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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • [b][u]Help Me, I'm Handcuffed to Blake!!![/u][/b] [i]Downtown Dojo, 9:55[/i] Blake was skipping along the sidewalk, Chase forced to run to keep up and not look ridiculous. Blake made a sharp turn and ran across a street. "BLAKE YOU ARE THE LEAST CIVILIZED PERSON I KNOW!" Chase yelled. "You're stuck with me, Chase. So shut up, Mr. Mantz," he replied. "Get me out of this hell," Chase begged. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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    80 Replies
    • [b][i]A storm brewed outside the Dojo, a terrible one. It didn't rain, nor snow, nor hail. The clouds were pitch black, lightning crackling through the sky. A bolt hit the ground, and as it does, a man rises from it. He wears robes and gauntlets, at first giving him the appearance of a battlemage or warrior monk, but as he stands more modern apparel and weaponry appear. He looks around, mask on, it's crazed sharkface smile moving with it as he speaks.[/i][/b] "Alright. Where the -blam!- am I." [b][i]He says, looking at the Dojo. Well, God damn. He laughed a bit, walking towards the entrance. It was good to be back here. Wonder how much had changed. As he walked up the path, he spun a large revolver around his finger in his left hand. He approached the entrance, entering and heading for the bar section of the building. Well, until he realized the layout was different. Or st least different from what he remembered. He wandered for a bit, looking for his destination.[/i][/b] [spoiler]open. Stop him wherever you want. Even at the entrance[/spoiler]

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      51 Replies
      • Muted

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        • You Weebs...

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          • [b]Newcomer Path leading to Dojo 11:21 AM[/b] Click, clack, click, clack. The sounds of something mechanical approached the Dojo, increasing in pitch and volume as it got closer. Upon examination, it seemed to be a robot at 5"8'. It had a pair of blue eyes, and the designation of "AL-1-V" upon the chest plate. It stopped as it approached the now-open gates, confused. It opened its mouth as a synthetic voice played "What's this? Is this some sort of movie set?" He seemed rather young, or would've had he been human. He walked forward, and into the Dojo as he looked around [spoiler]Open, intro[/spoiler]

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            • [b][i][u]Bad Blood[/u][/i][/b] [b]Kross stood outside the dojo gates, which were open and revealed the inner dojo Standing upon his luxurious ox driven carriage was Iskandar, the King Of Conquerors. Kross simply stood several feet behind the king, looking into the dojo as If saying goodbye[/b] Iskandar: "Are you certain of this, Cinder Lord?" Kross: 'Indeed I am, Conqueror. My time has arrived. It will not wait for me to say goodbye." Iskandar: "But you could! Do not let restrictions keep you from friends." Kross: "You have a point there .." [spoiler]Open! [/spoiler]

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              160 Replies
              • Is this finally dying? Wow. *cries lightly*

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                • [b][u]Diplomatic Relations[/u][/b] A trio clad in environmental suits (Designed in a similar manner to formal wear) Made their way down the main road to the Dojo. Nobody paid them any mind, excluding a pickpocket, who tried to grab the valuable looking chunk of gold sticking from the lead one's back. As he tried to pull away, the suited humanoid grabbed his wrist, pressing hard on his ribs. The potential thief collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath. The leader looked at his compatriots, saying something in a harsh, scratchy tongue. All three of them laughed cruelly, and the other two kicked the thief in the head. They continued their walk to the Dojo, ignoring the slowly-dying thief. Stopping at the massive gates, the one with the gold chunk heavily knocked on them. [spoiler]Open, and tread carefully.[/spoiler]

