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5/31/2016 2:50:16 PM

Why do some fans get so mad at people who dislike the game?

Since Destiny has released I have noticed that the people that are very into it will get very upset over you disliking the game , can anyone that does this please tell me as to why you get so mad at someone's negative opinion of the game? I'm not saying that sarcastically by the way , I genuinely mean it when I say it. I've also noticed that on Xbox if the party leader is one of these people and you don't agree with them , you are for sure going to be kicked and the party locked , sometimes going as far to block you completely. Many times my friend has done this to me for saying the simple sentence "I don't like Destiny" , instantly kicked and locked out. I was just in a Steam group chat (for any of you that only play console , Steam is a PC application made by Valve for buying and playing games) and had a conversation with someone that had to have been a big fan , here is the big wall of text if you want to cringe : 10:03 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Loved Destiny so much. I gave myself a Destiny name.... 10:03 AM - Jewel: I got the Ghost Edition. 10:03 AM - Jewel: So 10:03 AM - Jewel: Much 10:03 AM - Jewel: Regret. 10:03 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Nice. 10:03 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Dude. Relax. 10:04 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Destiny should be a movie. 10:04 AM - Jewel: Yeah because it lasts as long as a movie. 10:04 AM - Jewel: About an hour and a half. 10:04 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Seriously? Why give a game such sh*t? 10:04 AM - Jewel: Hasn't Destiny been beaten in like 2 hours? 10:04 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: I mean. 10:05 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Bad move Skellie. 10:05 AM - Jewel: I give Destiny crap because it was a rip-off. 10:05 AM - Jewel: They ripped content from the game and used it as DLC. 10:05 AM - Chara (ERASER): warframe is better Kappa 10:05 AM - Jewel: It's sad that it is. 10:05 AM - ЗЖPLФDIИGMФФЙS: crota, since when has there been a good adapation of a videogame into a movie? 10:05 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Keep that to yourself then. 10:05 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Oh god... 10:05 AM - Chara (ERASER): at least in warframe no dlcs 10:06 AM - Jewel: Crota don't be one of those people that wants differing opinions to not be heard. 10:06 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: But Destiny can have three movies and 1 tv series. 10:06 AM - Chara (ERASER): wat 10:06 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Destiny: Heart of Darkness. 10:06 AM - Chara (ERASER): why 10:06 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Destiny: The Dark Below. 10:06 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Jewel. 10:06 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: I. Don't. Care. 10:07 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: That's a lot better. (This is where he blocked me so he couldn't see my messages then he goes on to list movies that Destiny could make) 10:07 AM - Jewel: Well I don't care that you think it should be a movie , but I'm not telling you to keep it to yourself. 10:12 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Lol. Moons is Jewel Talking more **** on Destiny? 10:12 AM - Jewel: xD Did he block me? 10:13 AM - ЗЖPLФDIИGMФФЙS: he stopped 10:13 AM - ЗЖPLФDIИGMФФЙS: did ye block him? 10:13 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Maaaaaybe. OwO 10:13 AM - Jewel: Wow. 10:13 AM - Jewel: Moons wanna relay a message for me? 10:13 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: I do dat to people i don't like. 10:13 AM - ЗЖPLФDIИGMФФЙS: okay 10:14 AM - ЗЖPLФDIИGMФФЙS: sure 10:14 AM - ЗЖPLФDIИGMФФЙS: what is it? 10:14 AM - Jewel: Thanks , tell Crota that they're being a hypocrite by saying I can't state a differing opinion but then they go and say theirs. (Then they repeat it so they can see it) 10:17 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: No. 10:17 AM - ЗЖPLФDIИGMФФЙS: okay 10:17 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: I find it funny. 10:17 AM - ЗЖPLФDIИGMФФЙS: "16:17 - Jewel: Blocking people for having a different opinion is just so frustrating." 10:18 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Boo hoo. 10:18 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Cry me a river Jewel. 10:18 AM - maasqe-C-: How mature. (Emoticons) 10:18 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Xp 10:19 AM - Jewel: If Crota's 15 or older then that's sad , because he's being so immature right now. 10:19 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: I'm an Albatraoz. 10:19 AM - Callmedod-tor (ง •_•)ง: okok, stop this now (Moderator) 10:19 AM - Callmedod-tor (ง •_•)ง: since they blocked each other, then it's over 10:19 AM - Callmedod-tor (ง •_•)ง: all of you no need to resay everthing they said 10:19 AM - Jewel: Moons , tell him I apologize for antagonizing him and I request that he unblocks me , I do not want to have any beef or bad blood. (Someone repeated a message and got kicked leading to the next message) 10:22 AM - Callmedod-tor (ง •_•)ง: if they want to talk, they unblock each other 10:22 AM - Jewel: It was an apology , how does it make it worse? 10:22 AM - Jewel: I didn't block Crota. 10:22 AM - Jewel: He blocked me for not liking Destiny and now I'm aplogizing for bugging them. 10:22 AM - Callmedod-tor (ง •_•)ง: ok, it's good then you step up and apologize 10:23 AM - Atomic: He blocked you for not liking Destiny?! xDD 10:23 AM - ЗЖPLФDIИGMФФЙS: yea 10:23 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx: Shut up Atomic. 10:23 AM - Crota, Son Of Oryx left chat. 10:23 AM - Jewel: It seems like all Destiny players just block out anyone who doesn't agree with them. 10:24 AM - Jewel: I have a friend on Xbox that will kick me from parties for saying I don't like it. Every. Time. 10:25 AM - Atomic: My ****ing God, that is one of the saddest reasons I have ever seen for a block. Again , I'm not trying to be a troll , I am genuinely wondering as to why people in the Destiny community are so willing to be like this just because someone dislikes it. I've gone over the Code of Conduct and from what I can see I am not breaking any rules , if it seems I'm trying to harass anyone I'll say it once again , I am genuinely wondering as to why people are immature.

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  • I guess because people put so much time and effort into a game it feels like a personal insult. People get the same way about music. If someone dislikes their favorite artist, group or genre they feel as though they themselves are being put down. Not everybody likes the same food or flavor, not everyone has the same favorite color. People don't get mad at that. But dislike their favorite games and music and it's shots fired.

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  • I'm into Destiny, but not an extreme fan... I have no idea why some fanbases are insane.

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  • I still enjoy destiny in bursts. I play very little- and by limiting how much I play, it becomes fun, again. But, I am, by no means, a desticle. I appreciate that I have, what most would view as, a poor taste in games. What I view as fun involves little story telling or character development, just mindless action. Hence, I like BO3 & destiny.

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  • Some people are silly and overemotional. I dunno.

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  • Because the people that still like Destiny are little kids that A) Have never played a decent game in their life B) Are complete, immature brats that only think of themselves and their opinion Really, at this point whenever I see someone saying they like Destiny I see a 6 year old squeaker spouting curse words at everyone they see.

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  • Its the same way with everything in the world. Religion, Politics, heck even Favorite type of Flavored Water. People have so strong opinions that they will not like anyone with the same opinion. This has been going on for centuries, maybe even eons. Now there is ways to easily block it out and not listen to any of it so that why it has seemed to rise. I have a friend online who mutes me because i like old games. its completely normal.

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  • They need a safe zone.

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  • Inb4desticle [spoiler]pls no ban[/spoiler]

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  • [b] [/b]

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  • #Destiny or #Gaming :)

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