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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Cthulhu Agent: 11/8/2016 9:04:21 PM
    [b][i][u]Cafeteria[/u][/i][/b] [i]Out of the corner of your eye you see movement. When you turn your head there's a 5'5" girl with black hair pulled back into a ponytail, wolf ears, and a long bushy tail wearing ragged clothing. She's stealing your gun/purse/bag/whatever. Upon being caught, her eyes go wide in shock as she trips backwards and falls on her back.[/i] "Ah!" [spoiler]Open![/spoiler]

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    709 Replies
    • Edited by Atom: 11/27/2016 8:55:28 PM
      [spoiler]Redacted because I caused plot level shit, which I would have to wait for. [/spoiler]

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      56 Replies
      • [b]Tubbs stands on top of the gates[/b] Ladies and gentleman! Today is Thanksgiving! Ya know what comes with that!? Food on the floor! And somebodies gotta clean it up! We here at Tubbs Inc. loooooove exclamation points and having others clean up after us while we be lazy! So we had the brilliant idea to make a staff! We got Janitors, Lifeguards, Chefs, and uh... I think that's it... anyways! Each one has their own special unique power to help em out! Here they are! [b]a dude in a black Ninja costume with a mop appears by Tubbs in a heartbeat[/b] SPEEDY!!! He's got super speed and is a janitor! Yay! [b]he leaves[/b] [b]a portal opens and out steps a man, in a brown and red cloak[/b] MAGIL!!! The leader of an ancient sorcerers group! Which apparently doesn't pay well and he wanted to be a janitor! [b]he leaves and a parrot lands on Tubbs's shoulder then jumps off and turns human[/b] SHAPEZ! A lady who can turn into any animal! Which helps her catch meat to cook! She's a chef! [b]she leaves and a person in a normal white chef costume walks up[/b] RICHARD! He's just a normal chef... [b]he leaves[/b] MYRTLE!!! She's a mermaid and can't be here... but she's a lifeguard in the lake! [b]a dude with scales climbs up the gates beside Tubbs[/b] SCALY!!! He's a lifeguard that can breathe underwater, may be poisonous, can climb walls, and regenerate limbs! [b]he leaves[/b] There they are folks... now to go get some room service and maids... [b]Tubbs leaves[/b] [b]the staff all stand by the gate[/b] [spoiler]open, meet the staff![/spoiler]