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                  • [b]Leapin leprechauns...[/b] [i]its a very sunny day out a rainbow is seen nearby over the dojo. It seems like nothing out the ordinary but in truth its much more. A small man 3'7" in height wearing a all green suit with a green bowler hat carrying short twisted stick. The little man had fiery red hair and a bushy beard. There was a look of mischief is in the wee man's eyes.[/i] "Blimmey looks like i overshot just a wee bit there.. "he says [i]the man has very thick accent making him very hard to understand. He is looking around for a bit he seems a little distracted as mumbles to himself. [/i] "I need to move can't stay in one place for too long there always after me pot of gold"he says [i]he disappears again before reappearing every once a while. But he eventually reappears in a inside the dojo by accident in front of someone. He points at them clearly paranoid.[/i] "Ack... yee shan't catch me but ye are very welcome to try."he says [spoiler]you are the person he is talking to[/spoiler] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                    • [b]Repast Dojo courtyard A1 1:32 PM[/b] Alpha sat in the courtyard, sighing. She had her rifle on her back, and her tranq pistol on her right thigh. She had recently moved back from a planet far away. She was clad in her old Armor, anyone from the NTR, or had seen it before instantly recognizing it. She had her helmet in her hands, thumbing a dent where it had taken damage from an attack from the Alliance on the NTR Crusader. Her eyes were filled with tears, remembering Silver and his friends.......then she moved here, and was attacked constantly. First Silver showed up, trying to kill her. Afterwards, she was harassed and eventually tortured by Ian and his cronies. Even after all this, she still stayed here. But now, she wondered why. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                      36 Replies
                      • [b][i][u]ALRIGHT.[/u][/i][/b] For the next 20 mins, I will be active. Bring what you have, and try your best. FIGHT FOR GLORY FIGHT FOR HONOR FIGHT.... FOR OREOS!!! I'm using Shadow, so anything goes. Feel free to double team her, but if ya do, she can summon an ally. >posted at 2:25 Central Time<

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                        • Hi

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                          • [b]meeting new faces[/b] [i]she only been here for about two weeks and she is constantly being surprised by what she sees cause she never seen so many different types of people. Akiko just being naturally shy and skittish she spend a good deal of time running around as a fluffy grey cat. She was at the moment though laying up in the trees in her snow leopard form watching people go about their business without a care. But appearing above her is a small child with blonde hair and blue wearing a solid black dress. she is watching akiko like a hawk never having really seen a snow leopard in this area before.[/i] "Hey you new?"says the girl [i]the cat looks up at her looking at the strange girl that wasn't there before.[/i] "Um... yeah how did you get up here little girl?"says akiko "I have my ways"says the girl "Oh okay then your kinda strange"says akiko "Yeah i get that a lot"says the girl [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                            24 Replies
                            • [b][i][u]So you want to join the Mandos...[/u][/i][/b] Cannon sits on a tree stump, sharpening his sword. He's in his full armor, save the helmet, which lies in the grass. He appears to be waiting for someone, Nathaniel to be exact. [spoiler]Open to Roy.[/spoiler]

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                              229 Replies
                              • Edited by Orn: 3/12/2017 4:47:26 AM
                                [b]Chapter One (and a half) - The World Eater[/b] [b][i]Dojoville, 8:30 PM[/i][/b] "FOR THE DOJO!!" [i]A yell of leadership rang out above all of the gunfire and metallic screaming of Althreath's troops, as the battle only escalated into an even worse state. With the Titan Mercury still standing, now pushing even farther into the Dojo even with the resisting forces and the two-hundred foot tall Rider, the fight would probably continue until morning-[/i] [b][i]BOOM![/i][/b] [b][i][u]"...GRAAAGH..."[/u][/i][/b] [i]A booming roar suddenly covered the landscape of Tatakai - as a looming shadow appeared in the distance, a couple of miles away from Dojoville to be specific.[/i] [i]The hulking menace rose from the dust that it had caused with it's arrival, rising to a height of over six-hundred feet in total. It's armor was ancient, yet expertly crafted as well - two dull maroon eyes were present upon its head. It wielded no weapons, as it's chestpiece began to swirl and churn with energy.[/i] [i]The World Eater began to approach...[/i] [b][i]The Dojo Mountain[/i][/b] "Tesuto?! Royal!! Shadow, Zane - ANYONE?!" [i]Arianna yelled out, sprinting to the Dojo monastery as fast as she could, her dæmon Achreíos sprinting after her as fast as his nimble feet would allow him to. The two eventually reached the entrance that lead into the place, as Arianna slammed her fist painfully upon the doorway.[/i] ((Open to Dio, Sensei's, and anyone who wants to take on the World Eater. Hue.))

