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8/3/2016 11:52:02 PM
With all this new stuff, I'm excited as a Destiny player to see what Year 3 will hold for us. I understand Bungie not pulling the raid weapons and raid class items through (we all saw that one coming, they serve no purpose in the next expansion), and I'm not surprised they're bringing in more exotics. As a player, I have spent the last month and a half finishing out (ok, the term is grinding but still) the Moments of Triumph for Year 2 (and boy, oh boy, it was fun). I've got my loadout for Year 3 already completed, what with collecting my Iron Banana toys and my other Prison of Elders toys for the coming year. As a player, I'm kinda at that point where I'm bored and I've been playing Tom Clancy's The Division Underground DLC to pass the time while I wait for the Bungie gods to release their next big thing. On the matter of hype, Bungie has done nothing but show us what they're going to do with Destiny. We all remember when they hyped up the game and it came out looking like a literal pile of crap. No one liked it. However ever since April, I've seen nothing bad from them. They fixed up the game to a reasonable state, and it'll do till the RoI come out. I think their hype has been appropriately distributed and think they are not gonna bs us this time, but only time will tell...

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  • So way to go on contradicting yourself in the same post. You talk about how good Destiny is and how much fun you have grinding for the stuff and then proceed to talk about a different game on Bungies forums. Lets not talk crap on a game that millions like. If your going to do so go do it on reddit like the rest of the internet trolls.

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  • Funny how you say go to Reddit like the rest of the trolls when you yourself are one of these "trolls". Perhaps you should follow your own advice, m8.

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  • Way to obviously try and steal my name buddy. Can you not come up with somthing original used to be pro_eagle_gaming

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  • Apparently you've never heard of the concept of jokes, or you would have caught on to it. Furthermore, you have no claim to the name or any of the like. Can't do that, kiddo. On a side note, I don't think you or anyone you associate with is "pro" by any means given how you treat others. But that is just my humble opinion. On another side note, I do take pride in borrowing your call sign, I rather like it. And the v2? Well the original Lord Shadow sucks. Version 2.0 (aka me, ShadowEagle0117) is way better and now comes with 100% less dickish behavior. Have a nice day.

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  • You say better but cant even give correct information to people who are asking legitimate questions. The v2 just makes you look like you are a fanboy of the original. If you want to make a point and try to be the better you would just go on your way and not try and use my name.

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  • It clearly wasn't crap. And people clearly liked it. As there were 700,000 active users as of the dark below.

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  • I don't think it looked like a crap, just wasn't what most were expecting.

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  • @ShadowEagle0117, clearly you didn't think it was crap because you are still playing Destiny. And Bungie has Hyped up Rise of Iron, YOU just choose not to see it, or are just so self-centered that you honestly believe that WHAT YOU THINK is LAW. That is NOT the case. I hope you enjoyed being carried during Year Two, because I doubt you will be carried through Year Three. Enjoy.- Lord Arawn

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