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        • Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 11/25/2016 2:39:28 PM
          [b][i]Devil's Due[/i][/b] [b]Clearing Outside of the Dojo, Sunset[/b] [i]Wolfe, Clarkson, and Rose all approached from one side of the open clearing, weapons holstered. On the other side, facing them, Atlas and his commanders, Taipan, Derringer, Whiteout, and Konigstiger, each of which stood armed, aside from Atlas himself. On the ground before him, was a beaten and bruised boy, hands tied behind his back. They stood silently as the group approached them, waiting until they got within ten feet to speak. [/i] Little Western showdown here, huh... [i]Whiteout remarked, cracking his knuckles through his suit.[/i] I gotta admit, you are surprisingly moral considering your past, Nick. Never would've thought you cared about a kid. [i]Atlas chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.[/i] He walks free, you take us. Fair deal? [i]Clarkson said flatly.[/i] The deal was all of you, Nick. I distinctly remember a certain sociopath that I wanted as well. Where's he at? [i]Atlas replied, drawing a handgun, stepping forwards and aiming it at the boy's head.[/i] HAPPY THANKSGIVING YOU F*CK! [i]Shouted Wilson, rushing forth and trucking Atlas, tackling him to the ground and rolling, the man beneath him fighting to get free. As the two fought it out, Rose dropped to the ground, firing on the others with her assault rifle. They scattered, leaving Watcher on the ground. Hearing the gunfire, he flattened himself in the grass, hoping to be spared a bullet. Rose's fire distracted them enough for Wolfe and Crow to take action. Moving rapidly, Crow drew his bo staff, and rushed Derringer, the smaller soldier firing his Bizon PP-19. The small rounds ricocheted off of Clarkson's armor, and he carried on through them, bringing his staff down towards the man. Derringer caught it with his hand, swinging it down and letting his SMG fall to the ground. Throwing the staff left, he punched Crow in the stomach, and the two traded blows. Blocking, Clarkson struck the other man hard in the chest, the staggering him back. Crow cracked him in the side of the head with his staff, sending him off balance and to the ground. Clarkson brought the tip of the staff down with force, an attempt to stab Derringer in the chest, the smaller soldier rolling and standing back up, discharging his pistol at Clarkson's head. Taking the bullets, Crow did stagger a bit, recovering as he was charged by his foe, who wielded a blade. Collapsing his staff, Clarkson drew his own blade, the blades on his gauntlets opening. As Derringer rushed him, he caught the man's knife in his gauntlet blades, twisting his wrist to disarm the man. He followed this with a savage undercut to the man's stomach, sending him reeling. As he recovered, Crow rushed him, and was blocked a few times before he brought the blade up into the man's stomach, wedging it between the armor segments. Twisting the blade, he pushed the man to the ground, and turned to assist his friends. Wolfe had rushed Konigstiger, who returned fire with his MG3, the rounds ricocheting off of Wolfe's chest. As he drew close, he brought his sword down, the German blocking the blow with his gun. However, the tytritium edge cleaved through the weapon easily. Throwing the pieces of metal at his opponent, Konigstiger punched Wolfe in the stomach, ducking the second swing of the sword. Staggering, Jackson was barely able to roll out of the man's second blow. Drawing his revolver, he put two shots into the side of the man's head, staggering him. The German rolled, a tytritium shield forming from his gauntlet as he drew his pistol. Wolfe rushed through the volley of fire, his blade clashing with the energy shield, the two locked together, unable to push each other, until Jackson dropped and knocked Konigstiger off of his feet. Bringing the blade down, he barely missed the man's chest as he rolled, standing up and pulling a knife, grappling for Wolfe's neck. Using the juggernaut's weight, Wolfe rolled onto his back and over the man, standing back up and readying his blade. The German recovered as well, twirling his blade in his hand, facing the Vengeful Son. Shouting, he rushed, and Wolfe caught his arm, flipping him down to the ground, and delivering a savage punch to the man's head, his gauntlet blades out. Drawing them out, he turned, blood dripping from them, looking to Crow. Rose had now taken up her fight with Taipan. The man had drawn an AN-94 Abakan, the weapon going off rapidly. Rose returned fire with her own AUG A3. While his rounds struck her torso, she managed to strike him in the hand, knocking the gun from him. Growling in his anger, he rushed her, and she was unable to flip him. Pinning her, he reared back, a set of syringes popping forwards from the top of his gauntlet. Using her gun, she was barely able to prevent him from jamming them into her neck. Screaming, she slid her other hand out from beneath him, and punched him hard in the helmet, stunning him enough for her to roll him off. As he reached up to grab her and flip her, she stomped on his gauntlet, crushing his syringes. Reaching with his other arm, he grabbed the knife sheathed on her leg, and stabbed her in the ankle joint. Screaming, she fired into his hand, the burst shredding his hand. Shouting, he screamed as she fired into his helmet. Although it didn't break the front of it, she dropped to her knees on the side, and then smashed his helmet with the stock of her rifle, knocking him out. Seeing all of this, Whiteout disappeared, just as Wolfe and Crow moved to engage him. [/i] Sh*t. [i]Crow said, sheathing his knife. In the mean time, Wilson and Atlas were still going at it. After being tackled, Atlas flipped the Courier, a shield forming out of his right gauntlet, and a small weapon opening up out of his left. Recovering at the same time as Wilson, he lowered his stance and braced himself as the Courier unloaded a barrage of rounds, which his shield was doing a good job of deflecting. Raising his left arm, he fired a small anti-armor missile, Wilson taking it in the chest, the explosion sending him back. Atlas approached, laughing. [/i] Come on, big guy! I've heard a lot about you, I want to see if it's true. Oh really? Ok. [i]Wilson said in a disturbingly happy voice.[/i] [i]Firing at Atlas again, he drew his machete, and rushed, trucking the man to the ground again. Rearing back and bringing his machete down, Wilson was blocked by Atlas' shield. Throwing the blade to the side, Wilson punched the shield full-force, his protonic inversion blade out, cutting through the metal. Bringing his hand down, he cut part of the shield off, barely missing the man's fingers. Atlas in turn reared back, and punched the Courier hard in the face, Wilson standing back up, and unloading with the Browning into the man, who rolled after several bullets, standing up and drawing a railgun from his back, charging it only for Wilson to grab hold of the barrel and crush it . Yanking it from the man's hands, Wilson smacked him in the head twice with it, sending Atlas staggering back. Picking up his machete, Wilson approached the stunned man, and grabbed him by the throat, but Atlas kicked him in the chest and jumped free. As he landed, Wilson threw his machete at him, which seemed rather strange. [/i] JESUS CHRIST JUST DIE ALREADY! [i]He shouted.[/i] [i]He set off another barrage with his Browning, Atlas using what remained of his shield to block the bullets. Charging, Wilson put his arm up in front of his chest like a football player, and knocked the man to the ground, quickly pinning him with an armored boot, pushing down, the man's armor creaking as Wilson's weight crushed his exosuit. Kneeling, Wilson drew one of his revolvers, and tossed it in the air, catching it by the barrel. He then proceeded to bash Atlas's helmet in with the grip, and then smash the man's face to a bloody pulp. For a solid two minutes, he wailed on Atlas, blood and bits of flesh spattering his armor and coating his revolver. Standing up, panting, he wiped the gun off on his cloak, and turned to face everyone else except Clarkson and Watcher, as Clarkson had dragged both Taipan and Derringer over to a single place, utilizing a pair of heavy duty cuffs on their wrists to keep them on the ground despite their exosuits. After a moment of silence, Watcher got to his feet, and looked around, mildly stunned at what had just happened before him. [/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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          • [b][i][u]Fall....[/u][/i][/b] [b]The coming winter was certainly going to a be a cold one. There were already blizzards, and snow that blanketed the village and the dojo courtyards. The trees were bare, and the crunching of snow could be heard. Hawkwood raises his greatsword with his right hand, placing his left hand across his chest and touching his right shoulder. Legion Etiquette he called it. Standing some feet away was Kross, who had the same posture. [/b] "I'm sorry it's come to this, Hawkwood" [i]"I Am not My Lord. The ring is mine. The souls are mine." [/i] "Hawkwood You're going mad. Can't you see?" [i]"You're the mad one here..." [/i] [b]Hawkwood suddenly rushed forward, slashing upwards with his greatsword. Kross rolls to the side, slashing Hawkwood's leg and getting him to one knee. Kross rolled again, getting behind Hawkwood and stabbing through his back, the sword exiting his chest [/b] [i]"It's been an honour...."[/i] [b]Kross pulled the sword out, dripping with Hawkwood's blood. [/b] [i]"I'm a Deserter. Who fought til the end." [/i] [b]He collapses forward, the snow becoming red with his blood. [/b] [b]Kross kneeled down, the souls Hawkwood had were claimed by his killer, Kross. Now, Kross had to deal with his death. A good friend turned mad with power. [/b] "Farewell..." [spoiler]Open! As much as I would have like to have kept Hawkwood, I decided to follow dark souls story. Where he dies and your character gets a bunch of shit [/spoiler]

