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Edited by H4RB1NG3RZ777: 6/21/2016 6:01:58 PM

Lore Library, Faction Quest/Strikes, Taking Back Our System

[b]TLDR[/b] In game Lore Library with Quest and Rep. Hands out Exotic Quest before you can get them through 3oC. Faction Quest, Bounties, and Upgrades. Feel of Progression and Additional Social Spaces that [i]we[/i] find and unlock. Let me start off by saying I like Destiny. Last game I bought was Reach. Destiny got me back into "gaming" [spoiler]filthy casual[/spoiler] . The year one lore was great, minus the fact it wasn't accessible in the game, and had to spend time outside of game play to delve into it. [spoiler]maybe that was the point[/spoiler] Then as Exhausted destiny lore videos, and post, and articles TTK dropped and the lore... just sorta ended. I am not saying that the Hive and Taken Lore was bad, not that it was good. It was short and lackluster. But enough of the past. This is what I want in Year 2 or 3 or whatever year we are supposedly on: 1. The Great Vanguard Library - Lore needs to be in game. Period. End of discussion. With short campaigns, shorter DLC/Expansion missions, players need something other than PVP to keep them busy (this point will continuously be made...) As it stands gaming is stuck in a boring cycle of easy 3 - 4 hour campaign followed by PvP for the next year or 2 before a "new" version comes out. It is time to break this cycle by adding not only replay ability but adding more to do. (It is called [i][b]Destiny [/b][/i]for a reason.) Here comes the Library. Much like the Cryptarch it isn't hard to rank up. It requires no pledge, no sacrifice. As you unlock Grimoire (just like now) you rank up. Any Grimoire you gain and Lore you unlock will be accessible at the Library. But that isn't all, as you rank up instead of "Packages" you gain lore missions and quest. This could range from capturing Relic (salvage or patrol), finding hidden Artifacts in various ruins in the game, or even story missions like the Taken Vault of Glass Missions (maybe we look for Arianna's ghost. The possibilities are only as limited as bungies imagination... (grinds teeth trying to be [i]nice[/i]) My personal favorite goal would be this: Exotic Quest. I know the Exotic Quest could be pains, but they were rewarding. Now I am not saying get rid of Xur or 3oC, but reserve those for farming, and make the Library - in conjuction with specific NPC's be the bearers of Exotics for the initial unlocking process. This also could give Library rep. Now as patches, expansions, and dlc come out more can be added. This would help refresh game play as well as giving players a reason to explore as well as bother learning the lore. I could say more but this is already getting tldr length and I have 2 more points. 2. Faction Strike and Quest - Factions need to matter. As it stands Factions Serve 1 purpose. [i]Cosmetics[/i]. Yeah sure you get some cool gear and some cool weapons, but it is all cosmetic really. You don't need a Hung Jury SR4, I have a Treads Upon Stars with the exact same roll (I have both.) It is good since it rewards light leveled gear, but there should be more. More faction specific Patrols, more weapon choices - hidden weapon choices. Iron Banner style bounties (3 daily 3 weekly) . Just like the Library above, at specific Reputation levels we could gain Quest for our Faction (story missions, PvE/PvP missions) Even a strike or too. I know what some people are thinking [i]but what if I want to do a strike with out joining X?[/i] You should be able to - with a guardian who has it unlocked. And once a patch or dlc or expansion comes out it should be added to the strike rotation. This could easily be continuous every patch a couple new Quest and Strikes every new patch/expansion/dlc. They could be great! D.O exploring locations that may come to us (next point...) FWC sending Guardians into alternate timelines to see what may be coming our way (and kicking but.) NM doing shady power grabs (sorry I hate NM and will leave those ideas to you.) Exotics could be added or Exotic Variants of Weapons/Ghost/Emotes (New Monarchy can have one where your Guardian grovels er I mean [i]kneels[/i]. (Sorry... not really.) 3. Take Back Our System - there is 0 reason we as guardians haven't collectively taken back our system. Maybe it can be justified that the hive are too deep in our Moon, but Earth. It should be ours. Yeah I get that there are low level guardians. It is time to move on. We should be taking back Earth, Mars, Venus, etc. Where is that story? Between Campaigns, Strikes, and the above points, I don't see how we as Guardians can't do it. Not by the Traveler's light, but by sheer will and perseverance. As we free and reclaim what was once ours, we should get new areas (it is nice that we are getting... 1 more... after 2 years...) The beauty of this is that [i]you[/i] don't need to do it all. Destiny is an MMO. You are not the only guardian in the universe, you are don't need to do it all. Imagine a tower on Mars with people rebuilding and rediscovering technologies and information from our past. Imagine the Resurrection or Ishtar or the other one. Once a patch or more than likely a DLC/Expansion comes out [i[b]]everything we have unlocked individually[/i][/b] will be come collectively available. Didn't unlock the tower and NPC on Phobos with Dead Orbit? I did, come check it out. Maybe i didn't find NM tower in London, sounds like a horrible place. I could go on and on and on, but it is already too long for most peoples attentions. But please what else could we do? Gun Manufactures with rep (Suros, TexMachina, etc) Oh and a small one I forgot: Trials rep. yes. Now hear me out. Keep it the same - flawless or 9 victories you should get to go and get rewarded, but if you consistently play, you should also be rewarded. I think you should get rep for the bounties and the [i]victories[/i]. Now once a certain rank is hit - say 5 like IB - you get an invitation to go see the lighthouse. As far as rewards go - no gear - just ghost sparrows ships emblems and shaders. Thank you for your patience and time. Please be civil and let us choose our Destiny and what the game can become through our in game actions. Thoughts and Ideas? What else could we do to liven the individual experience?

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