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                                54 Replies
                                • [b][i][u]Smallpox[/u][/i][/b] Fionn moves in on a valley, looking for a supposed Vex sighting in the nearby clearings. "Where are ya..." He mutters, his helmet hiding his face beneath the hood. [spoiler]Open to splashback.[/spoiler]

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                                  183 Replies
                                  • Edited by Royal Blade: 3/14/2017 9:37:46 PM
                                    [b][i][u]The Night Foxes[/u][/i][/b] [b]A figure moved through the streets of the village sometime after midnight.[/b] [b]Behind the figure was a second, covering the first[/b] [b]Finally, a third was seen following behind the two. Together, the three stopped in front of a building.[/b] "Ready." [b]The first and second figures took positions on the doorframe as the second kicked the door open. He stepped to the side and the figures quickly moved in. From the house, gunshots were heard as the street was lit up with the light from the weapons.[/b] ///// [b]Later that day, the Frontier Militia was on scene, keeping the civilians back. Pilot Jack Cooper was inside, waiting for a dojo member to arrive as he had sent a transmission out[/b] [spoiler]Open![/spoiler]

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                                    28 Replies
                                    • [b]A just a warm and lovely day...[/b] [i]it was daytime and it was surprisingly warm out. It was the perfect weather to lay around so in the grass where its hilly a small woman with silver hair and very dark skin. She was wearing gray tank top and tan shorts. She had her eyes closed but her catlike ears swivel to catch any types of sound coming her way. She isn't alone though cause the twins kimi and Keira are laying down close by sleeping soundly. Kimi and Keira were wearing the same thing so it was hard to tell them apart. They were both wearing dark blue t-shirts and black shorts. None the girls wore any shoes they just enjoyed the feeling of the soft grass beneath their feet.[/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                    • [i]An unsettling calm of the elements set across the land of the Dojo. All temperatures steadily dropped to an exact cold of -3 degrees celsius, very cold for any normal being. The wind was unheard and no comfort felt. The stars were darkened slowly to a dim glow, all but a single star. The North Star stayed bright. A wave of green washed over the sky, and rippled into the shining star. The star grew brighter into a vile green glow, drowning out even the Moon. For exactly one hour, it stayed like this. It seemed to hold the very soul of each individual, keeping them locked in an infinitely flexible cage of motion. It was impossible to understand what was occurring, only without a long lost man, gone to time. Even his son does not remember. The last man, if you could ever call it that, is someone who you would never want to face. One who was too powerful for even all of the Dojo. His gaze stretched infinitely, to every dimension and plane, to every world and soul. A cage was set for the free birds, and it would not break without the key. No one would be free now, no one can escape from the gaze of [b]Newo[/b]. However, there was only one man who could stop him now. He was a key, but needed shaping. Refining. All for a single perfect lock of evil. Would this man come to save his worlds? Who knew? Who cared? So, with a strange imbalance heavy in all persons' souls, the Star stayed bright. The climate returned to normal, and the rest of the night sky came back to life. The wind howled once more, through the lighted and dark spaces, small and large, wide and thin.[/i] [spoiler]Closed to characters, open to feedback.[/spoiler]

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                                      1 Reply
                                      • Edited by Haknir: 3/13/2017 3:54:29 AM
                                        [b][u]The dojo courtyard a1 5:00 PM[/u][/b] [i][u]A minor setback.[/u][/i] [i]The famous crime boss, Matthew Sandello, relaxed as he drank a coffee from the Starbucks nearby. He seemed less well dressed than usual and didn't care much for his appearance at this time. While he drank his coffee, he looked at his watch. It was obvious he was waiting for someone. About a minute later, a man approached him, one of his captains to be exact. [/i] "Seven minutes late, Henry." "Sorry boss, it was just so slow trying to get the numbers. Although it seems since the incident, we've seen a slight decrease in income from our patrons. What should we do?" [i]Sandello looked at the papers he had.[/i] "Hm. More than I'd like. On the next shipment, sell some of the surplus to the public. That should land us a bit more income and support. Does Marcus have it ready." "I believe so, and Hak has already been paid. I'll call him then, tell him to send it out." "Good." ------------------------------------- [i][u]2 days later [/u][/i] [i]A ship arrived at the port and five of Sandello's men walked off signaling to others on land. They grouped up and unloaded a few unmarked crates from the ship. After moving the more secured, locked up ones. They dragged the rest over to a street corner by the docks, opening them. Inside, multiple handguns and shotguns were lined up and stacked inside. [/i] [spoiler]Open for buying weapons, interaction, or fighting (which probably won't be canon unless you got a reason).[/spoiler]

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                                        20 Replies
                                        • [spoiler]Osprey's lab is now open if anyone wants to test it out for me. Read about it in the property creation, then feel free to ask for stuff. Payment required.[/spoiler]

