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Edited by BurnRisingAsh: 8/29/2016 8:26:08 PM

A Legacy.

Jeremiah would be in the docking port in the Guardians tower leaning against a set of rails over looking the last city. Wind blowing lightly the breeze hitting is shaved head relaxing him. The sun setting over the buildings and sky line. Jeremiah would smile, the combination of wind and setting sun would relax him, knowing that the task before him was relatively daunting. His thoughts however would be interrupted as he heard foot steps behind him, Jeremiah would turn facing the sound of the footsteps . His warlock companion, Tralvia would be walking up to him, her hood covering the top half of her face from her nose up as she normally did, Feeling that the only thing people need to know about her is her wisdom and opinion. Jeremiah and her have been on several ruiteen missions and even some crucible training, all and he knew her well enough to trust her with his life. Whilst Jeremiah was rather intelligent he usually let Tralvia do the talking. She was rather skill in bartering and negotiation, she was even more stilled with a rifle. The awoken female would walk past Jeremiah and lean against the railing her hands holding most of her weight. Jeremiah would once again turn to her. "What did the vanguard say?" She'd turn her head back to him and give a soft reply. "Cayde said that this contacts name is Juzho. Says he used to be a scout for him but since has stopped answering the vanguard." Jeremiah look at Tralvia but remain silent. "If he does have information on what happened to the Skymaii fireteam...then we could finally find Vergail. It's most definitely worth the effort. The Vanguard has given us a blessings to find him and bring him back." Jeremiah would grab his helmet that was strapped to his waist and place it on his head. He remembered Juzho. In fact he remembered Vergail. How couldn't help? He was his brothers best friend. It's been almost 3 years since the fireteam of 9 guardians went to scout out the Vault of Glass. Only two of them returned. The leader of the group; Regina a hunter and Vergial a warlock. Both went Rouge and left their brothers and sisters behind, disappearing into the stars. The vanguard have been hunting the two of them for all this time and have had little to work on aside from Vergail notes. Now they finally have an opportunity to find them and what happened. Jeremiah would turn and motion Tralvia to follow and she'd abblige. "Let's go find us a Hunter..." The two guardians would walk side by side to their ship in the far right corner of the docking Bay. Exo units still finishing registration so they can take off. Their class 5 trupious vulture is a heavy class transport shit capable of transporting a least 6 guardians. It's useful for travel and can take a large amount of incoming damage but is not very fast. The lead exo Hau-16 would walk up to Jeremiah with a hologram registration form for him to sign. The exo would hand it to Jeremiah "please sign here. Verification and refilling of system is complete. Repair to the hyper drive is also complete but you must not use it for 48 hours. Your total cost is 1530 glimmer." Jeremiah's ghost Rizé would appear over his shoulder and scan the registration form as Jeremiah would sign it. The exo would nod and hand Jeremiah the ships activation chip "have a nice day guardians". The two would walk up the the newly cleaned ship and walk in through the back Bay door which would close after they entered. Jeremiah would sit in the pilots seat and Tralvia would sit in the co-pilot set. As they would sit Rizé would begin the start up process for the ship and take control. It would speak to Jeremiah "where too?" Jeremiah would impute some basic destination commands "go to the old Russia...Tralvia start up to operation information." Tralvia would summon her ghost Agius and speak to it. "Well?..." the ghost would float in between both of the and Cayde could be heard from it. "Okay guardians. Good old Juzho kinda went Rouge, his last known location was somewhere right outside the great Wall of the cosmosdrone." Jeremiah would look towards the ghost. "What mission did you send him on" Cayde would reply " we sent him on a simple scouting mission, he was following a large group of Fallen Devils then about 3 months ago he completely disappeared. Kinda weird that he just called us back up after so long, Look regardless you gotta find him,...alright guardians, go careful." The transmission would end and the vulture would take off.

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