So I see a bunch of people crying about this weapon. My question to you guys is why?
The archetype? Its not the best of its archetype. Just one of many that are the best in their archetype.
The perks? Yeah, sure, it can get good roles. But there's a couple other pulse rifles of the same archetype that can have the same combination of perk roles. Sometimes better.
You all had the chance to farm it during the nightfall. I never bothered. I don't have it. I'm defending a weapon I don't even have. And I'm doing so, because there's no need to nerf anything.
Handcannons have been ruined due to nerfs. Not because they're now inneffective. They can kill others. They can occasionally beat the other player in a gunfight. But because of their forced fire rate to prevent phantom bullets, and there now ridiculous nerf to range, there's no reason to not use a scout rifle over hand cannons.
- no phantom bullets
- better range
- after the first shot from a hand cannon, hip fire between the two is the same.
- Realistic TTK is better on a scout despite their 5-4 shot kill versus handcannons 3-4 shot kills.
[spoiler]The title wasn't a mistake. I wanna see how many people start to tell me the Grasp isnt OP without reading that I'm against nerfing.[/spoiler]
A lot of people are going to claim it is overpowered simply because they see the thing a good deal, and at the moment, it's the only legendary of its archetype. So if bungie does nerf the archetype they are literally nerfing an ENTIRE ONE GUN and then by default the entire archetype because for whatever reason they can't change an individual gun's stats. No seriously. They will nerf one gun's entire archetype over the one gun. Either the impact, the stability, or more than likely both(bungo over-nerfs things that way) simply because people have it