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Edited by Atlas: 9/12/2016 6:22:35 PM

Snipers need a nerf and I will happily debate anyone who disagrees

Sniper have gotten to a point where they are literal perfect weapons for any bad player or good one, to put it simply sniping in destiny takes no skill. Point one: Snipers are extremely easy to handle. (STOP! Actually read this out before you run to comment.) What I mean is switch time. It makes no sense for something so long and stalky to be put away so quickly. However it does make sense for side arms, tiny pistol when primary runs out or fusion rifles, because once you shot the round you can't instantly shoot again. Honestly, you could defend shotguns switch time as well, but I'm not touching that can of worms because people's bottoms really hurt when those words leave your lips. Anyway, Pick up any sniper in this game and you can pull it out like any CQC weapons which is a huge problem somebody should not be able to whip out their sniper body shot then finish off with the primary it should take a few seconds to put away such long and big weapons not snap on our backs in a millisecond. Point two: Snipers shouldn't be two shots in destiny. Sniper are extremely powerful weapons which makes sense heavy damage in exchange for no CQC ability with it and massive damage for landing precision shots. However this isn't the case because snipers have plenty of CQC ability due to snipers being able to kill in two body shots and it's switch time being fast (excluding perks cause as much as I don't think fast switching is valid, exchanging a perk for faster switching is completely fair.) Pair that to the fact that almost any sniper in this game LITERALLY almost any sniper can two shot a guardian. Now you may think "he's going down lanes he deserver it, or he could of dodge, get good". But that's easier said then done when an average player who isn't adept to CQC combat or is trying to get in range for a kill, or the player who knows exactly what their doing get shot in the body and is quickly melted by said sniper or his teammate. Now if snipers were three shot or lost damage based on distance closer meaning less (which is a debatable solution due to map size. The goal isn't to ruin snipers but balance them.) But how current snipers are any person can take a sniper and use it to win fights or matches they wouldn't win if snipers weren't OP. This is turning out favorite game types into who is the better sniper/dodger and the only part of the sniper meta that takes skill are dodging the bullets that come from a gun that practically guides them and the guardians who close that gap. (Trials of Osiris). Speaking of trials why on earth can people res snipe? Not to open that can of worms too much, but I'll leave at this how much skill does it take to a shoot at something that literally can't move unless someone else pushes it. Point three: Sniper in destiny have such high aim assist, the game practically aims for the person. (I need clarify what I mean by this so thank you to the pro sniper debaters who brought it up) Basically AA makes the reticle of a sniper stick the player who is being aimed at and it leave quite a large window then other games and some time it registers hit which clearly are missing and if you add hidden hand you can see shot whizzing pass a person head and some how it actually hits and that is baloney. Now before you say server side issues, A) doesn't exclude the fact that it happens. B) Bungie has no Intention of getting better servers. Plus no recoil for being shot at unless you have high caliber rounds or a high impact weapon which is ridiculous you have conform your primary to beat a special. plus no wobble/sway while aim down sights. Now pretty much any sniper in any other game will penalize you in some way when you get shot. It makes sense, in exchange for the power you wield in your hand you get punished for bad sniping by unscoping or flinching. But in destiny you simply ignores it all and says "Oh I got shot? Well I can still pump two bullets into you or shoot you once in the body and finish you off with my Primary lol" that shouldn't be the case. Instead how about snipers have wobble and you zoom out once shot. Similar to other fast pace game like Halo or CoD. (Note: People didn't like those examples. Sorry but it's true.) Keep in mind these are PVP only changes! Not PVE ones! Edit 1: (remove due to valid points) Edit 2: Keep it up guys I want to have this discussion. Edit 3: agree or disagree I'm happy for how civil everyone has been thank you. Also I would appreciate it if everyone continue to bump this I want to have larger discussion about this getting more of the community involved. Edit 4: wow guys so many replies so many discussions at this rate with this many replies and hopefully even more bumps we can get a community manager to notice! Edit 5: Hey everyone I hope your well I've been playing destiny since day one and I love it. But I believe change needs to happen but if your able to prove me wrong I'll change what I'm saying but that means legit debates not name calling. Edit 6: Huge update read above. Edit 7: Hey debaters I hope all of you are well. Now through out this post I've learned many thing about sniping that have made me rethink some of what I said. However, I've Also seen quite a lot of information confirming my beliefs. So I will continue to support this post. Please be civil and respectful and keep bumping this post so the debate continues. Thank you so much! Also 843+ POST? HOLY SHIT! Edit 8: 1,000 replies and still no replies from bungie? Well hopefully at 2,000. Also anyone who does read this I hope you have a great day! Edit 9: WE DID IT!

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  • No :3

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      • Hey as long as they nerf pvp only:)

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      • Here is how to fix snipers for those listening: slow down scope movement considerably so that snipers aren't scout rifles with a higher zoom the way they are now. This will make drag scoping from mid to close range a lot more difficult which is how snipers should work. Speaking of scope zoom, remove the low zoom scopes that everyone is chasing after right now so they can use their snipers more like primaries not special weapons. Also, just like shotpackage was completely removed from shotguns, remove snapshot comoletely from snipers to minimize close range quick scopes. The quick draw perk should only affect how quickly you switch from primary to sniper not how quickly you ADS. Lower body shot damage considerably because a sniper should not be rewarded for missing a precision shot with an enemy that has no shilds and half health. This will make snipers actually have to hit their precision shots and not body shot from close range and finish off an enemy with a nade, melee, one shot primary.. etc.

