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8/9/2016 4:43:43 AM

Is anyone else inconsistent as hell? Lol

Okay look I'm not a pvp god or anything. Hella average. BUT I have games (usually in a row) where I have like 25 kills and 4 deaths. Every shot is on point. Snipes? Pssshhh hitting like a shotgun main claims snipers hit. All I can think is hot diggty damn I'm -blam!-ing killing this game. Then for about 10 games in a row i may scrape by with a crispy .10 KD. Trials? Trials? Shoot I'll smack people with 2200 Elos and then lose to people with 1400 Elos.. Blows my mind how inconsistent I am and it's absolutely nerve racking. Lol. Any one else feel my pain?

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  • Edited by TrulyDontCare: 8/9/2016 8:03:37 PM
    I'm definitely inconsistent. It's normal for me to get around 2.0 for a few matches, then get like .7 for a few immediately afterwards. I -blam!- around a lot in PvP, so my k/d ends up all over the place. Even when I'm being competitive I'm still inconsistent, though. I don't deny it.

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    • This is me, all the time.

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      4 Replies
      • It's not just you. Games are inconsistent. I go from 4.0 kd to 0.4 to 1.6 kd

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        • I think Destiny's PvP is also RNG!!!! Bungie has a button which says when specific regions/ ISP's may get kills, between specific times. Last time i went flawless like easily. I didn't trust it and then i looked my Dutch friends up on D.tracker and even the biggest noobs went flawless on that day. It's almost always that on specific days players from specific regions also may go flawless. .....and players living near Destiny "servers", with specific internet connections. And believe me: All hardcore players have almost the same skills. But only the lucky few may use them and get rewarded. The other skilled players can do what they want, but mostly they see the enemies much too late on their screens or their bullets are not being registered.

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        • During iron banner I went from 0.5 to 10.0

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          • I'm very consistent.... I suck all the time.

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            2 Replies
            • You wanna see inconsistency? Wait til IB comes out again and peep my stats after it's over. 4-5 K/D games, absolutely wrecking the other team. Next day, STRUGGLING to keep a 0.7 K/D game.

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              • Edited by JTAssassins: 8/9/2016 7:35:00 PM
                Not anymore, lately I've been able to compete every game and do relatively well

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                • I go from 0.%s to 9.0s ;)

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                • Edited by zJDz: 8/9/2016 7:38:43 PM
                  Sounds about like what happens to me. I am pretty sure that is mostly SBMM and the rest is just the fact that no one is perfect and we all make mistakes even the best of the best. My kd goes up and down between 1.2 and 1.3. What I notice is I will do really well for like a week then it's like Bungie is like "alright we need to put this guy back in his place put him against 2.0 and 3.0 kd players in every game mode for a week so that he hates destiny and is ready to quit. Then when he is about to break we throw him in a game against .5 kd players so he gets a we ran out of medals and suddenly thinks he is amazing at pvp. After that let him play against players at or below his skill for a week. Then we start the process all over. Hahaha this is how we keep them playing destiny." Evil laughs ensue by Bungie.

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                  • Well that's because of SBMM

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                    • Edited by SlyBlueCat: 8/9/2016 5:38:38 PM
                      2 shot by Mida, does it all the time.

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                      • Edited by NonOffensiveID1: 8/9/2016 7:45:52 PM
                        I think there are some unknown variables in PvP. I'm not good at PvP, so I have bad games often. There are things I know are because of the great P2P connections, but it seems that every once in a while, I have extra health or better aim. I remember when I was trying to complete the salvage grimoire and I am positive that the disruption time for my team was slowed down while the other team was sped up. I was counting up to 10 seconds for our end and it wasn't taking any longer than 5 seconds for the opposing team to disrupt our relics.

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                        that's probably because even SBMM in this games is RNG-based ;)

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                        Yep. I feel that almost everyday

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                        • I feel your pain more than you know

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                          • I'm there with you.

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                            I feel you... Some games you can do no wrong other games you can't get out of the way of death. Just happy to see you aren't complaining and blaming. GG

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                          • Everyday, I feel like we are playing against some hidden algorithms that Bungie has in place . Totally frustrating

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                            • Their are people much worse and much better than you, SBMM does a bad job at putting you against people of your skill. ELO doesn't mean anything to me, except that the people with high ones only play with good players never alone and never with bad players.

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                            • It's Bungie's 50/50 win loss policy. They push it so that you win half of the games you play and lose the other half. Melee's won't connect. Bullets that you KNOW hit, aren't hitting, spawns are against you, anything Bungie can use to their advantage, they will use. Destiny is a numbers game after all. RNGesus rule these parts.

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                            • P2P connections - that's why.

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                            • I've observed this as well. Some games, I excel. Some, I hold my own. And some, I get pancaked. And let me tell you, I'm an experienced player if an unskilled one, so I know when I'm fighting against experts. Sometimes I'm matched with players at my level, and others I'm hopelessly outmatched. I wish I knew the algorithms for their SBMM...

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                            • Edited by ElTeaSweetness: 8/9/2016 7:28:37 PM
                              Dude, I think Bungie moves us around on purpose. I think they throw you into matches way out of your KD zone to level the field. Go check your win/loss history, my guess is it sitting right around 1/1 or winning 50% of the time. That could def factor into it. Also, I'd say doing well in Crucible at this point generally takes a LOT of focus. Some nights I just don't have it. I dunno 🤔

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                            • Always lol I try to run trials after playing around in crucible for a bit to get warmed up. Gotta find that groove else I'm hit or miss -_-

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                            • It's when I try different things where I become inconsistent. I can't get use to how slow I am without Mida

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