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            59 Replies
            • Flapyap is wandering the Dojo streets on his quest, casually avoiding the monkeys. He walks into a courtyard and sits down. [spoiler]open for Goatsy and Xyar.[/spoiler]

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              17 Replies
              • [b][i]Is it better to be born good, or overcome evil through great trial?[/i][/b] The Dojo was stupid, Riley thought to herself. The fact it had just about every place she could ever want to go to was a plus, but that was about it. Every person there was either far too angsty or brooding for their own good; or just downright annoying. Which was precisely why she was going back to Angel City, and taking Jackson with her. Both of them needed to have a good time..if they even knew how. She hoped it would come naturally when they went to a party or three. People with superpowers threw one hell of a party, that was for sure. She was currently dressed in something that wasn't customary for her, but she was trying to blend in once she was there. It was a rather form fitting, black dress that accentuated whatever curves she had. There were a few, but nothing obnoxious. She was built like a runner. Or rather, an assassin. Slight and lithe, graceful in every movement. The dress was fairly modest, coming down to her knee and only showing a small amount of her cleavage; matching with blue pumps that were the same shade as her hair. Around her throat, was Kyr's silver necklace that had three shooting stars at the end of the glittering chain. Other than that, she wore no makeup, rings, this was her. As normal as possible. And it felt weird as hell. For once in her life, she didn't have her sword(s) on her. She did have a knife strapped to her thigh though.. Once an assassin, always an assassin. She grabbed the backpack off her bed that held spare clothes, money, her phone, the necessities. She was curious to see if Wolfe waltzed out in armor..she'd probably laugh her ass off. With the Gypsies gone, Angel City was pretty safe, for the most part. She walked out the courts of the Dojo and to the small clearing they'd agreed on, and waited for Jackson. (Wolfe.)

