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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • [i]Serenity is with her sister outside sitting under a tree but they are chatting in mer so what they are talking about is a mystery in itself. But what is the main question cause both are excited about something. As they continue to talk its clear that both are getting worked up over something important because leyla is starting to get mad and cross her arms. Its not long before leyla gets up clearly upset and starts to leave as she does she brushes past one of twins who just happen to walking past. Serenity just looks after her sister and sighs shaking her head while mumbling something in mer. [/i] "Did i miss something?"says Keira "Nah we were just talking about something important and she got upset that's all"says serenity "What she get upset about if you don't mind me asking?"says Keira "Oh i do mind and its none your business so you best stay out of it"says serenity [i]with that serenity gets up and walks away in different direction than her sister did. Keira is left wondering what made leyla so upset so keira wonders if she should find leyla and see what it was. So Keira heads off in direction that leyla went. It not long before keira finds leyla sitting alone by herself under a small tree looking off in the distance with a upset look on her face. Keira approaches with a worried look on her face then sits down next her "are you okay?"asks Keira [i]its awhile before says anything so just sits there for a second waiting for her to say something[/i] "Yeah im fine"says leyla "You sure you don't look fine "says Keira "I am really "says leyla "Your a bad liar i know your upset about something"says Keira [i]Leyla sighs sounding like she getting irritated Keira. Keira looks at leyla with a look of concern on her face. She places a hand on her shoulder then she sighs[/i] "Look if you don't tell me whats bothering you im gonna go find someone who you will talk to"says Keira [i]Leyla says nothing esle but remains silent. So keira just sighs and gets up leaving her be. [/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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    • [i](Courtyard B2)[/i] After getting out of the hospital, Velinnea dragged herself over to the lounge she had heard about. Last time she had a drink was back in the depths of Coruscant, talking with her loyal friend from the academy. She sat near one of the tables and simply laid back and relaxed in her chair. Sure, she hadn't ended up fighting since what happened a couple days back...still didn't mean she wanted a drink. [spoiler]Open. I'm a little bored.[/spoiler]

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      22 Replies
      • Edited by CzanMan02: 9/18/2016 8:42:02 PM
        [i]Vaer sits in a random courtyard, somewhat lost and unsure of where he is. He watched people walk by as he began to think, wondering if he would actually like it here as Sithis had promised [/i] [spoiler] Open. In case you didnt see his Bio, Vaeris a short skinny kid with white hair. He is also just 12. So looks way to young to be here.[/spoiler]

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        • [spoiler]Short lil' post![/spoiler] [b]Aaron sighed. His armored bum was placed upon a log of wood, one of three. Those three logs surrounded a decently sized crackling fire, it's warmth lighting up the area. Over the top of the heat, a piece of un identified meat roasted, though those carful enough to inspect would see that it was of a deer. His weapons lay to the logs side, a symbol of peace to a passerby. His helmet stayed on, curiously, and, even more so, the fact that he was in the middle of the woods. [/b] [spoiler]Open! [/spoiler]

