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Edited by The Fighting Lion: 8/12/2016 10:16:35 PM
Ktan Dantaktee and a bunch of others had a very valid point below. Using set bonuses in the traditional sense that you're talking about wouldn't be great. It would further dismantle variation and style, which this game sorely needs. Not to mention, 99% of raid gear looks like trash and min-maxers would be forced to wear an entire ugly set of gear for whatever bonus. This can be fixed one of two ways, the latter being much more complex. 1. Just implement a wardrobe system. For each armor slot in your inv you have a cosmetic slot. Armor slot is whatever piece you're actually wearing, wardrobe slot what everyone sees. 2. Find a way to tether set bonuses to gear using a socket system or something like. If you wanted set bonuses tied to the hive then run certain hive related activities to gain a mark, gem, mote, device etc. to augment a given piece of armor. Collect however many of each type, boom, non gear restricted set bonuses.

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