                            [b][u][i]Ending a Vendetta, one way or another[/i][/u][/b] The courtyard that held Phoenix's ships well as Silver's was quite calm, Silver getting ready to take off to help The Figure take out an enemy ship in orbit. Just as Silver takes off to do some reconnaissance on the enemy ship, Phoenix carries the paralyzed Alpha into his ship and places him in the small cell inside and locks him inside. He then sends a message to Silver: [i]We've got him.[/i] He then turns to face his new prisoner, safely on the other side of a thick metal door, waiting for Celina to come so that they could decide what to do with him. [spoiler]Open to Ginger and Alpha. Hopefully this will be the beginning of the end of our plot. [/spoiler]

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                                            82 Replies
                                            • [b][i]Overwhelming (Warning: High Risk) (Shirana, Ollimand)[/i][/b] An old abandoned subarb lost to nature...but also a place where a new trade was being placed. *Here, a clone gunship lands the Deity on the rooftop of one of the higher buildings, as the pilot said, "Are you sure you want to do this? There are a lot of Immortals down there..."* [spoiler]Open to Pants.[/spoiler]

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                                              35 Replies
                                              • [spoiler]I'm just asking; do I need to make a bio for someone who'll be temporary here? Like, until we could get her back to her world.[/spoiler] [i](World of RWBY, Emerald Forest)[/i] An unknown warrior was fighting off some Grimm, trying to slash away anybody who was trying to hit her. "If He wants us to make one last sacrifice...then we shall!" A feminine voice inside the armor said, slashing away the Grimm, before looking over to the cliff below. She jumps off a cliff, a portal appearing in front of her. "What type of blasphemy is..." she starts, before entering the portal. [i](Middle of Dojoville)[/i] "...this?" She finishes, before landing flat on her face on the pavement, the portal above her closing. Her armor breaks apart , leaving what seemed to be a young woman with a jean jacket, green pants, and some boots. A red scarf appears to be on her neck. [spoiler]Open. Temporary crossover with another RP I'm in. Non-canon in the other RP, canon in this RP.[/spoiler]

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                                                96 Replies
                                                • [b]That day, the Mountains of the dojo had been particularly chilly, with sounds of gunfire echoing through the Mountains. On the coast, near the base of the mountain Xavier was leading a squadron of six troops through the forest, avoiding gunfire from a Bandit camp. His second in command, a guard by the name of Broadside ducked behind cover, pulling Xavier with him as bullet flew directly past where he had been standing. It a tree, the bark flying everywhere as it easily put a large hole through the middle. The tree groaned and collapsed downwards, right on top of one of the guards, leaving only five left and Xavier himself. [/b] [spoiler]Ghostfrog![/spoiler]

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                                                  • [b][u]OPEN FOR BUSINESS![/u][/b] [b][i]The entire north side of the A3 Courtyard was now divided into three different sides. Each with a a different colour of canvas above which hung from the shingles of the north hallway. Under each canvas, a different salesperson. Under the blue left canvas was Tina. Dozens of guns were laid out on each of the four tables she had. And she had seemed to add a massive safe to the left corner of her store. She had a workbench around the safe with a small black chair she could wheel around. On the other side she had her register desk. Under the centre red canvas, was Tyrese. The large dark skinned man was already hard at work on the workbench in the centre. Hammering some armour and plates together. On the back of his wall, different types of machinery stood for his crafting purposes. Funny enough though, he had no register. Possibly due to his lack of...talking. On the right side, a green canvas. It was rather quaint with many books lining the back. It was neatly organized with its two shelves containing merchandise in columns as a large safe was on the side to the right. Likely containing materials for its scientist, Tiekal. Facing out into the open was the register counter, and behind it a set of three monitors which the scientist sat at.[/i][/b] Tina: "Triple T's Fantastic emporium is open for business!!!" [spoiler]Tina: Gunsmith and gun sales. Tyrese: Modern armour smith and armour sales. Tiekal(Teek): PHD in anything with an electrical charge. Sells anything with one too. [/spoiler] [spoiler]These salespeople are for your use. PM me and we can make posts to get your char in shape.[/spoiler]

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