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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
originally posted in: [DIGITAL_DOJO]
Edited by Pofeh: 8/17/2016 12:54:26 AM
[u]Fanfare plays loudly in the Dojo as a group of familiar faces line up in tandem. Well, one new face, but that doesn't matter. Hell, a lot of old people are there. There's old, nice Po, Edgy Po, Sueth the -blam!-in edgiest edgelord that ever edged. Even Robo-Bal is there, clanking like the bucket of bolts he is. Alongside them are different versions people, a proper list being Sueth, The Preacher, Edgy Po, Nice Po, Demon Po, Robo-Bal, Original Bal, Current Bal, Godly Bal, Angry Bal, even Judgement Bal. Finally, at the end sits Isole, the newest addition to the bunch. A voice rings out, a pompous and bold ring to it.[/u] "[i]Come one, come all! Face the fighters of yesterday, today, and even tomorrow! Fight who you want, but don't expect it to be easy! Well, that is unless you pick a weakling.[/i]" [u]Announcing this is Aldur, Usurper of the flame, the OP god-mode stomping son-of-a-bitch. They await challengers to appear, waiting impatiently.[/u] [spoiler]Here be the non-canon fight club of non-canon-ness. Come one, come all. Test yer strength in fights to the death![/spoiler]

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  • [b]A man falls from the sky, followed by some cabbages.[/b] Anybody want some cabbage? Anybody?

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  • [b][i]A cold, chilly wind bristled through the arena as she entered, an angered look on her face. Ailanna approached, her pale skin and bright red eyes glowing in the sunlight. Her thick black armor made her slow, but her skill in close combat, strength, and durability helped her still. On her back was a massive slug shotgun, and at her waist, a submachine gun with a drum cartridge. In her right hand was a massive, glowing sword, 6'5 feet long. Ailanna stood at 6'1 herself, but she waved the blade around easily. Staring at her opponents, she grinned evilly.[/i][/b] "Who's ready to die first?" [b][i]She said with a calm, almost delighted tone.[/i][/b]

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  • [u]Aldur raises his eyebrows as she approaches. He waves his hand, making a wide gesture towards the line of opponents with a giggle.[/u] "[i]Well, who do you want? We have a fine assortment of offers for your edginess.[/i]" [u]He starts to laugh upon saying this, wiping a tear from his eye.[/u]

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    "Good enough." [b][i]She smiles a little more, for being edgy was her thing, damnit. That was why she was created, after all.[/i][/b] "...Well?"

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  • [u]Aldur chuckles, the motions too the line of warriors again.[/u] "[i]Choose one, choose em' all! You can choose anybody here![/i]

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  • [u]Aldur raises his eyebrows, not entirely sure if they're serious.[/u] "[i]Do... Do you really want him? His bio was deleted a month ago and he's set for termination... Something about being too edgy and boring as hell.[/i]"

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    [b][i]Ali's face showed rage.[/i][/b] "Fine. Evil Po. Demon Po. Whatever the hell his name is."

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  • [u]Aldur sighs before motioning towards Po. A large beast lumbers out, but you know what he looks like and I'm to tired to describe it. He drags his hand along the ground, his fingers leaving long, black trails in the grass.[/u] A: "[i]Why does everybody choose the edgy people?[/i]" P:"[i]Because Balthazar's to much of a goody two shoes and everybody else is boring.[/i]" [u]Aldur chuckles at the concept, entertained for the most part.[/u]

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    "Damn right he is." [b][i]Ailanna holds out her massive greatsword with her right hand, the blade gleaming brightly. With her left, she grabs her submachine gun, grinning madly.[/i][/b]

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  • [u]Po cackles deeply as he creates a torrent of tendrils behind him, their tips bladed and dripping with a noxious acid. He begins to seemingly charge a ball of mist, ignoring her completely.[/u]