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        • [i][u]Setting:[/u][/i] Dojoville [i][u]Time:[/u][/i] 1435 hours [i][u]Character(s):[/u][/i] Joshua Pendragon, Violet Acciaroli [i][u]Title:[/u][/i] "Dumbass!" [i]The birds whistled in the calm breeze as the bright, afternoon sun shined on Dojoville, with clear skies and cool temperatures. Leaves rustled in the wind, and it was mostly a quiet day. Sitting on a bench underneath the shade of a tree was a man, mid-twenties, who appeared to be sketching a picture of the family squirrels right in front of him. The squirrels payed no attention to the man as he sketched, as they continued to go about their business. They seemed to sense that the man was drawing them, and did not run away. The man himself had long, golden blond hair, and golden eyes, with tan skin. He was decently muscular, although it was clear that the man was built for a hundred-yard dash. He had a square jaw, and his lips were pursed in concentration. He wore a clean, white t-shirt, with faded, blue jeans, a worn, brown, leather belt around his waist. On his right, a rapier about two feet long was sheathed, and on his back were multiple things; a black longsword sheathe, with a pale, golden grip sticking out above his right shoulder. A quiver woven out of golden silk, tied shut by a thin, black rope. And finally a four foot long, golden longbow, stowed perpendicularly to the black longsword sheathe. The HB pencil in the man's hand traveled along his sketchbook silently and gracefully, the squirrels in his sketchbook looking quite accurate. However, the peacefulness was not to be undisturbed. From a building emerged a woman, about five foot four. She had a pale complexion, and deep, purple, artificial eyes. There was no hair anywhere on her body, including her head; she was completely bald. Her pale skin was smooth, and even though she was thirty-two she appeared to be a lot younger than she really was. The woman wore a loose, purple t-shirt, and black skinny jeans, her brown combat boots worn and old. On her back was a massive, seven foot long chainsaw, which was shiny and appeared to have been very recently washed. The woman's right arm was a prosthetic, and on its side was a small battery pack. A wire was hooked from the engine of the chainsaw to this battery pack. As the bald woman exited the building, she breathed in the calm air, sighing. She noticed the man drawing the squirrels, and decided to approach. Meeting new people was always a thing she liked to do. When she was close enough to see what he was sketching, she smiled.[/i] "Ooh, squirrels!" [i]She said, enthusiastically. However, the sudden noise made the squirrels run off, and the man sighed with exasperation.[/i] "Really?" [i]He said, looking at the woman.[/i] "How dense can you get?" [i]He muttered, setting his unfinished drawing down on the bench as he closed the notebook, pocketing the HB pencil. He got up, grabbing the notebook as he shook his head.[/i] "Well, sorry," [i]The woman mumbled an apology, not sure why the man acted the way he did. They were just squirrels, after all.[/i] "Didn't mean to scare your stupid [i]squirrels[/i] away," [i]She finished sarcastically as the man turned to the woman, slight annoyance in his golden eyes.[/i] "They aren't [i]stupid,[/i]" [i]He said, obviously not liking how the woman was acting.[/i] "They just aren't as developed as humans are. Would [i]you[/i] like to he called stupid be some greater being?" [i]The man inquired rhetorically as he struggled not to burst out in anger. After all, all life mattered, be it a squirrel or a human. Meanwhile, the woman laughed.[/i] "Uh, what?" [i]She managed in between laughs.[/i] "Squirrels are squirrels. They're not all that smart," [i]She said condescendingly to the strange man who said that squirrels weren't stupid.[/i] "Unless you've been beaten by a squirrel before?" [i]This sentence sent the woman into a fit of laughter that was hard to be stopped. The man frowned.[/i] "There's no point in talking to people like you," [i]He muttered under his breath, turning away from the woman as he shook his head sadly.[/i] "Hey, what did you say?" [i]The woman called after the man. She obviously heard what the man uttered, and now she was getting a little annoyed, as well.[/i] "I said," [i]The man replied, raising his voice as he turned back to the woman.[/i] "That there's no point in talking to people like you." [i]The woman grit her teeth, clenching her fists.[/i] "You should shut up," [i]She growled.[/i] "I wish you'd—" [i]The woman didn't finish her sentence as the man interrupted her angrily.[/i] "Be careful with your wishes, idiot," [i]The man only barely resisted punching the woman right in her nose.[/i] "You never know if they could come true." "[i]You're[/i] calling [i]me[/i] an idiot?" [i]The woman forced a fake laugh, staring at the man with her artificial eyes.[/i] "What, is there some magical wish-granting machine, now?" [i]At that, she actually laughed.[/i] "Ridiculous." [i]The man couldn't stop himself. His right arm moved with blinding speed, and he quickly drew his rapier, and with a gold flash a cut suddenly appeared on the woman's left cheek. She grit her teeth in anger as she pulled the seven foot chainsaw from her back, revving it.[/i] "You've gone and done it now," [i]She growled, anger clear in her purple eyes.[/i][spoiler]OOOOOPPPEEENNN.[/spoiler]

