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Edited by Kone19ps: 7/1/2016 4:00:57 PM
[quote]We use the arguement that they havent changed much because it is true, they havent. The game has basically changed around sniper rifles and everything else has been nerfed to the point where snipers rifles are allowed to reign above all weapons because bungie deemed those weapons nerf worthy, and snipers ait where they always have.[/quote] Then why bother stating it? What does it add to your argument that they haven't changed unless you are using it as a reason to rebuff everything? Which in my opinion as i stated before was a broken meta to begin with and snipers escaped it for the same reason sniping is popular in every fps. Views and publicity. Sniping gets views and bungie doesn't seem to actually want a primary based game. That's why I dislike the they haven't changed argument so much. It's meaningless without the context of wanting a return to no damage fall off, 2 burst weapons, and a near cod level ttk, which I'm vehemently against. The primary ttk is perfect to me. Making snipers not the only think left untouched, they were the only thing left still broken. The shotgun meta also ruled well into ttk even. [quote]At this point in destinys life cycle we will have seen nearly everything in the game get nerfed, and they will continue to get nerfed as that is what people deem is right for this game, and that is what is incredibly wrong with this game. If that is what you want to see happen im not going to stop you from voicing your opinion. If snipers get nerfed i'll live with it, and all snipers alike will live with it, the good players really dont mind, it just makes us use everything even better than we had to before, making us that much more annoying in game. [/quote] Thats what I'm doing now which is creating a meta I hate where specials are special because they kill fast [b]and[/b] are available instead of restricted like halo which balanced them being overpowered compared to some primaries. I have a heavy bias towards halo and I freely admit it. There are plenty of twitch shooters already and I don't want destiny to be one as well. [quote]Ive played through year one, ive dominated with a sniper rifle since the alpha, low aim assist and all and not even another good sniper, thorn,tlw,hawkmoon,suros or vex would stop me from decimating teams on a good day. A good sniper will always just be a good sniper, no matter the change.[/quote] Of course but they will be even better when they can abuse mechanics such as the ability to easily challenge while under fire which high aim assist exacerbates and easily drag scope at close distance. [quote]If you are looking for a reduction in the use of snipers in game then sure, reducing aim assist values and increasing archetype variety would be a good start. Removing hidden hand wont do much and Increasing flinch may curb the effectiveness of snipers but then we will all find a way to get unflinching snipers and then more problems arise and more nerf post are made.[/quote] hidden hand is plus 20 aim assist removing it would be a significant change to weapons breaking archetype with aim assist as a differential which right now it no longer is. As for unflinching that is the same problem as counterbalance and shot package. Unflinching should help marginally not so much it causes an archetype break like those two or hidden hand. It also would allow base stats to improve somewhat. Things like the hakke pulses have such garbage recoil because they have to compensate for much effective counterbalance and stability perks are at reducing it. If unflinching makes sniping through headshots possible again then it needs a nerf. My whole basis for nerfing what I propose is centered around this fact. Snipers when under fire should not be able to sustain a gunfight especially when headshot. Anything that allows this should be rebalanced. [quote]Every nerf has an effect on this game, and the player base will find a way around it and abuse the next best thing. A good sniper will not stop being good at point blank range or across the map no matter what changes happen. Id prefer if we were to start buffing weapons and subclasses again, this nerf mentality always makes the game less fun. Im the vast minority i guess.[/quote] The nerf mentality is born from not wanting a higher overall ttk like cod. Personally I think the average primary is where they need to be. Shotguns are balanced except for the conspiracy theory archetype which I think should just be removed and replaced with a chaperone archetype so the other shotguns can gain a little more viability with a buff so they at least outcompete melees. Fusions I love but have a similar problem with thesian and plans completely out performing many from their bolt spread. I don't want to see them nerfed and with shotgun changes that I stated I don't think they would need to be. Snipers are the main thing that breaks their intended effective role. Because their mechanics are ripe for abuse.

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