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                104 Replies
                • [b][i]Return[/i][/b] "Time flows as a stream, only in one direction, never another way. It does not care for life, it only does it job. It is not evil, yet it is not good. As time goes on we move on from places, people, those we call friends may become enemies, and those we call enemies may become friends. Time is not our enemy, but it is not our friend. Time is simply... time." -Unknown The wind blew gently, not that he could feel it. His thrusters held their thrust rate, propelling him through the air at an extremely high velocity. He observed his surroundings as he flew, noting the trees and the flowers. His suit systems were nominal, it was a beautiful day. "Sean how's it looking." "ETA less that four minutes sir." The A.I. spoke to him, he nods inside his helmet lightly, smiling. "It's been a while sir.... why the sudden change of heart?" The man chuckles. "Well... call it a nostalgia flashback, but I found one of my old weapons." Sean chuckles. "Which one sir?" "'Ranged Split'. It would fire a sniper rifle shot that could turn into a shotgun slug and shoot pellets everywhere.. damn cool. I made it here, in my first shop ever." Sean responds. "I'm glad you came sir, I might not have been created." The man laughs, but stops when he sees the structure up ahead. "We're here." He says as he begins arching downwards. "What's the entrance style this time sir." "I think you know the answer." He responds as he arches farther but slows, slamming into the ground and kicking up dust right in front of the gate. He held them in the classical 'Iron Man' style, one one the ground with one behind him. His helmet compacts down to reveal his face, the brown hair and the ice blue eyes. Ryker Evans, owner of Evans Arms Manufacturing, billionaire, philanthropist, father, and many other names, had finally returned to the place where it all began. He had returned, to The Dojo. [spoiler]Aaaaand were back. Felt good to write Ryker again, and it feels damn right. [/spoiler]

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                  73 Replies
                  • Edited by Dain: 11/26/2016 5:24:52 AM
                    A man approached the Dojo gates, a rifle resting against his shoulder, being held by its trigger. It was lever-action, a sight not seen too often in the days of semi-automatic and fully automatic rifles. It's barrel was a gleaming steel, twenty-five inches of unstained metal. It's stock was a deep red mahogany, complimenting the light grey of the barrel nicely, as well as the receiver of the same color. The man flips the gun once, catching it by the barrel, then he flips it back to having his finger on the trigger. In the process, the trigger is pulled, but there isn't a flash, or even a shot. The gun was unloaded. The man himself definitely had some less than great choices in dressing. He wore a dark grey cloak, ditto the color for the long-sleeved shirt under the cloak. He wore black pants and combat boots, the black really clashing with the grey, it looked more like the clothes he wore he chose in the darkness, like he'd though they were the same color. His face had a neutral expression on it, his dark brown eyes gazing over at the gates of the Dojo. His short, jet black hair was smoothed forwards. He strolled right up to the gate, and knocked on the gates. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                    30 Replies
                    • [u][i]A Spark of Light[/i][/u] [u]9:35 AM[/u] In the pathway leading to the Dojo, all was quiet. The soft morning light fell upon the stairs, and a small cherry blossom growing alongside shook slightly in the wind, casting petals onto the ground All of the petals were dispersed when a soft blue light began to glow, and a small form could be seen appearing from it. She had graceful features, and though she was easily seen as a child from the gangly look of youth in her limbs, she was rather.....odd. Her stature was very short, only 3'6, and her body animalistic. She was covered in white fur, which was rather long and soft, and covered her whole body. Her long ears were perked up, in the air as the wind blew softly, her upper body clad in armor made from twigs, vines, and branches. On her back was a branch that had grown over part of a shard of iron, and the weapon was attached by a sling made from vines. She scurried on all fours towards the dojo, easily climbing over anything in her way, her long two foot tail undulating as she went. ((open, Intro for Nada))

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                      146 Replies
                      • CHAMPIONSHIP BATTLE The ghost of Phoenix appears once more over the arena. "At last, our champions are tempered through the fire of battle and honed through the very mettle of their skill. A respectable feat to come this far, no doubt. In one end of the arena we have the Undying Soul, the Founder of Dissidan Station - JJ1042 himself! In the other we have a colossus of legend, the hammer-wielding warrior: Balthazar! Warriors, ready yourselves." The standard holographic projector appears before both of the fighters as it begins to spin. It eventually stops on the icon of a large battleship of some kind, with a red cobra emblazoned atop it... All of the sudden, the melee champion and the soldier champion are standing on the deck of a ruined battleship. Chunks of it are strewn about everywhere, and it seems that the vessel itself is sinking. Painted on the hull of the ship are the massive letters that spell out one word: EXCALIBUR. They were on a sinking Venom Incorporated battleship. The factor projection appears, but not before static emerges and the icon of a Cobalt Phoenix materializes. When the emblem fades away, there are now [b]two[/b] factor wheels. One ends up on an icon of an apple dropping. [b]Zero gravity[/b] enables, sending chunks of the ruined battleship out of the ocean and into the air above JJ and Balthazar. The other ends up on an icon never seen before - an explosive warning sign... An explosion of blue-hot flames erupts out of nowhere between the two warriors, blasting the battleship apart even more. [b]Every hit the fighters make shall trigger an explosion.[/b] "Fight with honour, warriors. Begin!" [spoiler]JJ and Po.[/spoiler]