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          • Plot post 2(Royal): [i][b]The chase[/b][/i] *Vorim stood there after Mayor Sanders had exploded, leaving behind a small pile of fried chicken. He had told you to head to the next town over to try and chase down William.* [u][b]Th-That g-guy was weird...[/b][/u] [spoiler]Open for Royal[/spoiler]

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            • Edited by Haknir: 9/18/2016 2:23:03 PM
              [b][i][u]The vaquero Time: 17:00 Location: courtyard A3[/u][/i][/b] [b]After Ricardo had joined, he spent a lot of time walking around, examining the dojo, getting to know the place. He then went to courtyard A3 where he walked around the barren place, planning on building his dwelling place there. After a while, he got bored and wandered around for a fight.[/b]

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              • [b]Works walks back into Dojoville, he's quieter than usual, he just returned from being kidnapped by his old pal Jack after all.[/b] [spoiler]YOU WOULD KNOW THAT IF YOU PAYED ATTENTION TO MY POSTS! UGH![/spoiler] [b]He did some things there he should've done a long time ago, but he's oddly regretting it. All he could think about was another way out of that situation. He had hoped no one had followed him back to the Dojo but he wasn't sure if they did. He sat in Dojoville prepared, prepared to do something else he would regret.[/b] [b]Where he sat was on a building, he wasn't in his suit, it was on auto pilot watching everyone who entered Dojoville. He was sitting in a foldable chair with his sniper and a beer.[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                25 Replies
                • [b]Magrim, Blind Bandit, Maso, Winston, Robosamotur, Teriar, Hamilton, Jeremiah are standing within the dojo arena. They stood there, awaiting for opponents [/b] [spoiler]Open! 1 v 1, 2v2, 2v1 i don't care![/spoiler]

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                  47 Replies
                  • [u]A loud bell tolls in the night as the pale blood moon shines down upon the Dojo, illuminating all shadows which would drown the scenery in a dreary darkness if not for it's pale glow. Fast and frantic footsteps can be heard as a man in Hunter's garb runs down the street in a panic, his head turning at random as he tries to escape from an unseen force. A lighter pitter-patter of speedy and delicate footsteps can be heard close behind him, slowly gaining on his position. Now indulged in the feeling of full-blown terror, the Hunter spins around as he reaches a dead end. His hat falls back, revealing clouded and lifeless eyes paired with a grotesque and furry face, as if he was mid-transformation between man and beast. Drawing a large Saw Cleaver, he extends it and draws a hunter pistol, spinning in place as his pursuer gets closer. Suddenly, all sound dies out as everything seems to freeze in place except for the sound of a man breathing through a mask. In a loud bang, the Hunter's gun goes off with a bright burst missing a darkened figure that charges towards the Hunter. Raising his Saw Cleaver, he swings down only to feel the burn of two razor sharp blades slicing through his throat and arm, jamming themselves deep in his flesh. With a heave, the masked figure tosses the now limp body to the side and off of his blades, pouring what blood remains on the blades into two small vials, which are then place in a pouch on his side. Colliding the two blades into one large dagger, the mysterious figure begins to mutter to himself.[/u] "[i]Oh... What a wonderful night it is. If only it were not sullied by these beasts that roam free... I would have a rest and appreciate the scenery.[/i]" [u]He begins to exit the alleyway, humming to himself as he waves the blood soaked cape behind him with a small dance.[/u] [spoiler]Open for all, but I do need a Lieutenant to test me. I might be coming back, but I shall obey the rules.[/spoiler]

