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5/28/2016 12:12:28 AM

Exotic History: The Peace Monger #6

[spoiler]This installment of Exotic History is made possible by ewokman23[/spoiler] Daniel floored the sparrow to full as he sped his way across the desolate landscape of the Cosmodrome. His radio was constantly spewing static, cries for help, and gunfire with peppered explosions mixed in. No one had saw this coming and they were paying the price for it. Soon the walls of the City started to loom in the distance as several Skiffs were quickly making their way across the blue sky, landing and dropping troops and Walkers to their stations. Daniel managed to avoid being shot at as he quickly stopped at a doorway. He yelled into his helmet. "This is Daniel Menendez at ah..." He looked around at the door and wall. "Section 4 AC. Requesting some assistance with the d..." The voice of his commander barked back at him. "About time you showed back up!! Hold your position until I can secure a team to open the door!" Another voice barked back at the commander, belonging to a higher ranked officer. "The hell soldier!? I am not risking security over a freelancing idiot who left the City!" "Well I am, so you can take it and shove it up yours! Menendez, can you hear me?! Hold steady!" The link cut off as the other ranked officer's loud comments were cut off. Menendez froze as he put his back to the door. He pulled out his rifle and flipped the safety off. His eyes flashed over the battlefield. None of the combatants seemed to notice him yet but it was only a matter of time. He stood as still as possible and waited. Several seconds went by. No response. A minute. Two. Three. Nothing. Daniel shifted slightly and looked back at the doorway he was leaning against. His eyes looked up at the walls, waiting for someone to help. He glanced back down at his feet to see a shimmering form stand before him. He gasped as a thin dagger jammed next to his head and a cloaked Vandal appeared before him. The Vandal grinned and spoke in their tongue. "Well well. I guess I get the gratification of a kill!" He pulled his blade free and was about to take another swing. Daniel held his hand up. "STOP! I no here! You run away before death." The Vandal suddenly paused. It slowly looked him over with sudden curiosity. "You speak our language?..." His stance suddenly became more aggressive. "How?" Daniel tried to back up but the Vandal grabbed his throat. "HOW?!" Before he could answer, Daniel suddenly fell backwards as the doors creaked slightly and swung open just enough to allow him and the Vandal through. Two guards quickly swarmed the Vandal and struck him off of Daniel and shot it multiple times before chucking the body out and slamming the door. Daniel quickly got up and shot a Captain before the door closed. He breathed heavily as a hand slapped him on the back. He looked at his commander. "Th... tha..." "Shut up and get to the post. We have a war to win." The commander smiled and took off running. Daniel followed quickly and the two made their way up the wall and into the hallways, where they could hold off the enemy as best they could. The battle raged for a few hours and soon the Skiffs retreated. This was one of the largest invasions the Fallen had ever attempted and many in the City were beginning to worry about another larger invasion. Daniel was sitting by himself when she saw Illia walk up to him. She grinned and slapped his shoulder. "I can't believe it! You made it out of that fight alive?!" Daniel chuckled meekly. "Yea..." "I thought you had balls deep inside of you but holy s***! And you even fought well for the City! You are getting better at this!" Daniel gave a small smile. "Thanks I guess." "Anytime." A fiery argue began to make its way towards them. Illia and Daniel looked to see their commander being flanked by a Titans and a Hunter. One Titan, who's voice matched the officer's from earlier was wearing very bulky armor with lots of patterns and colors of black and red. The Hunter was less intricately dressed but still held some form of importance to his person. The Titan pointed a finger at Daniel and stomped over. "What the hell were you doing out of the wall?!" Daniel recoiled a little and cleared his throat. "It was my day off and I wanted to roam a bit..." "That's no f***ing excuse! You should have been here when the attack dropped!" "None of us are psychics Colonel!" The commander barked. "No one knew the attack was upon us!" "Regardless! He could have caused a POTENTIAL breech by his 'roaming!'" The Hunter gave a sigh. "Oh quit being such a little whiner. Everyone needs an out sometimes." "Don't give me your Hunter bulls***. I have enough trouble dealing with your lackies as is!" "Well they don't like being yelled at by someone who is obviously doing it just to sound important." The Titan suddenly bulked in anger and growled. "Hey. I'm just speaking truth." The Hunter leaned against a post and twirled his knife. The Titan snorted and looked back to the commander. "You shouldn't have let him in." "And let one of mine die?! Your insane! They don't come back like you can!" "Then you need to impart that knowledge to them! They f*** up, they die! Simple as that." "Blind leading the blind." Mumbled the Hunter as he looked to the sky. "Clam it!" The Titan whirled around angrily but the Hunter simply shrugged and held his hand up, showing his acceptance of the situation. "You need to get your act together or else. Speaking of." He turned back to the commander and jabbed a finger at him. "I'll take to my superior about this. Pray to the Traveler you don't get demoted." He swiftly turned and walked away. The Hunter watched him go and sighed again. "You will have to forgive the b******. He's had a rough day as have we all." He tapped his visor with the end of his knife. "I'll put in a good word for ya." He then stood up straight and followed the Titan off. The commander growled. "Self-righteous jacka**." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Still... Commander I'm so..." Daniel started to speak but the commander held up his hand. "Don't worry about it. No harm done. If they demote me, so be it. But I'd watch yourself from here on... Colonel doesn't like those who break rank even if it's the right decision." He gave a nod to Daniel and Illia and walked off. "Well... That was eventful." Illia patted Daniel on the back again. "I'll see ya at the mess tent alright?" She grinned and started to walk away. Daniel paused and looked at her. "You are on a different shift as me." "We got a bit of time." She waved her hand at him. "If not tonight then I will see you around hotshot." She gave a laugh and made her way to her barracks. Daniel watched her leave and looked up to the sky. He watched as the moon faded from view and a darkness slowly covered him. He looked back down at his feet. "I need to check on Geriksor..." He stood up and made his way to his sparrow. Several minutes of speeding through the dirt and debris lead him to Geriksor's cave. He slowed down and walked into the system. He spoke Fallen as he walked in. "Geriksor? You ok?" He paused as he looked inside. The place was a mess, all of the charts were on the floor and anything of value was crumbled into pieces. Daniel quickly drew his scout rifle and flipped the safety off. He walked through the cave, checking for anything. A soft hum caught his attention as he turned to see three shimmering figures, blocking his exit. The middle one uncloaked. "Well... what have we here?" His body was riddled with bullet holes and he gave a wiry grin as he recognized Daniel. "Guess I found out how." link to part 5 link to The Peace Monger

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  • Edited by FJFSOM656: 6/24/2016 8:20:55 PM
    [b]Announcements[/b] Thank you all for tuning in! Since I really want continue this Community thing (and it has been!), your exotics history can still be written! In order to do this all you have to do is create an exotic on Paradox1055s NEW Exotic page ( and in a spoiler near the end of your post, have the hashtag, #writemyexotichistory. Give it a shot and I'll be happy to try and write what I can! Post your opinions in the comments below and if these don't suit your fancy there is always an ENTIRE list to browse and choose from so give it a go!! Until then stay within the Light Guardians and remember you don't have to be genetically modified or risen from the dead to be a hero

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