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                        • [b][u]Downtime Maintenance | Small Forest by Ko Rudo Mountains[/u][/b] Lucien enjoyed the solitude of nature. It allowed for him to focus as he cleaned his blade, soaking a dense protected cloth in potent hydrochloric acid before wiping his sword down with it. The meta-material blade's micro-perforations had to be cleansed of the growing Infected flesh contained within the hollow of the blade, otherwise it would quite literally consume it. He thought back to the documents he read on the virus of his home - viral mutagenics: mutated strains of bacteria borne from human exposure to the Martian atmosphere when they first colonized the planet. It proved to be very adaptable to the harsh conditions of Mars, finally evolving into a stem-cell regenerating virus after evolving and illegal experimentation. Those Infected with the virus usually went mad whilst undergoing massive stress due to the altering physiology of their organs due to the stem-cells multiplying and creating erratically, usually leading to physical deformities. People would go feral just from the pain of their body constantly creating new organs. There were rarely any successful cases of modified bacteria strains being inoculated into subjects and give them some power over their mutated flesh. Yet he was one of these. A monster born from a virus that not even man, in all of his resilient knowledge, could give a full explanation. It was amusing sometimes, how some fighters in the Dojo thought he used storybook magic. In the fairy tale books he recovered from information caches in his homeland of Mars, where the devil was usually associated with fire and death. Funny how he gained his powers from an Infected abomination the Abbatial, religious zealots worshipping the virus, dubbed the monster their 'Angel.' Extra mitochondria creating superheated flames. Modified flagellum and calcified skin cells turning into hot ash and cinder. Tangibility only extended so far, however. Within himself, within his blade laid a demon. Not one of physicality, but one born from himself. Sin manifested into something that not even Lucien could control. So he did not think about it, lest his mind be plagued by thoughts that would madden any man. He continued to clean his blade with the acidic agent-soaked rag, careful to not get any on himself. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                          125 Replies
                          • Edited by FlimsyRoastBeef: 11/26/2016 1:39:15 AM
                            [b]Sans walked without the usual spring in his step today, as he had been given a relic of the past. He didn't know what he would tell Asgore and Toriel, or if he would tell them at all. No, he had to-[/b] [u]Oh! Sorry.[/u] You're fine. [b]Sans kept walking towards his residence with the Dreemurs, pulling the locker out of his jacket.[/b] *sigh* [b]He finally reached his house, and pulled open the door. He crept inside, looking for Asgore, and there he was, reading the newspaper. [/b] Hey. [i]Oh! I didn't hear you come in. Want some coffee?[/i] We need to talk. [i]About what?[/i] [b]Sans held out the locket, and Asgore gasped.[/b] [i]Is that...?[/i] It is. [i]How did you get it?[/i] It's a long story. [b]And so Sans sat down and told him the tale of his multiple fights with Alpha, and Alpha's want for forgiveness. [/b] [i]Oh... Oh my. We need to get to this "Dojo" immediately.[/i] What about Toriel? [i]She can't know about this.[/i] [b]And so they set off for the Dojo without another word. Sans was unsure if Asgore intended to destroy the Dojo, or to forgive Alpha. He already had.[/b] [spoiler]closed[/spoiler]

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                            • [b][u]The pirate king's new rival[/u][/b] [i]Haknir sat outside of the dojo, overlooking the ocean nearby, almost expecting something. He sighed a little when he saw what he was looking for. Through his telescope, he could see a dark, dreadful looking ship sailing closer to Dojoville. The ship had a shroud of darkness surrounding it and sailed quickly, even against strong winds. Behind the ship was the wreckage of other pirates' ships, completely destroyed. Something was obviously different about these pirates. At the top of the deck, Hak saw their leader. A tall, powerful dremora with a scimitar drawn was leading the pirates, giving them commands. His dark face was covered in glowing, red paint and he had horns on the top of his head. His name was Velehk Sain, the pirate king of the Abecean. When he reached the shore, his men docked the large, ominous ship, and some got off. They approached Dojoville, ready to loot the place, but Haknir didn't react. He knew that not even he could stop them without putting himself in too much danger. Soon enough, they had made their way through Dojoville and the crew mates took the loot back to the ship. Velehk made his way up to the dojo. Haknir walked back into the dojo, he seemed to be avoiding Velehk.[/i] [spoiler]Open for fighting or conversation[/spoiler]