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                    65 Replies
                    • [b][i]Vaer's silence [/i][/b] [spoiler]if ya wanna know who Vaer is, check the Bio page. Just put his bio up.[/spoiler] [i]As Sithis completed his training with Vaer, Vaer yawned[/i] V: "is this training gonna be everyday...?" [i]Sithis smiled at him[/i] Si: "Yeah. You'll get used to it, you may even enjoy it like Suzuka." V: "Maybe..." [i]Suzuka walked up to them, followed by Cynthia[/i] C: "Hello Vaer! Welcome to the cult!" [i]Vaer looked up at Cynthia, and decided to keep silent, as he did not yet trust her.[/i] Su: "You okay kid? Something wrong?" [i]Vaer then looked at Suzuka, and kept silent. He then stepped behind Sithis.[/i] Si: "He is still getting used to this... his accident was nearly as bad as Isidro's. He'll grow to trust ya though." [i]Cynthia and Suzuka nodded, before going back to training recruits. Sithis then looked at Vaer[/i] V: "sorry... for not talking." Si: "it's fine. You'll grow attached to them soon im sure. But for now, wanna go explore the dojo a bit? Nobody should mess with ya if they see the patch on your arm." [i]Vaer hesitates, then nodes. He turns and walks to a lift, stepping onto it and being carried up to the surface, where he emerged in a courtyard and stepped off the lift, which promptly hid itself again. Vaer then looked around before findinga bench and sitting on it.[/i] [spoiler]Open. And just in case you dont read the Bio, Vaer is a short skinny kid at the age of twelve with white hair.[/spoiler]

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                    • Edited by Skatch142: 9/13/2016 12:30:26 PM
                      Plot post 1: [u][i]The Disappearance[/i][/u] *It was early morning in the Dojo, about six am. The air was cool and humid, and the sky was cloudy. The grass was covered in morning dew. A few crickets were still chirping but they were drowned out by the calls which started echoing through the Dojo. It was a familiar male voice with a thick Sphirinian accent.. Vorim'Tairn walks through the Dojo, calling out for Sketch.* [u][b]Skeeeeeetch!!! Wheerrree arrre yooouuu!?!?!? SKEEEEEEEEEEEETCH!!!!![/b][/u] *He reaches the cardboard box that sits right next to the inside of the entrance and starts banging on the front.* [u][b]Sapphire come out![/b][/u] *Sapphire walks out, still wearing her pajamas and yawning. She sounds extremely annoyed as she speaks and swishes her tail impatiently.* [u]Vorim, I'm tryna sleep. What's the matter?[/u] [u][b]I can't find Sketch![/b][/u] [u]What do you mean you can't find Sketch? He's probably off with Leyla or something.[/u] [u][b]It's Monday. We always stay up on Sunday nights and watch the Dojo together... We're brothers, it's our thing.[/b][/u] [u]It's Monday? I thought it was Friday...[/u] [u][b]That's not the point. He never misses it, not even for Leyla.[/b][/u] [u]You're getting too worked up about this. You already follow him around half the time because you can't just walk up to people and start conversations on your own. I don't believe that it really scares you that much to-[/u] [u][b]SHUT UP![/b][/u] *Vorim looks like he's about to cry.* [u][b]Just help me look for him!!![/b][/u] [u]Okay, okay. Calm down. Just let me change my clothes.[/u] *She goes back into the box, slamming the door. He just stands there, looking around with an extremely distressed expression on his face.* [spoiler]Open![/spoiler]

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                      628 Replies
                      • [b]Works is growing impatient, he wants to kill the Burst with Smaug[/b]

