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Edited by SkinlessGorgon: 8/26/2016 6:37:10 PM

SGA : Avoiding lag and optimising your router for online gaming

Hi Everybody EDIT: Thanks for the likes dudes. Wow My 1st front page :) [spoiler]Hi Dr Skinless :)[/spoiler] This will be a long post, but hopefully worthwhile to most of you that think Plug & Play actually works. [quote]This will not cover any specific router or setup, only give you information on the best options, specifics are covered by the instruction manual of your router[/quote] I've been in this community since the Beta and I have over 15 years experience in networks and IT Systems, and lately people seem to be having more and more problems getting setup for playing online games. Most of you will say that I'm drunk, and you might be right, others will say that Bungie needs to fix their shit, and others out there are mystified as to why they are banned from trials. Lets get started. First, Destiny's PvP mode is based on a Peer-to-Peer host model. This means that when you start a PvP match, Bungie looks for other players right? Its also determining the host for a match. The host connects to the Bungie Servers, everyone else connects to the host. So its probably 90% not your connection or Bungie servers. PvP in Destiny means that you need to play against other peoples bad network setups. Secondly the speed of your network connection doesn't really translate to how good an experience you will have. Destiny uses about 0.8Mbps upload from your console to the host. It can be slightly higher if your host, maybe about 1.2-1.5Mb/s. So your 300GB download over fiber does dick all to help you. How can you fix it? Well for a start you know how Xbox One and PS4 have Wireless built-in to the consoles? Yes? Well here is a pro tip, [b]DON'T USE WIFI FOR ONLINE GAMING. EVER[/b] Always hard wire your console to your router using Ethernet cable. Ethernet is a pretty robust protocol, to the point where it can continue to function even if either your network cable or the cable plug or even the port on your router is damaged. I’ve had instances where a network cable was plugged in but not fully seated in the switch port. The system was online, but it was very slow and was seeing occasional packet loss. Sure enough, when I checked the cable I heard the little noise you hear when the little key/lock on the cable engages. Once the cable was securely connected everything worked perfectly. If you can't directly Hard wire your console to your router then there are other solutions like Power-line Adapters. [url][/url] These come in various forms but connect Ethernet cables over your house power grid. Clever, eh? Try to not let your little brother download a ton of porn while your playing Destiny. Also streaming audio and video eats bandwidth. A typical HD VoD stream can eat anywhere between 5 and 20 Mbps download and for low bandwidth connections this will use upload speed at the same time. Also try not to stream your gameplay either if your on. Its great to have people watching you and all, but its kind of like Netflix in reverse if your streaming at high quality. i think Twitch is about 3-3.5Mps, so if like me you have a 5Mbps upload then that's going to get saturated very quickly. If either upload or download gets maxed out then it will cause lag in the router. Yes I'm getting to it! That was only the start dudes, strap in for the long haul. Make sure your Router has the most up-to-date firmware installed. Always. Your router has the ability to dish out IP addresses automatically called DHCP. That's great and all, but your console needs a fixed IP address. The automatic one can change and this can cause problems for online games. Your router may have an option to set a Reservation, this will save you some work here. If it doesn't set your IP address on your console outside of the range of addresses your router can dish out. eg if your router can give out to, give your console Now you have a choice here. Use QoS, DMZ, port forward or uPnP. That's great but what does that mean? QoS is a way for modern routers to manage bandwidth through a technique called Quality of Service. If you're lucky, you'll be able to adjust QoS via the router software simply by selecting a category (such as voice, applications, or gaming) and assigning it a priority (such as highest or normal). This method is by far the least painful method of optimization. On my router I need to do it by MAC address. If you can also set the maximum upload speed to be 98% of the maximum. If your ISP says its 5Mpbs, then set it at 4.8. If you don't know go to [url][/url] and find out. This will stop your upstream saturating and causing lag elsewhere on your network. Put your console in a DMZ if your router supports it. This is just another way to direct network traffic to your device involves putting it in the DMZ. No, it doesn't ship to North Korea--it simply moves your device from behind the firewall and out in the open, where it can receive all traffic without interference from the router. This arrangement typically gives the device your broadband IP address--with all the vulnerability that entails. Such vulnerability is why each router has its own firewall. The DMZ is usually reserved for a server or a PC that you'll use for gaming or for serving Websites. Since a console is a sealed black box, its OK to put this into a DMZ. For PC's or servers this would be a last resort option. If your router doesn't support DMZ, then you have to either port forward or use uPnP. Port forwarding sends all traffic traveling through a specific port or ports to a specific device. This technique lowers the lag at the router and lets the destination device handle the processing. Keep in mind that a forwarded port then becomes unavailable to other devices. Generally, you specify the port number, the protocol (TCP, UDP, or both), and then either the IP address or the the MAC address of the device. Keep in mind that port forwarding doesn't support QoS and that's where the magic happens. Port Forwarding is a pain in the arse, and I'm not going to explain it. More info can be found here [url][/url] If you use more than one console on the same network, you can't use port forwarding (thank Jeebus!!!), you will need to use uPnP instead. Mainly it does the same job as port forwarding, but it can send the same port to multiple devices, automatically. I can hear some of saying " my router only supports port forwarding and is 10 years old", and some of you say " My ISP only supplied a modem that doesn't do any of those things" well maybe its time you get yourself a new shiny router. If you need to you can connect a router to your existing router by disabling any WiFi , putting the new router in a DMZ or forwarding all ports to the new router, then connecting the ethernet cable from port 1 on the the old router to the ISP/internet port on the new router. Then all your connections go through the new router. Some of you are saying " Hey Gorgon, why are you a dick?" , but most of you probably will be like "All the tips are really good, but I got other people using laptops off this connection. I cant kick them off cause they pay all the bills. Can I do something about them?" The answer is Yes. Yes you can if your router supports WMM or WME. If you QoS the upstream(upload), WMM is QoS for wireless devices on the downstream(download) Wireless Multimedia Extensions and Wi-Fi MultiMedia are two names for the same 802.11e wireless QoS service. By all means, enable WME or WMM if your router supports it. The setting will help with streaming applications such as voice and video on a PC or a mobile phone. You can even take this one step further if your router, and your devices, supports Dual Band Wifi. Concurrent wireless allows you to perform ad-hoc QoS by splitting traffic between the two networks. For instance, you could name your 2.4GHz wireless network "GeneralPornDL" and your 5GHz wireless network "Netflix/Facetime." Have users connect to the 2.4GHz network for surfing or general network chores, and to 5GHz for Skype or to watch HD video. "I thought you said this would bust my lag", well nothing can do that, but if you follow the above advise then you can seriously reduce your lag, and improve the quality of your network. There will always be lag, but its how you minimise it that counts ;) Skinless Out !!! TL:DR 1. never use wifi, always use ethernet. Use Powerline adapters if necessary. Check your cables are not bust! 2. Fixed IP for your console 3. Qos the upstream, or DMZ, or port forward (ewww) 4. set max upload on QoS as 98% 5. Enable WMM for downstream WiFi devices (you can adhoc QoS by using the dual band WiFi channels) 6. Maybe, enjoy a much less laggy PvP experience in Destiny [spoiler]This stuff gets my dork part tingling :p[/spoiler]

