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Edited by Nea: 5/24/2016 3:33:02 AM

Here's mine Legend:[b]Rowe[/b] [spoiler]I knew him once [i]Just who the hell do you think you're messing with?[/i] That was his favorite line. He would always say that, and even though [i]they[/i] doubted him, his blood was never spilled on the floor. Unlike most ghosts, he found [i]me[/i], whilst out on a scouting trip to the Iranian Desert, looking to recover any survivors, Kabr, and his fireteam, consisting of Preadyth and Pahanin, found only one, and that was him. He was in complete and utter shock. It was actually quite funny watching him stumble around for a bit, after had been being in a coma for many years. But, eventually, he became one of the strongest people I've ever met. [i]"Dont wait up for us, we'll be back soon! We don't know how long it will be before we clear the Vault of Glass. Take care!" Those were the last words Rowe would ever hear Preadyth say Rowe and Preadyth, both being warlocks, both had an intimate passion for knowledge, and even though one was a Voidwalker, and one was a Sunsinger, they both got along very well. "We don't know how long it will be before we clear the Vault of Glass. Take care!" Those words haunted him for the rest of his life [/i] When word had got out that Kabr's fireteam had gone missing, Rowe went ballistic. After he had snapped, the first thing I remember hearing him say was, "I need a horde, something to [i][b][u]Demolish[/u][/b][/i], he ended up on the moon, standing in front of the gate of Crota's temple, and I recall at least 200 thrall rushing through Lightning started to spark throughout my Guardian's arm Suddenly, a spark of light errupted, leaving everything anyone could see in a bright light, when it cleared all I saw [i]Was an old friend turned into a monster[/i] Lightening was emitting throughout his entire body, and streaming out of his hands, he lifted up his hand slowly, and sparks flew. Lightning jolted towards a single thrall, and I chained to the next one, then the next one, then the next one. Next thing I knew, all the thrall were cleared, and Rowe was unconscious on the floor, and a strange gun, lying in his hand, and I had never seen him use that gun before, I searched it, and it was of his own creation, created from his current weapon, the light, and the Lightning of the first stormcaller. [i]Exotic hand cannon Sunrise Storm "The ballistic mentality that I adopted when I heard they were lost in the vault, is what drove my strength. Let my insanity drive your will."~ Rowe Row 1 Exotic Perk: Jolt fire- Headshots landed chain lighting to nearby enemies, extended Melee damage for a short period of time. Infusion Row 2 Firefly Row 3 Rangefinder Snapshot Outlaw Row 4 Triple tap Row 5 Duck and cover- jolt fire has decreased range, but increased damage No one is safe- jolt fire has extended range, but decreased damage, can chain to multiple enemies [/i] After that incident, he thought he was invincible. He went into the vault alone to search for Kabr, Pahanin, and Preadyth. He ended up getting himself killed in the process, and he never got to tell Preadyth goodbye. He left his journal and discoveries about stormcallers somewhere in my files, we're just going to have to find them[/spoiler]

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    I feel like adding more, I was tired when I wrote that, let's go on, shall we? [spoiler][i]"No! Stop! Don't close the Vault! He can still make it, he's not dead! I know it!" "Mirato, he's gone, let it go. There's nothing we can do now" a guardian said to the ghost, Mirato. "NO! He's still alive, leave the door open!" "Mirato! He's Fukcing dead!" "No! He's not! I'll go in after him!" I flew into the Vault, my light flickering, the light draining as I got deeper. I went to where I thought he died, but his body was not there. A fazed through the next door, and went deeper and I search, I found him crawling towards a chest, emoting little light, the only source that was lighting the room "You're alive, I knew it!" "I knew you'd come back for me." He said, with a smirk on his face. "How are you not dead! I saw you die right in front of me." "That's not of worry, just be happy I'm alive. Now, let's see what's inside this chest" I noticed a weapon on the back of his waist, Fatebringer And I also I noticed his sniper rifle, his LDR 5001 was modified with vex tech, renamed and reforged, it was labeled Preadyths Revenge "I see that you haven't forgotten about Preadyth, he was your best friend." "Preadyths fall isn't over... Because it hasn't happened yet... And it will happen again." "What?" "Forget it, let's see what's inside this chest." "No, it can't be" "Gjallarhorn." "I can't believe it!" "Neither can I, let's get out of here. I've seen all I've need to see. I want to go home." Screeee "What the hell was that!" I yelled. "Gorgons, I killed one, but I almost died in the process". "Oh, good." "Ghost, hurry and transmat us out of here!" "I can't !The darkness is too strong, there's only one option." "What is it?" "I'll use the last of my light to get you out of here, but I won't be coming with you." "What do you mean, Ghost?" "In order to get you out of here, I will have to die." "Mirato don't" "I'm sorry, it's the only way to keep you safe." "Mirato don't!" "Let me do this, Rowe" "I'd rather die" "No you wouldn't" "Mirato no! Do-[~static~][/i] Another ghost readings when Rowe was transmatted outside of the vault. [i]"Rowe, you're alive, your Ghost was right!" "Open the door." "What, Rowe?" "I SAID OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Rowe started banging on the vault door yelling. "NOOOO, GIVE HIM BACK DAMNIT!" "Rowe?" A guardian said concerned. "TAKE MY ARMS, TAKE MY LEGS, TAKE MY FUKCING EVERYTHING I WORKED FOR, JUST GIVE HIM BACK HES ALL I HAVE LEFT!!!" Rowe tried using his lightning to force the door open, eventually causing him to pass out, when everyone left, he went back in and i followed to make sure he didn't do anything stupid, he was famous for that. He threw everything that he found from vault and threw it in. "Memories are memories, some more painful than others, I never want to remember this again."[/i][/spoiler]

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