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                        • jesus christ i was almost done with this post last night before I fell asleep and it got DELETED!! for NO REASON!! *rage mode activated* *starts destroying everything* *accidentally blows the universe up* [b]The Shi Canyon 1200 hours[/b] [i]The noon sun beat down relentlessly on the arid, scorching, massive ravine known as the Shi Canyon. A blistering wind blew from the west, sending the dry sand scattered around the rocky terrain airborne. There was not a single cloud in the sky, and nothing to provide any shade for the inhabitants of Shi Canyon. The heat was almost unbearable; however in the canyon itself, a lone train continued along its regular path, and villagers in the distant town a few miles ahead of the train were yelling, shouting, and preparing for some sort of attack. Occasionally, rocks crumbled from the canyon's cliffs, slamming into the ground with loud thumps. The train itself had about 15 carts trailing behind it, with storage carts in the back and carts with open doors near the front. The ones with open doors were empty, aside from the fact that there were seven to ten bandits in each one of them. They were preparing to raid the village ahead of them, which explained the villager's actions. Unaware to the bandit train about half a mile behind her, a woman, in her early twenties, trekked through the arid canyon. She was used to heat, however her forehead was beaded with perspiration. Her golden-bronze eyes squinted in the glaring sunlight, and her long, waist length, bright red hair was drenched with sweat, doing nothing to help cool down the woman in the blistering heat. She was about five feet six, and wore a loose, sleeveless red shirt, with black, skinny jeans, which ended halfway between her knees and ankles. All her clothes were drenched with sweat as well, and her black boots were covered with sand and dust. She had a slight tan, but it wasn't enough to show that she was used to this amount of sunlight. On each of her hands was a silver gauntlet, MK XII FireWork Gauntlets, to be precise. They reflected and shined in the glaring sunlight, and were just as covered in sand and dust as her boots were. Soon, the train whistled by her from her left, and the woman turned her head towards it. She didn't know it was a bandit train, so she extended her left arm, grabbing one of the open car's handle. Jumping into the train, she landed with a loud "thump" into a crouch. As she stood up, she looked around the car, only to find that there were seven, tall men and women, each at least six feet tall. There were four men, and three women, and all had various deadly weaponry equipped. Knives, swords, pistols. Whistling, the red-haired woman raised her gauntleted hands in front of her self, and two, two feet scimitars extend from the top of the gauntlets, one scimitar for each metal covered glove. Before the bandits could draw their pistols, she had rolled towards one, stabbing her left scimitar into his gut. When the blade came into contact with the bandit's blood, the chemicals constantly coated on the blades began exploding into fireworks, a beautiful yet deadly spectacle of colors, which didn't affect the woman using them, however her opponent was covered in hundreds of burns and flesh was torn off. Spinning around just as the other bandits were opening fire, she raised the dead bandit's body as a meat shield, which took all the bandit's bullets. Raising her left gauntlet, while the right continued to clutch her meat shield, she extended her left hand to point her palm at the bandit directly to the left of the one she had just eliminated. A small, one centimeter long barrel extended from the palm, and fired a single firework missile in the female bandit's direction, which struck her right in the chest. Another explosion of bright colors, and the bandit fell to the ground, their chest blown out, and the bandit besides her suffered major burns as well, tumbling out of the open car door. Dropping the body, the red haired woman raised both her gauntlets palms towards the four remaining bandits, a barrel extending from her right palm, the same length as the other one. The bandits, stunned by the firework show, held their guns shakily, and opened fire on the woman. However their shaky grips on their pistols made for worsened aim; most of their shots missed, while the rest the woman was able to barely block with her scimitars. She made a mad dash for the other side of the cart, causing the bandits to miss even more, and kicked off the wall behind them, spinning a three-sixty mid air as she extended her arms so the two scimitars would cut through their respective opponents. While the blades didn't make too much of a deep cut in the bandit's necks, the resulting fireworks completely blew their heads off, sending a shower of crimson red blood, as well as beautiful sparks of color. The woman landed on the car's floor, and didn't even need to do anything before the remaining two bandits jumped out of the car, running for their lives. Running to one of the car doors, the woman looked out, seeing that they were still a mile from the village. Grabbing ahold of the car's roof, she hurled herself up on top of the car, and gripped the car tightly. Slowly standing, the woman began sprint towards the front of the train, to where the conductor would be. Her footfalls were heavy, her boots getting a good grip on the roof of the train cars. She soon reached the front of the train, and hurled herself through the window, smashing the windows so she stood right besides the conductor. Having long retracted the blades into her gauntlets, she slammed a metal-coated fist into the back of the conductor's head, knocking him unconscious. Aiming her palms at the fuel tanks full of the gasoline required to drive the train, the fingertips of the gauntlets uncapped, revealing ten, miniature flamethrowers, one on each finger. A second later, and flames spewed from her fingertips, onto the gasoline tanks, and the resulting explosion was a wonderful yet frightening sight to see. The entire head of the train was blown to bits, and the cars behind were moving only due to momentum, which they soon lost and came to a standstill. 40 yards away was the woman, lying on the ground, major burns all over her body. She had jumped out of the train just before it had been blown to bits, but that didn't save her from the burns. She simply lay there, gasping for air as she stared at the bright blue heavens.[/i] Open, because Fire gave me this character