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                                        • [i]"Bring Down the Sky...Again" (Terra Nova, Asgard Sector, Exodus Cluster)[/i] The planet of Terra Nova. Population? 4.27 million people. It had faced and survived a potential Batarian invasion during the Skyllian Blitz. Then (with the help of Commander Shepard) stopped Batarian radicalist Balak from crashing an asteroid into Terra Nova 3 years prior. Now? Not even aware of the situation, the Batarians and Cerberus ended up using a cloaked Alliance freighter containing nuclear missiles and plan on destroying the planet's capital, Scott. Behind the ship? Ready to jump into the planet was a hijacked Batarian dreadnought, ready to take the human colony if necessary. On it, were lots of Cerberus and Batarian agents. The freighter laid almost motionlessly, as if it wanted to take its sweet time to reach the colony. The Invictus jumped into the orbit, the Alliance freighter with the missiles in sight. "About an hour before they're in range of the missiles." Kasumi had told the crew in the galaxy map room. [spoiler]Open for Roy.[/spoiler]

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                                          96 Replies
                                          • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 3/7/2017 12:49:21 AM
                                            [b]Missing[/b] [i]time: midday Location: Deep Woods [/i] [i][b]several days earlier..[/b] its your average typical average day in the woods not is anything special or so it seems as a tall woman with long black hair and very pale skin wearing all black robes as she walks through the thick woods. As her shoes go crunch as she steps on dead leaves and twigs. The woods are covered in spiderwebs but they are home spiders that infest the woods. they are infested with spiders of every shape and size imaginable. Occasionally a spider could be seen crawling over branches and the like. Most would avoid this but not her as she continued to walk deeper in. But as she walked through the woods today she felt like something was a miss. As the whole woods seemed quiet almost too quiet. She continued to walk going even deeper in until she reach a part she never been before. This part of the woods was very dark cause there was hardly any light that shown through the trees because of how thick the canopy was. It gave the whole place a very ominous feel to it. The state of these woods was twisted and warped with age like nothing has explored this part of the woods in decades. She stops walking for a second its now she realized she is lost because she doesn't recognize anything part of this part of the woods because of how deep it is which as she starts walking again but something about these thick abundant brush just make her become lost for several days.... [b]several days later at the dojo....[/b] A woman with grey skin covered strange tattoos, purple hair and purple eyes named Sylvie is seen with a worried look on her face. She was wandering around the dojo asking people if they seen mia at all cause she went missing a few days ago. Whats worse is she knows something must of happened because mia's pet giant spider tiny came back without her and is now following Sylvie around as she asks people for help locating her. But she isn't having much luck so she sits down on the bench and tiny crawls up next to her taking up the rest of the bench. She looks at the large gray and black spider. She just wonders what happened to her friend. [/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                            59 Replies
                                            • [b][u]The Breakdown[/u][/b] It had been a long day, Angela had finally washed off the last of the blood off her knife and sat down at a bar, It was a fairly empty bar and most people were passed out drunk except one person who seemed to be handling his drinks

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                                              75 Replies
                                              • Edited by The WORLD1897: 3/13/2017 1:15:39 AM
                                                [u]The Dojo Ruins, Around Noon[/u] Pablo sat on a bench in the Dojo quietly, looking at all of the once completed construction he had funded that now lay in ruin. He had a stoic and tired look, and wore a navy blue sweater accompanied by khaki pants. He lit a joint, and smoked quietly. Business was dying. He had the money to get by and then some, but he was just left feeling empty inside. He rubbed his eyes with his right hand, keeping the joint in his left hand. It was coming to an end, he felt. He put his headphones on and placed a CD into his walkman. He pressed the play button, the music ushering a wave of calm into him.

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                                              • Edited by The WORLD1897: 3/12/2017 6:22:52 PM
                                                [u]A mile out of the Dojo, Midnight[/u] A cargo truck rolled to a stop on the dirt road. Ahead of them, a small van approached. The truck began to unload kilos of coke and the van driver stepped out, handing over a briefcase of cash. The nodded and after the exchange, the van drove off, back to the Dojo. The truck team decided to rest for a bit after the four hour drive. The driver lit a cigarette, sighing. [i]It was going to be a long night.[/i] One of the Sicarios flipped on the radio, and cranked up the volume. ((Open.))

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