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                              • [u]_How do I think? Do I?•[/u] The courtyard was empty, quiet, and perfect. There was no one, no creature not a single living thing. Only Banshii. His eyes were a warm yellow, like an old light bulb on the last year of it's life, as he stared up at the sky, riddled with stars of all colors of the spectrum. "New file...Number 1180." "_Date: November twenty-fourth. Thanksgiving, as the humans and other creatures call it. I am thankful for this opportunity, to regain my memories, and I am also thankful for...sentience. I do not believe I would be here tonight without it. End file." He didn't know how he really felt about any of what he said he was "thankful for". As a machine, would he ever know for sure? That was a question he had asked himself thousands of times, and he had even asked others just as many. He still has not found an answer. "...At least it's quiet..." [spoiler]open, just a post to talk or whatever[/spoiler]

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                                • Edited by Orn: 11/25/2016 3:15:18 AM
                                  [i][u]Gelidus Desert, 1:36 AM[/u][/i] [i]The freezing winds of the desert rushed over the frozen ground as thousands of stars shined across the land, covering the skies as they glittered throughout the chilling night upon Tatakai. Not a sign of life was present within the desert, except...for a lonesome figure, without company and without time to waste. [/i] [i]A thick carbon black coat wrapped around their oddly thin body, the features of the figure were hidden away by a painted white helmet, the glass covering their face tinted a deep olive green and glowing eerily. The figurine's boots and gauntlets were carbon fiber and ceramic plating, while their gloves were empty, hands hanging at the figure's sides. Yet, they did not go into this desert without being armed; the figure brought with them what looked to be a modified .50 caliber firing sniper rifle, a large pouch containing the massive bullets hanging at their waist, while alongside the package was a long, steel and silver rapier, stylish yet stained with red, dried blood. As the figure walked onwards, their pace began slowing, as if they had begun to tire out... [/i] [i]Until, of course, it was detected.[/i] [u][i]"Target Location: Located. Approximately 20 meters away."[/i][/u] [i]A feminine voice suddenly spoke out from the figurine's helmet, like some sort of A.I system within the piece of technology. The figure spoke back, before chuckling calmly.[/i] [u]"Exceptional work, Lucia. You never seem to fail..."[/u] [i]The voice of the figure was muffled and deepened, as if they were actually trying to hide their identity from the public. They spoke in a booming yet kind voice, one that would be associated with a leader.[/i] [i]The figure drew the massive rifle upon their back, before beginning to silently approach a patch of sand to their left. Stopping abruptly, the figure stood completely still, waiting for...for anything, it seemed.[/i] [u]"...The gates just opened yesterday...why not now?"[/u] [i]Suddenly, the very earth began to shake and split open, sand beginning to spill into the depths of what appeared to be a massive tunnel that led into the earth. The figure began backing away, until a loud creaking was heard, and the gates leading into the forgotten tunnel stopped in place. The walls gleamed with a forgotten darkness, a forgotten evil...a sickening deep green, disturbing yet ever so ancient...[/i] [i][u]"Target Location: Accessible. Warning: Several hostiles connected to "BLESSED" approaching friendly location."[/u][/i] [i]"Lucia" spoke once more, while the figurine only responded calmly.[/i] [i]"...Let them come to the Dojo. They'll handle it...they always have."[/i] [i][u]Dojoville, 1:55 AM[/u][/i] [i][u]Anri of Astora[/u][/i] [i][u]Marcia Rosegold[/u][/i] [i][u]Takahashi Kimura[/u][/i] [i][u]Olythran of Eleum Loyce[/u][/i] [i][u]Prologue - Crown of the Blessed One[/u][/i] [i][u]"Tis Only The Beginning Of A Dreadful Tale..."[/u][/i] [i]The sounds of claws skidding across the ground. The slamming and slashing of blades, the screeching of beasts as they clattered to the ground, the snapping of bones and tearing of flesh, the roars and cries of men and woman as they charged into battle to face the oncoming conflict. That was all that was heard in the morning after Thanksgiving, for blood would be spilt at that fateful timing. For the Dojo was under siege, by a new enemy... [/i] [i]The Blessed.[/i] [i]The armada of the enemy charged upon the concrete streets of the Dojo, a multitude of warriors and soldiers among them, from ancient fighters to futuristic marines. Their shown features such as skin and pupils were cracked and a deep grey, a brilliant green light ensuing from the cracks within their bodies, their arbor charred black with tints of deep green. Gunfire raged upon the streets as the Dojo Guard and corrupted soldiers fired upon each other, while a group of four, two men and two women, engaged the enemy forces head-on.[/i] [i]The one leading the group was a seven foot tall samurai, wielding a gleaming steel and iron nodachi katana, the blade proving extremely useful against those without armor. His brass and steel armor plating was covered in the foul red blood of those he had slain, the deep red feather protruding from the back of his head like a plume waving eerily in yen wind as he slashed through those unfortunate enough to be caught in his path. [/i] [i]The second male of the group was a looming figure, standing at six foot eleven and clad in an armor suit consisting of ivory and steel, his helm contorted into the soulless face of a long-lost king. Within the massive armored hands of the knight of Eleum Loyce was a massive greatsword, the blade gleaming with a deep blue power as he swung it as light as a feather from a pigeon into the incoming hordes of Blessed, their blood and guts showering upon his body and pelt cape as their bodies merely fell to the earth that he cast his deep shadow upon.[/i] [i]The third, meanwhile, was a knightess, calm and collected in the face of imminent death. Standing at a height of five foot seven, the warrior clashed through a multitude of the melee Blessed with simply a straight sword, barely blocking hits and attacks with a crest shield decorated with an insignia of old. The visor to her steel helm was stained with blood, alongside the deep blue fabric of her Elite Knight armor, a hole formed from what seemed to have been a .308 round within her left shoulder.[/i] [i]The final member of the four combatants was a blinded mage, clad in a pair of thick white and red robes. A deep blue clouded the girl's eyes completely, although she was still able to pinpoint the location of the incoming enemy armada. Casting a wide variety of spells, from balls of light cyan energy to beams of deep blue, the magic user burnt and incinerated the incoming hordes, although only more and more came.[/i] [i]The four were Takahashi, Olythran, Anri, and Marcia. And they desperately required assistance.[/i] [u]"Pull back!"[/u] [i]The samurai yelled out as a sniper round slammed into his gut, forcing him to retreat. As more and more gunfire and Blessed troops began to approach, the four began falling back to the Dojo, all of them wounded in their own ways. Without assistance, they would surely die. [/i] [i]And yet, in the distance...something was coming. Something that would change the tide of the entire battle..[/i] ((Open to all. A preview of le plot.)