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                          • (The figure walks up to the gates. It looks them up and down) "[i]inside[/i] space and time?" (He turns to mist form and dashes in) "Must be losing their touch" [spoiler]open for interactions[/spoiler]

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                            • [b]A Giant 10 foot Machine landed in front of the gates of the Dojo, holding a large box. Its photoreceptors scanned the area for any beings. Which it did. It simply stood there, waiting for a response.[/b] [spoiler]Open, Extremely short but that's due to me being lazy.[/spoiler]

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                              • [b]Stratos' metal core continues to waddle around aimlessly in the dojo, now with dozens of help needed posters glued to him. A closer examination reveals they have little pull off tabs with information on them. Literally none of have been taken.[/b] [i]>Sobs aggressively[/i]

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                                • [b][u]The training of the three[/u][/b] [i]Deep in the depths of the abandoned freelancer facility, Sithis was talking to Cynthia, Isidro, qnd Suzuka. The three were ovbiously angry with him[/i] C: "I simply wont accept being part of this cult! I dont wish to murder!" I: "Meh... could be a little fun... but also very sad." Su: "I may kill you for kidnapping me..." Si: "calm down... you three will be allowed to do whatever you wish, as long as you accept the invitation to join the cult, and you participate in the training." C:"....I may allow that, I assume you already know our powers... I will focus on just being a healer... or at least as long as Isi joins." I: "I will join, my life was becoming rather sad... this sounds fun." Su: "i-i... I guess ill join. Sounds like my ability of hurting people may just be useful here..." Si: "Wonderful! Your training will begin immediately." [i]The three nod, and Sithis grins. Now, because im a bit lazy currently, insert training montage over the course of one night, the night prolonging in just the facility from one of Sithis's godly powers.[/i]

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                                • Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/11/2016 6:07:01 AM
                                  [b]THE TWILIGHT WAS NOT YET GONE. The wall of dusk that coated the world in such large and separate radius's continues to expand and grow. The assault it seems, was not enough. Falk...Had tricked everyone. Or so it seems. The wall of dim orange flows like a slow wave, rolling over everything in its path. It coats the surrounding mountains of the dojo mountains, and makes its way to the tip of dojoville. Crowds of people begin making their way from their homes and up the mountain, towards the complex. The twilight continues to move, now just barely consuming the village for a second time. But then, stops. For now, the twilight is being kept at bay. By what...The dojo does not know. Either way...It's coming. It will take a miracle, or a man, to stop it. [/b] [spoiler]To you folks who are new. I have a massive quest called "reign of twilight." Please check it out in the group forum![/spoiler]

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                                  • [i]Darth Zaya sat at the lounge in courtyard B2. She had nothing better to do, so why not have a drink? Everything was going pretty well for once... Well, except for the annoying fool who was working the bar. He... Was a different story. He insisted she pay for a simple goddamn drink. She didn't feel like it.[/i] "Hey... Gimme another one." [b]"Alright. 5 bucks."[/b] "How about I don't give you shit and in exchange, I let you live?" [i]He hastily obeyed.[/i] [spoiler]Open. Short post is short but I'm bored and lazy right now.[/spoiler]

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                                    • [i]Elise sat in a random courtyard, not really caring where she was. She was a bit tired, as she had just gone between worlds to retrieve Cynthia, Isi, and Su for Sithis. She stared at the sky while sighing, wondering if she would get to chill soon.[/i] [spoiler]short post.[/spoiler]

