I met a guy that dropped over $3000 on a game called tera online.
Tera is a free to play game...
I dropped £2000 on a free-to-play PS3 shooter called Dust 514, that I put 4000 hours into. -blam!- me right?
Wow that's a lot. I would say I droped roughly $1000 into FFXI over the course of 5 years. That money was on the game and expansions and the monthly sub. I put about 13,500 hours into that one. About 550 days. Ya, wrap your head around that one. Sad thing is I knew people that made that look bad. I did get a free flight to England out of it though so I kind of broke even, but that's another story.
Haha damn, that's a lot of time and money! I've always been of the opinion that if you enjoy something, it's worthwhile to spend your money on it. 550 days though...that'll never truly sink in, not sure if you yourself truly acknowledge how long that is!
It's hard to grasp really. I wouldn't know if the game didn't have a /command that told you. I often think back, wondering what I did in all that time, the mindset I had to play that much. It scares me really. I'm not proud of it.
Yeah free to play isn't even fun imo and it's really expensive.
They typically aren't. The most fun mmos I've played were wow and ffxi. Worth every penny of the monthly sub.
I didn't play wow but Everquest for ten years. That was a money pit, but had some good times playing that game.
Holy shit!