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  • Edited by Doos: 8/17/2016 2:30:39 AM
    [spoiler][url=]-The new blade, Dulthraki-[/url] [url=]-The Cursed Blade/Spear-[/url][/spoiler] *Maya walks through one of her access points, stepping forward, cracking her neck, and knuckles* [b]It has been awhile. A long while. But I have prepared and I am ready. I know nothing of you Demon Po. Bring it on.[/b] *She brings out a spear from a shadow point, twisting the spear head off. Then breaking the staff in two. It comes apart revealing the Fabled Cursed Blade. A glowing seal burns through Maya's clothes on her hip. And the blade releases a pent up wave of soft, harrowed and agonizingly mournful feeling across the grounds.* [b]Behold. The Cursed blade. The shadow demons within are powerful entities. I command them.[/b] *a scream erupts in every mind within visual distance. Maya then slides out another deep red hued blade. It has a slice down the center filled with a violet energy.* [b]The Blade forged by my Goddess, Shadow. It has many features, the main being an energy shield, and a few nice extra touches. Bring forth my opponent so I may witness the blades eagerness for violence.[/b]

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  • [u]A massive figure lumbers out of line, their figure towering over you at about twenty feet in height. Their body seems semi-solid, it composed of a blackened and charred body surrounded by red flame. A face forms, revealing a twisted smile that stretches across from cheek to cheek, a laughter let out that can only be described as sounding like nails against chalkboard. It drags it's hand across the ground, leaving the ground blackened and devoid of life. Po has arrived.[/u] "[i][b]Well, well, well... Look what we have here. A challenger to my power. Let us get this over with, as it already bores me.[/b][/i]" [u]Po waves his hand, and circles of black sludge rise up from the ground. The sludge slowly takes the form of large bladed tendrils, hundreds of them waving around gently through the air.[/u]

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  • *Maya grunts as sword in her left hand starts to become aflame. It wreathes itself up the blade, her arm and harmlessly encovers her form though the grass below her feet becomes charred. The Cursed Blade in her right begins a mental moaning chant, flaring Maya's seal to a bright burning green. She moans with a guilty pleasure, head thrown back, as she feels the power of the shadow demons begin to flow and pump through her. Her head comes back down, eyes blackened and glaring.* [b] The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Let us dance[/b] *Maya sprints forward. She disappears through a shadow point, reappearing behind and above, both swords pointed down before her, slicing toward your neck, but moments before she reaches it, she disappears again and shoves a now mentally screaming cursed blade toward your gut*

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  • [u]A wall of tendrils bursts from the ground in front of her, slicing haphazardly at her body. While she's pre-occupied, Po opens his mouth and breaths out copious amounts of black, murky mist. It pours down almost like a liquid, pooling around both of their feet. It spreads out about forty feet before veering sharply up to create a wall. Po moves through the wall before it becomes a solid mass, arcing over Maya and the tendrils. The roof shuts, but somehow light still pierces through the murky depths, illuminating the large room.[/u] "[i]Before we fight, I want some entertainment. You'll fight a few of my [b]guests[/b] before I'm ready.[/i]" [u]The arena solidifies, the walls preventing Maya from escape. A small portal appears thirty feet away from Maya, it's surface pulsating with dark energies.[/u]

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  • Edited by Doos: 8/17/2016 8:51:57 PM
    *Maya slides the tip of both swords into the ground. A recurring pulse starts to fill the room, wave after wave. It picks up speed until an explosion of murky shadowy smoke blasts outward, centering from Maya's position. The smoke clears and Maya is adorned in a full suit of fabled shadow armor. The armor has an odd effect of making it hard to keep track of the wearer.* [b]I have time. Bring them on.[/b]