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                                      • Edited by Orn: 9/11/2016 5:25:30 AM
                                        [u]Systems Rebooting Status: Fully Functional Mission: CODENAME: Dojo Chance of Failure: 0.00000000001% Description of Mission: HAHAHAHAHA[/u] [i]Rain pounded onto the brand new walkways and walls of the Dojo, water dripping from the buildings and walls as lightning flashed in the distance, thunder booming loudly afterwards. It was a rather stormy day, and awfully quiet. Too quiet. Well, it was. Until he began to approach. The one who started it all, if we're telling the truth. Gears revving up and turning, carbon steel plating wet with rainwater, the numbers "001" were engraved onto the robot's chestplate, his sides reinforced with more plating. It was an Assaultron, a rather unique one at that. Exactly 6 feet tall, each step the machine took left an imprint of mud into the dirt, making something of a trail for others to follow as dirt and mud covered his robotic feet, which where completely flat. As he approached the "Dojo"... He thought that was funny. They call it a Dojo, yet you never even SEE a samurai here! Tesuto may have counted as one, but still. You mostly see gods and the sort, not honor-bound Warriors from hundreds of years ago. Not like his previous fri- NO. He couldn't remember them. He'd break down. He'd lose control. After last month...that could never happen again. The robot suddenly sighed tragically, as if he carried a great burden with him as he approached. He stopped in his tracks about 7 feet away from the Dojo, his metal claws tightening on the grip of his machine gun, his robotic eye flickering and suddenly staring at the entrance of the Dojo, a deep hatred being seen within the singular eye. He could have busted in right there, right now. Blown these walls to pieces, and atleast slaughter some. Tear them to pieces. Rip them apart, piece by p- Damnit. He had to stay focused. That was why he was here, for Christ's sake![/i] [i]It didn't matter to him. The robot looked up at the gates of the Dojo silently, raising his robotic eye. He suddenly yelled out, his voice magnified.[/i] "HEY! Let me in, you b*stards! I've got NEWS!!" (Open)

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                                        • [u]losing control[/u] [i]mia notices that Sylvie isn't acting like herself. She become more withdrawn not talking with anyone. This worries mia because she never acted like this before. The vines that always grow where she is are more aggressive than usual. Mia walks closer the vines sway back and forth as she steps closer[/i] "Sylvie are you ok?"says mia [i]Sylvie turns and looks at her. But something seems off because normally her tattoos glow white not a bright crimson. Her eyes a dull and no longer bright purple.[/i] "I don't feel like myself"says Sylvie [i]Sylvie mind is fuzzy like something is trying to take over. She feels like something is trying to regain control. But just like that she blacks out suddenly without warning. She falls to the ground but the last Sylvie hear is mia shouting something but what is unclear.[/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                          • [i]Isi and Cynthia sat in a courtyard talking about how their training was going. Isi was being rather quiet, but Cynthia spoke loudly to him. Isi had a dagger with him, Cynthia had a staff with a rare stone floating at the end of it, probably for magic. The two wrre also eating their lunch, q pizza[/i] [spoiler]here is a rather short post for any who wish to meet my new character.[/spoiler]

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                                            • [b][i]Order 66[/i][/b] [b]Tesuto stood at the gate. Piles of dead LENNIES at his feet. The crisp smell of blood and queerness floated in the air and would only be contained by the twilight in which The LENNIES were coming from.[/b] [spoiler]Fuk ya I did that.[/spoiler] [b]His swords were tattered and broken. Chipped in so many places. The electricity died from them like the Lenny he just crushed under his boot.[/b] "Humph! Pathetic LENNIES! You think you can come here and disgrace this place?! You...will die. A horrible and tragic death! HAVE AT YOU!" [b]Tesuto presses some buttons on his touch screen controls, attached to his vambrace. The digital construction machines spark to life, and begin to construct something...around him. No...they are making him something. A few minutes is complete. The Massive, ten story tall samurai stood in front of the dojo. Exactly like Tesuto, but...MASSIVE. He takes the 11 story katana off of his back, and it glimmers with the dusk reflecting off of it. It's ignites into flame, and his eyes turn a bright red. [/b] [b][i]"YOUR END IS NIGH! FOR THE DOJO!"[/i][/b] [b]And so, Samurai Prime awaited his weak and puny foes.[/b]

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                                            • YOU DARE TO NOT SURRENDER?[/u][/i][/b] , . , . , . , . , . ,█(☉╭͜ʖ╮☉)█ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ , . , . ,▂▄▅████ █████▅▄▃▂ ███████████████████] , . , .◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤ [b][i][u]FOR THE KHANATE[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]Wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wortWort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort Wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort Wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort Wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort Wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort Wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort Wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort wort 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