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  • I am utilizing wireless broadband on a Huawei E5766s-601 WiFi dongle. Ive looked into ways to connect this to my playstation through a wire but can't find any. Any tips on how to optimize this type of setup. Thanks for the tips anyway, even though i cant use any of them i enjoy reading about networking problems/solutions and it sounds like you know your stuff :-)

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  • No need to lie g. You showed your little brother every porn site he knows. Kidding and thx for the tips.

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  • I have up to 100mps download speeds and up to 20mps upload speeds and I am hardwired in with a static IP for my console. I have noticed that in any PVP or even PVE game I am always the fireteam leader by default. I am under the assumption that the Bungie servers ping the players and assign the fireteam leader to the strongest connection. Asside from Xbox server issues that happen occasionally I never have disconnection problems. I have noticed that players that I raid with or that I play IB with that are connected with Wi-Fi do have disconnection issues. When they get disconnected and then reconnect after some time, I ask them if their connection is wired or wireless, it usually ends up being wireless. Point being, before blaming Bungie servers which may be the case in some situations, check your connection, try a wired connection if you've been playing wireless. You may be surprised how much better your experience is. On a side note, in PVP my shotgun shots usually always connect and I attribute this to my wired connection. In that split second decision when it comes down to two shotguns, it'll be the hardwired connection that registers first giving them the kill.

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    4 Replies
    • Edited by chickengoujohn93: 8/26/2016 9:06:56 PM
      I truly believe that this whole red bar and lag situation associated with Destiny is exaggerated. I think a vast majority of the playerbase are using every excuse under the sun before they will ever accept and admit that they got outplayed in every gunfight that results in their death.

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      11 Replies
      • I got a powerline adapter and right after the April update, I kept getting network errors from Destiny, but from nowhere else. I was wondering if anyone else had the same problem. Asus dual band router....

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      • Ayyy saving for later

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      • I wish I would of read all this before I paid my isp to send someone out to optimize my network for p2p gaming... I probably would of f'd it up anyways... Great post!

