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Edited by Ness: 7/14/2016 9:20:58 PM
Sorry man, but most of those changes would kinda make snipers unnecessarily difficult to use. Slowing down the dragging speed of sniper rifles would make it too difficult to pull of drag shots, which in my opinion, take a great deal of skill. Aim assist has nothing to do with helping me with this since I can use my Final Boss (which has an aim assist value of 14) just as well as I can use my Long Bow (AA value of 69). I know you didn't mention aim assist, but I know this is likely a reason why people hate drag snipes. However, aim assist isn't always to blame. As for nerfing snapshot, that's very unnecessary and it would make snipers much less useful as they take a while to ADS more. I think people don't appreciate the amount of skill it takes to quick scope someone as it certainly isn't easy. It's arguably the most difficult way to kill someone since you aren't event using aim assist before you scope in. I don't think it's the equivalent of nerfing shot package at all. Having been a shotgunner myself the majority of year 1, even if thought taking away shot package was necessary. I'd say the equivalent of that for snipers was Final Round as that was in fact a ridiculous perk have. I don't mean to offend anyone, but nerfing the body shot damage of a sniper rifle is probably the worst idea I have heard as a suggestion to nerf sniper rifles. I'm pretty sure people would be mad if we nerfed body shot damage for shotguns as they already can kill you with a single body shot. So why do that to sniper rifles if you still live after a body shot? If you get hit by a body shot, you should do something immediately to move out of the way. Too many people I've seen try to challenge when they are low health, or they make poor decisions when trying to evade any incoming fire after the body shot. You are already punished by having a body shot since you basically just wanted special ammo unless you can clean up the kill. While this happens more often at closer ranges, better players will easily get away from a body shot at a farther distance. There is no reason to take out the low zoom scopes either. If that happens, it would only be fair to nerf all range perks on shotguns, because they're only intended for close quarters, right? No nerfing should be done to any special weapons in my opinion as they are all balanced. If anything, shotguns have the upper hand in comparison to sniper rifles. But since I don't think they're an issue, I don't think they should be nerfed. If you guys all want to push for a nerf to sniper rifles, you are putting the hard work of thousands of players to waste. Yes, they'd still be able to use them, but they wouldn't have as much fun. As for the quick scoping, if you get killed by that, you were outplayed. I know this sounds like a "get good" statement, but I don't want a nerf to happen simply because people have refused to adapt to them. If there is any nerf that should happen to snipers, it should be increased flinch. But tinkering with the speed of the weapon is very unnecessary. Unless you want a shotgun meta, I suggest we don't push for a nerf. Have your opinion, but don't push changes that would break the game. I also thought I'd note, every person that I've seen complain about snipers happens to be a shotgunner. Maybe you should try using these weapons yourselves before you are so quick to nerf them. As I've said before, I'll be more than happy to review any footage of someone getting sniped so that I can assess what any of you may have done wrong. We all make mistakes, so we should address them before we nerf snipers too quickly.

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