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5/29/2016 9:20:56 PM

Exotic History: The Million Dollar Man #6

[spoiler]This installment of Exotic History is provided by LordZero[/spoiler] Several seconds of darkness followed a few more explosions before the lights kicked back on. Herod quickly looked around him. The ceiling and walls were beginning to crack and everything showed signs of stress. Silvia was looking around as well. "You think we are under attack?!" Another loud explosion shook the walls once more. "I believe we are..." Herod said. "Lilith armor." His Ghost appeared and scanned him, forcing his armor to materialize on him. Silvia did the same thing and the two began to rush towards the exit. "What could possibly be stupid enough to attack us?" Silvia asked. "I'd guess Fallen but there not that smart to come up with a plan to kill the Iron Lords." As the two almost made it to the exit, a lanky figure slowly moved around the corner, decked in full banner armor except for his helmet. "Lord Felwinter!" Felwinter paused as he looked at the two Warriors. "Yes?" "What's going on out there?!" Silvia asked quickly. "Just a light training exercise, nothing more." His stance was different, almost prideful in a way. Herod continued to look at Felwinter suspiciously as Silvia spoke on. "That doesn't sound light to me." "Its nothing I assure you. A few Skiffs and a Ketch never stopped the Lords before. It won't this time." "A Ketch?! Here?!" "Why yes. Timur himself wouldn't have much trouble with it but that's why I'm here." "What do you mean?..." Herod interjected. Felwinter gave a small smile that slowly curled into a sadistic grin. "It's obvious my dear Warrior." His hands pulsed with Void energy. "I can't let them stop my deal." Herod roared in anger and tried to strike but Felwinter simply dodged the blow by blinking behind the two. "Oh you shouldn't have done that..." Felwinter's helmet materialized on his head. "You could have lived..." "That's no life worth living you freak!" Herod pointed his finger at the former Lord. "I'd rather die than to become some coward like you!" Felwinter's stance grew slightly ridged. "Then so be it..." He blinked up into the air, his hand pulsing furiously with the Void. "Move!!" Herod yelled as ducked to the side along with Silvia. Bright purple light filled the room as the Nova Bomb barreled towards where they stood. Herod shut his eyes and prepared for the worst but all he heard was an angered scream and a massive explosion. He looked up to see Lord Radagast in full armor, holding a massive two-handed Claymore simply called 'Borderline' (Pogranichnyy) in Russian. Radagast growled angrily as lighting crackled along the edges of the blade. "Oh... A little pissy aren't we today?" Said Felwinter as he touched the ground gently. "You traitor!" Barked Radagast. "I am not traitor... I have fulfilled my duties and my pact with my arranged party. You certainly must understand..." "You sick and twisted monster!!" Radagast took an aggressive stance. "I will end you now." "Oh will you now?" Felwinter held his hand up slightly as small thin daggers can out of the folds of his robes, circling around him in a serpentine fashion. "Well we will finally get to see who has the most power, the Void or the petty Arc." Radagast growled once more and spoke to Herod and Silvia. "You two get out of here. Go help those outside, Perun is at the front gate." "But..m" Herod started to say but was cut off by Radagast. "Don't argue and go. He's out of your league." "How touching." Felwinter gave a soft laugh. "Atleast you realize the truth for once." Radagast pointed his sword at Felwinter. "Just move." Herod looked at Silvia and quickly got up. The two made their way out of the arena and raced down the hallway towards the front gate. Herod remained silent as Silvia talked to no one in particular. "How could this have happened?... How could anyone not notice? Just right there infront of us..." They soon made it to the front entrance just as another large explosion hit the walls and rattled the place to its core. Outside was utter chaos. A large Ketch was perched on the horizon as multiple Skiffs came overhead, bombarding the fortress and dropping troops in the front courtyard. Leagues of Fallen, all painted in reds and yellows charged forward and did their best to kill whomever was in their way. Many of the Iron Warriors were out in battle already and two of the Iron Lords, Perun and Jolder were engaged as well. Perun wielded her trusted shortsword in her right hand and a fusion rifle in the left. Her dance was exotic and swift as enemies either died by Solar bolts or by being cut in half. Jolder was having a very good time judging by her bombastic laughs and insults. Her rocket launcher was perched on her back and she wielded a rather interesting mock up of the Hammer of Sol that glowed due being heated in the Forge. She swung at enemies quickly, severing heads and limbs like they were butter. Her hammer was also attached to a chain so it could be thrown and returned whenever she liked. Herod pulled out his sidearm and checked the ammo. "Well let's go help." Silvia nodded and pulled out her sniper. "Yea. Lets." Just as they started to move out, several cloaked Vandals appeared infront of them. They roared and attacked with ferocity. Herod and Silvia sprung into action and took them out with little to no problem. Herod focused on taking out the ones with blades and Silvia took care of those that stayed back. After that short skirmish, Herod laughed and reloaded his sidearm. "Well I see how well the Fallen actually fight." He grinned as a loud boom tore past his ear, taking the head of a still cloaked Vandal about to assassinate him. He spun around as the body slumped to the ground and a woman slowly walked forward. "I saved you from being disembowled. Shame I suppose, it would have been interesting." Her armor and cloak were dulled to not shine and were blackened out to blend into her surroundings. Her sniper rifle was resting on her shoulder now as she started out into the battlefield. Her helmet was custom fit to have a set of Egyptian like eyes that stared dead straight. "Lady Efrideet..." Silvia said in awe. Efrideet glanced over at Silvia then at Herod. "Aren't you two supposed to be carving the arms of these Fallen off?" She shrugged her rifle off her shoulder and hip fired, causing a weakened Captain to slump to its knees a few meters away. "Yes ah... We are..." Herod said meekly. "What's this about Fallen?..." Another figured followed behind Efrideet. He was unarmed and in simple sleeping clothes. His very tall physic and deep black skin caused his bright lighting blue eyes to stand out as he stared uninterested out into the battle. "Yes Timur. There's an attack and you slept through it again." "No this time it woke me up." Her shrugged his shoulders as a spurt of blood trickled down his arm. "The ceiling collapsed on me." "You should have been crushed and splattered on the walls." "I was for a minute or two. Gladius fixed me up." "And you better be glad I did!" A Ghost with a shell like the night sky appeared by Lord Timur. "I could have just left you there!" Timur grunted and rubbed his neck. "Well you didn't." "But I could have..." Gladius grumbled as Timur walked out of the fortress. "Um... Lord..." "Hes not a complete idiot." Efrideet interjected to Herod's remark. "He's just giving the enemy a chance." Timur walked out into the open and a Captain took notice. It roared in anger and charged forward, thrusting a shock blade deep into Timur's side. Timur didn't even flinch as he looked up at the sky. His Ghost grunted and scanned Timur. "Well I hope your happy, your going to have to sleep yet again to fix that wound." "All in good time..." Timur grabbed the Captain by the mask and held on tight as his armor formed around him. "I haven't killed them yet." Lightning and thunder boomed into existence as dark clouds swirled above Timur. The Captain tried to move but Timur held firm. Arc energy coursed around Timur as he looked at the battle. "Should have stayed home..." A bolt of lighting fell from the clouds as the Captain was evaporated and hell itself opens it's gates.[b][/b] link to part 5 link to The Million Dollar Man

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