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                                  • [b]Destanius's 'special' thanksgiving.[/b] "Watch out, she is gonna blow!" [b]In the kitchen on Fortis's flagship, Destanius is frantically trying to make a thanksgiving dinner like they would on his planet. Unfortunately, he accidentally got some chemicals from his lab mixed up with the food. The result was almost the entire kitchen exploding, and a strange giant salamander-like monster rampaging through the dojo.[/b] "Better help clean this up before Fortis gets back." [spoiler]Open, help Destanius fix the kitchen so he doesn't get kicked off the ship, or fight the giant salamander rampaging through the dojo. Or, if you are feeling really special, do both.[/spoiler]

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                                    • [spoiler]Is it alright if I post a buildup for my plot?[/spoiler] [i](Abandoned Research Facility, Khalosh)[/i] *Lots of heavy fighting could be heard within there. Within the facility, five figures seemed to be fighting one person; this was Sombra, whom seemed to have gained a new body via splitting with her former summoner. She was fighting five Riders all at once; these specific ones being Kamen Rider Ryuki, Knight, Zolda, Tiger, and Femme. All five of them were seemingly losing the fight.* " five give up yet? There's something here I'm looking for and you happen to be in the way of that." Sombra responds, surprisingly bored in the face of war. "You're not going to destroy our world, you monster!" Ryuki screamed, all 5 of them barely being able to hold up their weapons from the beatings. "Then I'm afraid I'll have to take your souls." Sombra responds, firing multiple rounds of her SMG towards the four, blowing them up, leaving Femme to be thrown into the back wall. All that was left of the four previous Riders were Ryuki's damaged helmet, and four cards, each symbolizing the Riders, as Sombra picked the four cards up. The hacker then simply looked at her, before pulling up her Dark DiendDriver and sliding in a card. [i][Kamen Ride: Eternal!][/i] *Pulling the trigger, she summons a sixth Rider, known as Eternal, as the Rider pulls out his sword to end Femme, as her armor cracks and breaks, reveling fresh blood wounds and scratches. No longer able to hold her weapon, she simply watches as the dark Rider is about to end his life.* [spoiler]Open. Ryuki- Knight- Zolda- Tiger- Femme- Eternal-[/spoiler]

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                                      9 Replies
                                      • Edited by Cannon011: 11/25/2016 7:35:02 PM
                                        [b][u]ARIVAL[/u][/b] It's a calm, cold day in the dojo. The usual for a fall day. Suddenly, the calm is broken by the sound of a massive explosion shaking the ground. In the distance, something large and flaming can be seen falling through the atmosphere, crashing some distance some distance away from the dojo, crashing somewhere in the desert nearby. [spoiler]open, character intro.[/spoiler]

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                                          ... What is this?

