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originally posted in: Straight up, RIP strikers
6/28/2016 9:26:11 PM
LETS ALL JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON THAT THE FORUMS ARE TOO BLAME! Go watch PlanetDestiny's podcast interview with crucible designers. Nobody is ruining the striker class except for strikers themselves. I mean how many of you [i]don't[/i] run Shoulder Charge?

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  • So you are saying that strikers SHOULDN'T use SC?? God forbid there be something fun to use in this game huh? Everybody stop having fun, stop liking things too......or we will have to nerf the fun right out

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  • Blame Bungie not me. "They nerf based on statistics. If one thing is being used significantly more than the other, bring it down to the other's level." Bungie's logic.

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  • Trust me, you want me running sc over jug and remote. I have a helmet to grant unstoppable, but sc is more fun if I want to run and gun. Honestly, if they nerf it, everyone will HAVE to run jug and shotgun or abandon striker because it will have absolutely no neutral game. You don't want all the strikers juggling it, and let's be honest, you'll nerf cry anything that isn't your class. Nightstalker is crazy good, stormcallers are still the top tier, I would put gunslingers above striker and voidwalker in a tie, maybe arc blade too. I think sunsingers got hit a bit too hard and hammer bro is a playable option again. Currently I'm maining a voidwalker, but striker is middle of the pack good, it isn't stormcaller but it's good and shouldn't be nerfed.

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  • Lets be honest if sc gets nerfed jug is getting a crippling nerf too to balance things out

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  • And everyone leaves striker, everyone. There would be zero reasons to stay.

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  • That's how sunsigers feel now. Welcome to the "nerfed for no damn reason club"

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  • I've been advocating that sunsingers were over nerfed, and that gunslinger nerfs weren't necessary, not that gunslinger took much hit anyway. Nerfing because of popularity is asinine. Each class should have something unique, and this community is far too band wagon to let popularity nerfing continue.

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  • Exactly!!!! At least there is one person that actually cares about balance instead of trying to nerf everything that poses a threat to their precious class/weapon

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  • [quote] let's be honest, you'll nerf cry anything that isn't your class. .[/quote] Didn't bother checking my previous posts or time played. Really don't like hefty assumptions. Have you or have you not seen PD's podcasts? Bungie nerfs on statistics, not the community's generally awful opinion.

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  • How do stats show if something creates frustrating encounters. Because bungie nerfed some things based off that. The only stat they could use are forum comments

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  • Not my point. Just because Bungie directly said Firebolts aren't over-powered doesn't mean they weren't over-used, Fusion Grenades and Solar Grenades are nowhere near as useful as Firebolts in Trials. In trials, most, if not all use Firebolts. RARELY did I see or do I use fusion grenades in Trials. Now this is where Blizzard's advice that Bungie has been completely neglecting comes into play- EMPOWER the Players, don't DEGRADE them. Bungie has been ignoring this and is under the mindset of: "If something is over-used, bring it down to everything else's level." instead of what it should be "If something is over-used, make everything else equally viable." For example, nerfing counterbalance, 1000 Yard Stare and things that clearly were not broken in any way. They were just overused. Go watch the damn PD podcasts and they'll do the rest of this 'argument' for me.

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  • I know. Bungie sucks at balancing. And you just dismissed my point of arguing one of the points that you made, within your argument. Point

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  • I don't. I prefer to be max armor instead.

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  • You're the 1%

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