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9/1/2016 10:00:43 AM
I don't understand why they can't just make a simple matchmaking system and stop randomising the game modes, not everything in destiny has to be random, even the game modes !? (Anyways) I like to play lone wolf most of the time but it really annoys me how 8/10 games I have to try to put beast mode on because of: A. I've been matched up with not the greatest team full of random's (which isn't a bad thing for me except for objective based games and of course when...) B. Its matched me up with a full fledged team as an opposition (communication and structured builds on most of them with coordination) I mean I find it fun to tackle a full team on my own, gives me a bit of a challenge which I like but I can tell my team full of random's are having a tough time as soon as I see my remaining team at the end of the game is only left with three people to fight of six enemies. How's about trying to put random players with other random's with small fire teams (consisting of two or three members) and dedicate a search for teams to match up with other teams... As for your issue it'll be fine if you stick with team mates and just work alongside them, the guys I play with aren't the greatest PvPers but I play with them purely for fun. I'd much rather have a team full of friends than a team full of sweaty guys that blame you every time they die. I don't mind if my friends aren't that great or if I lose a game, playing with friends is the main thing.. Plus I do very well pretty much over 80% of the time so I'm not too fussed over raging lol

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