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Edited by Spooky Doggo: 6/1/2016 2:51:13 AM

Hating Overwatch is the new "vegan"

"Heya Greg, how have you been?" [b]"I -blam!-ing hate Overwatch!"[/b] "Yeah, that wasn't my question." [b]"Overwatch is a simplistic shooter for idiots and plebs."[/b] "Greg, no one asked." [b]"I literally play every game [i]except[/i] for Overwatch, to spite Blizzard."[/b] "Alright, see you around, Greg." [b]"Remember, for every copy of Overwatch you buy, [i]an animal dies[/i]![/b]" We get it guys: you're so "against the flow" that you feel the need to shout out your opinion on the rooftops. Here's a tip: stop. You're entitled to your opinions and experiences, but I think I speak for the majority of #Gaming when I say we are tired of threads saying "Overwatch SUCKS!!!1!1!," and the phrase "Prove me wrong," followed by a spoiler that says "You can't." It's boring, it's unoriginal, and it's old. Move on.

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  • lol, I didn't realise this was such a big thing. Honestly, I haven't played it, and probably won't. I already have 3 large games I play with my friends (Destiny, ESO, and The Division), not to mention a full-time job, a fiancé, and so on. So, it's nothing against the game. It's just a lack of time and lack of interest in starting another game. I've heard nothing but raving reviews from those who do like it, though.

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