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      • Edited by xxx: 8/27/2016 1:20:09 AM
        Ok, this is awesome(no sarcasm)! As an older guy who considers himself awesome for knowing to use an ethernet cable, my problem comes down to this.......where do I put the carburetor at? [spoiler]My 7 year old son said you should just make a video showing how this is done & explaining it in old man terms.....[/spoiler] [spoiler]I remember how badass my parents thought I was when I could set the VCR clock for them & now you just found my old person VCR clock[/spoiler] [spoiler]For you young folks, a VCR pre-dated even the DVD player. It was this magical device that ate VHS tapes, required you to adjust the "tracking" to get a clear picture & had a clock no adult could set, so would blink incessantly until the next child came along to set it.[/spoiler] Edit: I completely understood the references to porn, so I am going to go surf for more porn while I wait for your video. How the hell did we ever survive as a species without instructional videos & internet porn!

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        3 Replies
        • Thanks!

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        • Might I add that being somewhat bear your router helps too, as opposed to having it in the basement opposite the room your router is in. Like me. -.- I'm getting to the point where I celebrate having a green bar and have mixed feelings about yellow; relishing when im red because it wasn't two months ago when I was green bar all the time. Unless of course the introduction to SBMM is why I'm so laggy now, oh well.

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          2 Replies
          • I just got a huge [spoiler]luke smith[/spoiler] in my pants from reading this.

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          • Bump just for being an SGA post.

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          • Bridge Mode, OP. Bridge mode is what you're looking for when using your own router behind one an ISP provides. Turn off all WiFi Turn off DHCP Put in Bridge Mode The last 2 steps MUST be done without applying the settings. Why? You'll never speak to that router again without a complete reset so effectively you have one shot at it. Even if you do reset it, your putting it in BM so it's not like you'll be spending hours redoing any settings (hint: back them up anyway prior to doing this).

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          • Bump for later.

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          • Donuts. (walks away shaking head) lol jk jk Thanks for the info.

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          • Hey, thanks for writing this up. I'll take some time to read through but it is certainly informative for me. I do have a question hope if you don't mind to educate me. Why does or how does Destiny select which player as the match host? I play Destiny at two locations, at home and at hostel (I'm a site engineer, only back to see my family like once every 3 days) Home setup is a wired Fiber broadband with 30mb down and 30mb up. Speed test ping time is around 10~20ms and shared with other family members. Seldom issues, but I'm always selected as the host every time I solo que to all PvP matches. Green bars all the time, but do have some players with red and yellow bars connect to me. At Hostel I'm connected via LAN to a 4G wireless router to ISP. Down is 3mb and up is barely hitting 0.3mb. Ping is around 100~150ms. Surprises me that I am also always being selected as the host as well even with terrible ping speed. That being said, I'm not having issue with PvP, eventhough I'm a yellow bar, others are green, hits register normally and no teleporting players. Hope you can help me to understand, I don't want to be selected as the host every time. On a side note, I measured data consumption when I'm playing Destiny at hostel. It measured like 300~350MB per hour of data consumed. Thanks!

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            2 Replies
            • Good job... I would say I touched most of what you said except for the QoS... I never tried it.. However most of the issues is with other gamers network issue... or how far they are... and how to reduce the number of hops of my router to reach the peer of the other gamer's console.

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              1 Reply
              • I use wifi and never experience lag unless I play on a fireteam with my highly skilled friend from Denmark. Thise matches are always very sweaty and the gamer tags of opposing players lead me to know they're from all over the world. Then we see some lag. Not alot but some. But only then. Maybe I have magic wifi. But this lag only happens when I play destiny.

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              • Edited by Allah: 8/27/2016 1:59:07 AM
                For the layman, I'll leave this here: Adjust the flux capacitor to 1.21 jigawatts before attaching the hyperdrive to your new PS4. Read the instructions clearly, insert dick into toaster and set your phaser to fabulous. When using a words, have things prepared before stuff. If stuff comes through clearly, things are working and words. Lastly, friendship and words. See ya!

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              • Dedicated servers would help.

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              • Thanks for this, going to get a powerline adapter for my son's xbox, I'm hot wired already.

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              • If Bungie does this it'll be amazing!

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              • does anybody want to play hide and seek i need 4 message me on xbox one

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                • A lot of people, including myself, play plenty of other online games without any issues, specifically without the constant issues that Destiny has. From vanilla through today, there has always been issues with connection on Destiny, in PvE AND PvP activities. There is no excuse for it. The code is simply bad, and probably a result of shipping an unfinished game after scrapping everything a year before release. I can play 64 man BF4 games and have no issues. Titanfall, no issues. CoD, no issues. Destiny? Error codes out the ass, lag and disconnects. No amount of router configs or ISP help is going to fix bad code. I am tired of Bungie placing the blame on players, when it is clearly a problem within Destiny itself.

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                  • Good post, thanks.

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                  • This guide won't do me any good, as I am using my phone as a Hotspot to connect to the internet with my PS4.

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