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                                          • [u][i][b]Sphirinian Thanksgiving:[/b][/i][/u] *Sketch, Vorim'Tairn, Sapphire, Elvis and Garry were all standing around in a small group. Sketch was wearing his duster and his backpack, as well as carrying his silver-hilted sword, and his SMLE MK III sniper rifle. Vorim'Tairn was wearing his Sphirinian combat armor as well as carrying his solar pulse pistol and solar pulse rifle. Sapphire was wearing her exo-suit complete with it's propulsion pack. Elvis was wearing her disco armor and holding her disco sword. Garry was just sitting on a bench being an a$$hole. Sketch pulled out a megaphone and switched it on, cringing and flattening his ears as a high-pitched ring came out for a second. He holds it up to his mouth as he speaks.* "WELCOME, WELCOME MEMBERS OF THE DOJO! TODAY IS THANKSGIVING! AND TO SPHIRINIANS AND APPARENTLY THIS WEIRD WOMAN WITH THE ARMOR MADE OF TV SCREENS, THAT MEANS IT'S TIME FOR US TO BEAT THE S@&$ OUT OF EACH OTHER!!!" [spoiler]This is specifically a fighting post. Just have your character walk up and choose someone to fight with. Note: Vorim'Tairn is op, fighting him would be appreciated, but he essentially has the force and I haven't nerfed him yet.[/spoiler]

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                                            • Edited by Dain: 11/25/2016 5:42:04 AM
                                              Ignore this. Was testing the new account.

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                                            • *Shadow reclines in a chair in the Dojo Starbucks, sipping a bubbling dark-green drink*

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                                                [i]As Thanksgiving decorations hung upon the stone walls of the Dojo, a woman, probably not even older than eighteen, walked through the place of combat, humming a slight tune as she grinned ever so happily. It was only natural for Olivia to be jolly at a time such as this.[/i] [i]Deep red hair tied back in a long ponytail, Olivia's electric yellow eyes only glittered as she ended her tune, both of her hands resting within the pockets of a pair of khaki shorts. Upon her body was a white fabric t-shirt, with a carbon black tank-top underneath that. Olivia had no weapons upon her, although a red and white cloth talisman hung at her waist, in the case of violence. She clearly didn't seek a fight, but was willing to combat one if completely necessary.[/i] [i]She began to make her way towards her apartment, where she had some..."surprises"...for the Dojo and its inhabitants.[/i] ((Open for conversations, seeing what Olivia's up to, or totally necessary fights. ASAP: Just assume that Celon's following her, Lmao. I tried making this open for everyone XD.)

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                                                • [b][i]Turkey's dinner[/i][/b] [i]Everyone had been enjoying their thanksgiving, but for the Sandellos, the fun had only just begun. Matthew sat down at a long table with the highest respected gang members. Some of the extra guests included the vaquero and Shalidor. While the others were getting ready to eat, Shalidor was examining a book. The vaquero watched from across the table, somewhat cautiously. Once they were ready to start, Shalidor spoke up. [/i] "This turkey you chose, Matt, it's a bit small, wouldn't you agree?" [i]Sandello looked at him, somewhat annoyed.[/i] "Can't you just leave it, Shale?" "Not at all, don't worry, I got this." [i]Shalidor began to cast a strange spell, focusing it on the turkey. The vaquero spoke up finally.[/i] "Shalidor, that really isn't going to end wel-" [i]Before he could finish speaking, Shalidor cast the spell on the turkey. It began to grow rapidly, bubbling slightly. Some of the gang members began to walk backwards, away from it. Soon enough, the turkey was ten feet tall and alive. Began to stand up and devour the table. Sandello and the vaquero got up, and began to attack the turkey, but it only got angrier. Shalidor also attacked, but they needed extra help, as the turkey was constantly growing and getting more powerful. [/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                                                  • An RP for all RPers of any kind willing to fuel the fires of a new and great RP being reimagined from the world of Ingaunt RP. I welcome any of you to the family of the RP Den or the RP itself and hope you have a great time :). Here is an initiation to a new complex Sci Fi exploration and colonization RP called Ingaunt! It's extremely open to scientific freedom and encourages a good story to be made in order to hold your character's place as a legend :D Group Link: RP Link:

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