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  • [u]The sound of Po chuckling reverberates through the coliseum, the sound bouncing off the walls over and over again. As he laughs, the portal widens to fit a being roughly the size of a human through. Slowly, an older man is pushed out, gasping for air. He's dressed in rags, and his hair is long and tattered. Scars from ages of torture can be seen covering his body, the skin tone differentiating in large amounts.he looks around frantically, slightly weeping after seeing the mist walls.[/u] P:"[i]Consider yourself lucky, my plaything. You have a chance to be free![/i]" [u]The old man looks around for the source before realizing it's just an echo.[/u] O:"[b]I won't have anythin' teh do with your games, yeh insane beast![/b]" P:"[i]Silence! Do you wish to go back into my domain?![/i]" [u]The man simply whimpers in response.[/u] P:"[i]I see that's a no. Then fight this lady and kill her, and you shall be free of your bonds.[/i]" [u]The old man stands upon hearing this, visibly excited by the concept of being free. Mist pours in from a small pool, forming a long sword and shield in his hands.[/u] O:"[b]I'm sorry, but I just can't bare to be under his control any longer...[/b]" [u]It appears that he is genuinely sorry. He takes up a defensive stance, holding his shield out in front of him. It is apparent he doesn't know how to use such a weapon however.[/u]

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  • *Maya sneers in disgust and steps through her shadow dimension to reappear behind the old man. She runs him through from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder and whispering in his ear. The man visibly relaxes before his body slumps to the ground, a gasp escaping his throat.* [b]Interesting. Is that really the best you have to offer?[/b] *Maya kicks the slab of meat and reaches down, plunging her hand into it's chest. She raises the heart above her head and squeezes it into a liquid pulp* [b]Try again big boy.[/b]

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  • [u]A menacing laughter echoes throughout the chamber as the old man falls to the ground. His body is slowly absorbed as a portal emerges under him, it eating away at his flesh.[/u] "[i]Yes, yes! Such brutality, but the only outcome. You have done him a favor, you know. He was one of my favorites, so he got [b]special[/b] attention... No matter. You entertain me, mortal. What I would give to have you as my plaything... Alas, such is not to be. Now, let us test your will, shall we?[/i]" [u]Four more portals appear, revealing four younger children. They huddle together, their skin covered in fresh cuts and bruises from torture. They whimper, but do not speak.[/u] "[i]Kill them. I wish not to keep them in my domain much longer, as they can scream no more.[/i]" [u]Upon hearing Po's voice, tears well up in the smallest ones eyes. The tallest one moves in front of them, creating a shield with his body.[/u]

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  • *Maya stares at Po, glaring, as she raises a hand into the air. Shadows from her dimension wash out over the children. A gas within knocks them out and the smoke pours into their throats. Killing them easily.* [b]Bahhh. You disgust me. [/b]

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  • [u]Even louder laughter bursts out upon her finishing the sentence. The stadium shakes with his laughter, it seemingly multiplied by the echoey substance that makes up the walls.[/u] "[i]If that disgusts you, then you best not ask what I did to take their voices.[/i]" [u]Silence encumbers the room as Po makes his final preparations for his entrance.[/u]

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  • *Maya snarls and starts chanting to the shadow demons in her blade. Allowing them even more access for possession.* [b]So be it. [/b]

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  • [u]A large portal opens, and from it comes a beast so evil that words cannot even describe. It's body is covered in armor resembling that of tortured beings, faces of agony covering it's putrid black body. In it's hand lay a massive scythe, and in the other a chain whip soaked in blood.[/u] "[i]Now, let us learn who has the stronger will, me..[/i]" [u]He waves the scythe to his side.[/u] "[i]Or you.[/i]"

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  • *Maya finished the chanting, her shadow armor aglow with designs. Her eyes, two blue flames. Her swords, one ablaze in light. The other sucking light from the air around it, gripped in her fists. She steps forward into a low stance, rearing for his first move* [b]Jeeeezuus. Finally you show up. What are you waiting for?[/b]

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  • [u]Po swings the scythe too and fro, obviously bored.[/u] "[i]I had to simply get my scythe and armor. It's hasn't been used in such a long time, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.[/i]" [u]He slices mockingly at her, the blade so slow it could be easily dodged[/u]

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