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Edited by PoundLovesYou: 8/31/2016 1:27:28 PM

A bad PvPer's experience/take on SBMM - the built in system meant to help players like me...

[i]UPDATE: I just want to thank everyone for contributing to this conversation and for sharing their own experiences and knowledge. I have learned a ton already, and am glad that our community can have constructive, open conversations like this. I just want to say that I am doing my best to keep up with replies; however, I am in very poor health and it is very hard to maintain the pace that this conversation has. Please know that I will read everything as quickly as I can, but I encourage all of you to continue sharing and offering input actively, as it is truly a great thing for us to come together and talk about the game we love and dedicate much of our time and energy to. Thank you all.[/i] I don't really know why I am posting this, but after three games today with a k/d of below 0.30, I have lost all shame and dignity. A lot of people think that SBMM (skill-based matchmaking) only hurts the most talented players, as it pits them against other very skilled players, making every match a chore and ultra "sweaty." BUT... I am a lower-skilled PvP player, and I have come to realize that SBMM is really hurting my Destiny experience as well. The thing is, my best friends are all quite skilled in the Crucible, so, it hit me today in a bout of loneliness that I was avoiding my friends, because: If I play with a group of my friends, their great stats are a major matchmaking factor used when finding opponents for us to play against. That said, playing with my very best friends ultimately means a few things: I will get destroyed. (And) We are likely to lose when I go 2 and 15 and single-handedly cost my team of friends the game. So, as a result, i have been avoiding doing my favorite thing--playing Destiny PvP--with my very closest friends, which SUCKS. This is hopefully a little food for thought for those in support of SBMM to unsuccessfully make playing crucible as a lesser-skilled player more enjoyable (i.e. easier). Sorry for the lengthiness.

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  • This is why i hate SBMM sometimes!

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    • The matchmaking is rooted, it appears bungie has absolutely no idea what there doing! It appears to be skill based because I usually play the same players, I remember quite a few names! However, I either destroy or get destroyed, rarely a happy medium! Due to connection I imagine! (I know I'm terrible) red bar gods are rampant, my unseeing eye got directly outgunned by a (red bar) doctrine the other night, I didn't even remove the guys shield! And every patch makes it worse! I dread to see what will happen with all the extra people when roi is available.

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      I feel the same, I'm not the best but I had a couple of friends I used to play in skirmish with and stuff and when I play with my friend I normally always play with and one of these guys they don't have a good time at all. Not sure how that's fair, I guess Bungie wants us to make new friends and play with only people on the same level

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    • Just stick around, you'll go 4.6kd in a game eventually and have absolutely no -blam!-ing idea how.... That's how pvp works

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    • If you have friends that play well, watch them, listen to them, learn from them, your excuse is exactly that. When you play with them sbmm probably does place a lower skill player on the enemy team as well to match but you won't see him because you're dead and he won't see you for the same reason. Sbmm in its current form doesn't work very well, I think everyone knows this, but it's not a reason for you not to learn how to play better. No offense intended but a lot of people used to be crap who are now very good. Anyone can learn to be better.

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    • The player dase of destiny atm is low The only thing you can do now is pvp and the 80% of those players in pvp are very very good they spend 4-5 hours just for pvp Imo dont get mad/or lose your faith If you win you win if you lose you learn

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    • Yea you lose 80% of games now I have 2 acct in I'm pretty decent 1.5 n 1.8 on my shadow acct

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    • Just be better mate

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    • I feel you. Half of my friends that I play with every day have a quarter of my stats and it sucks because they always get destroyed and don't want to do more pvp. I really enjoy playing with them, but they hate playing with me because of matchmaking. Although one friend is getting much better by playing with me. Hope to further increase his skills with 1v1s with RoI.

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      2 Replies
      • Agreed with OP check out my post I made about sbmm earlier today

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        • Same happens to me!

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          • This is true. When i'm playing with clanmates that have a worse kd than mine (1.24), every game mode suddenly becomes a breeze. This is especially prevalent in iron banner. I get the best around or "on the bright side" with a ridiculous kd while they share the same experience as you do (2-15 something). For me personally, it's refreshing to the sweaty MM that i encounter when playing solo. But i know it's not especially fun for them, especially when we're losing. Playing PvP with friends could be lots of fun if SBMM wasn't as prevalent as it is now.

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            • Practice!

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              • I run into a similar experience but I'm on the other end. I'd rather lose then nit play with them at all. I just feel bad for them as going heavily negative can't be fun for them

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                • You can play 6s like control n clash with em. 1 person doing bad doesnt impact the team that much and they should be able to pick up the slack. U can also play rumble with them if your worried about losing games for your friends and rumble is also a good way of getting better

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