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        12 Replies
        • Agreed on the nerf if its the same or worse since i left for division

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        • Only problem that I have with them is flinch, and even then, it isn't that big of an issue. Also, you shoukd consider how nerfing snipers would affect PvE.

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        • I would recommend not hiding your destiny account so people take you more seriously

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        • Edited by H3llFort: 7/14/2016 4:14:45 AM
          Here's the thing. Snipers are fine right now. Look a lot of ppl say u shouldn't be able to snipe up close. I argue that u should and here's why. Firstly contrary to what many shotgun lovers may think it's very difficult to quick scope at close range with consistency. Secondly, if u take that away there is no counter for a sniper user up close when they're being rushed. But shotguns don't have a snipers range u say, so it's not fair. Yea, it is fair. Avoiding sniper lanes is far easier than avoiding a rushing, sliding, blinking shotgunner! I can't simply stay away from a shotgunner like shotgunner a can with sniper lanes. Therefore since I choose to run sniper because I enjoy the elegance of the weapon and it suits my play style, I should have an option of defense from someone that's rushing me with it. No primary has a quick enough kill time to counter a decent shotgunner really. And it's not an easy counter, it requires practice and skill regardless of what u think. You wanna reduce body shot damage I'm fine with that. But if u do that You can't lower AA too. Because then basically ur saying you have to be a god sniper to snipe. That just widens the gap between casual players and higher tier players and that's not good for the game. Outside of body shot damage snipers are fine, that's the only argument I can see and the only nerf I don't think would be devastating to the game.

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        • Please read ( probably the most important thing someone said today) : [spoiler]NERF FUSION RIFLES[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by Серафамор: 7/14/2016 4:13:01 AM
            Damn 2 year olds... They want all of their stuff buffed, and everyone else's nerfed to the bottom of the Hellmouth.

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            4 Replies
            • Sooooo, in other words, you want a shotgun meta to return. If snipers are touched more than they already have been, it's gonna to push a shotgun meta. Look at 2.0's patch notes on snipers. Not to mention a few patches ago pushed out sniper changes as well. They've been nerfed twice since TTK. There's a fine line when balance comes to play, snipers are on that line already. Reducing AA isn't going to solve ANY problems either. There's still several people that use snipers with low AA. I can go between a Hidden Hand 1k and a Longbow with Ambush and the difference is hardly noticeable while the AA values are very different. You know what entirely solves the problem ? Buffing primaries. Bring back pre nerf AR's, HC's, and PR's. However, of course people complained about primaries to the point where secondaries like shotguns and snipers are becoming extremely over used. It's either we have strong primaries or we have strong secondaries.

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              • How about stand near the wall. I'll shoot you in the chest. Oh that hurts, let's try another round. Ok looks like your dead... You realize the sniper is a cannon right? Even in normal life. No CQC is not common skill but seems like it. The scope change made it MW4. Giant ass sight and unrealistic and harder to some. So no changes. Plus us pve players will suffer greatly. Also ammo is sparse.

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                10 Replies
                • BUMP snipers need a nerf and PRIMARIES need a buff

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                  4 Replies
                  • I used to think like you, honestly. And then i made myself learn to snipe instead of complain...👍😎

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                    6 Replies
                    • Amén good blessed you brother amén, the snipers need a nerf in many ways

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                      1 Reply
                      • I love these posts. I'll still kill with my NLB and sidearm

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                        3 Replies
                        • lol salty shotgunner. Pulled stats. You have 32 sniper kills. You don't even understand snipers enough to complain about them. Not to be mean but try using your shotgun to flank snipers instead of challenging snipe lanes... if your in a lane coming for me with a shotgun, your dead. I've been pulling stats of most people complaining about snipers 90% are shotgunners that have either just picked up the game within a few months or they've never used a sniper... Like i tell everyone else, there's always a counter to everything. learn it. use it.

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                          13 Replies
                          • I very strongly agree on the switch time lol

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                            • Edited by CatlikeCarpet1: 7/13/2016 5:08:19 PM
                              I agree with you on points 1 and 2 but not 3.

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                              4 Replies
                              • Lol noob

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                              • Its all working find. Some people are good sone get lucky that is all

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                              • I use sniper rifles rarely. Prefer Uzume RR4 type of rifles - ones with the lowest AA and impact in the game. Quickscoping, headshotting. Make 2-4 kills a game. Feels good. As for taking enemy snipers down, be creative.

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                              • I'm sorry, but I simply can't agree with most of what I'm seeing here. I don't feel that snipers should have a slower draw or swap time in pvp as this would dramatically slow down the pace of the Crucible. Part of what made year one Destiny so fun was the fast pace. Yes, the weapons weren't as balanced, but at least I felt like it was a little more fun that way. I won't say something simple like "get good," but players SHOULD have to consciously dodge bullets, it's part of what makes Destiny unique. I don't mean to insult anyone, but I don't want nerfs like these to happen simply because players don't want to take the time to carefully move around choke points. Be creative Slide, use your vertical space. But don't call for nerfs if a person is simply a better player than you were when they out gunned you. As for the aim assist, I honestly don't find it too much of a problem since it doesn't make your enemies' heads a bullet magnet. Although I'll admit something like a Long Bow with hidden hand and Shortgaze is a but much.

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                                22 Replies
                                • Snipers are fine. Quit getting killed by them. 98.2% of the time I'm killed by one, I deserved it for bad placement. I use shotguns bc I don't have the skill to use a sniper. Stop calling for nerfs and learn to play the game noob.

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                                  • I didn't read but I disagree

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