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5/23/2016 3:52:56 PM

What will your Dead Ghost Fragment say?

Let's get creative and post your own Ghost Fragments about your character below! Here is what I'd like my Ghost Fragment to say (I warn you, it's a long one): [b]Legend: Rossie[/b] [spoiler]It is dark, so dark. I cannot see my Guardian. I can faintly hear the shots from his handcannon and the whistle of his bow in the distance. These are the only sounds to be heard at all. He is desparate, he has lost me in these black, jagged caves. My Light is starting to fade and so I will begin to erase the all of the data I have collected over the many years I spent with him. I recount what brought us here, to the moon: *Some time earlier* [i]Zavala: Guardian, Cayde's scouts have picked up some strange Hive activity on the moon. I want you to go the centre of it and deal with them before they become an issue. I've transmitted the details to your Ghost. Good luck out there. *upon arrival to Luna* Eris: I sense something, the churning hellmouth has now fallen silent. Strange... Something is happening. Find the source. *at the gates of Temple of Crota* Cayde: Guardian stop, you need to get out! The Hive are planning an ambu- (radio crackling) Ghost: Radios gone, we've lost them. What do you want to do? Guardian: I don't like this. Somethings off. Let's get back to the ship. *A single roar is heard before everything turns black*[/i] I rise to be separated from my Guardian in a dark, unmapped area of the Hellmouth hearing only faint gunfire and silence. The seconds fly by and soon he has fallen silent. I am alone in the dark abyss of the Hellmouth where the shadows have eyes and the ground has teeth. Then I begin to hear something far away. Almost a whisper in the night. The Hive are here and they are watching me. I try to find a path, something to lead me to outside but all I see is nothingness. The whispers is louder now. I can begin to determine what the sound is. They are chanting quietly in the distance in some form of ritual. The same single word over and over. I begin to see a light as I move toward the chanting. I can see him. But he is limp, and out of my reach. The Hive are in circle around his lifeless corpse, chanting and chanting with their hands risen, almost in gratitude. They are larger the normal acolytes and knights found on the moon. They have broader shoulders with peculiar green energy spilling off them like mist. Their eyes are black and empty like the Darkness, instead of the green glow they usually have. I try to reach him but I'm forced back by an unyielding power which blocks my quickly fading Light. Their chanting grows louder and louder until an explosion of Darkness erupts from the body of the once Light filled Guardian I traveled with for so long. The mass of Darkness is writhing as I hide behind a rock, not daring to look. The Hive chanting now turns to screeching and roars as the ball of Dark takes its shape. In a deep, low thundering voice the being roars "THERE IS LIGHT HERE, SHOW YOURSELF!" I am propelled against my will out from behind the rock to face the creature. It's Darkness fills the whole room. Only a faint outline can be seen of it. It sees me and thunders: "LIGHT, I AM NOKRIS! AND I AM THE HERALD OF YOUR END!" *Loud thunderous noises before unending silence* - End of fragment.[/spoiler] What do ya think? What's yours? Let me know!

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  • [i]"I thought we were trying to save humanity, but all she was looking for was revenge on whoever stole her sweet roll."[/i]

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    • "There he goes, homeboy fųcked a Martian once."

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    • Bitch thought he had a clear shot with that rocket launcher....he didnt.

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    • "Dont resurrect this one, he was only sub-par.."

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    • Boats and hoes

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    • Forge of Gods -Prologue- "Frost...Frost wake up... Traveler please give me the power to not punch Frost in the face FROST WAKE UP" "Chill, I'm awake" "Jesus Frost we're dead men now" said Ghost very angrily. " realize that your a robot and I'm a robot to..., anyways why are you so mad? And whispering to?". "I'm detecting movement all around us but I can't determine what it is, it's not Hive, or Fallen," "Vex?" "No vex signatures, and definitely not Cabal" "Ghost just...just shut down and go to sleep, we're sa-" Frost was cut off by a distant explosion. "I knew it, Frost... I think Im detecting battleships...Cabal battleships I believe. That's why I couldn't figure out what race it was BECAUSE IS WAS A SHIP THEY'RE GOING TO BLOW UP EUROPA WE'RE GOING TO DIE" "Frost to Cayde, are you reading? Frost to Cayde" Cayde responded "You better have a good reason for interrupting my beauty sleep". "Cayde we're out here camping in Europa right? And I think a Cabal armada is going to blow the whole moon up, and we're kind of stuck here, the transmat I set up is jammed...because of you..." Frost starts sobbing "WHY IS IT GOING TO END LIKE THIS! THIS ISN'T THE WAY I WANTED TO-" Frost is cut off and all Cayde hears is static. IMPORTANT BROADCAST "This is Cayde-6, we need all guardians at the tower as soon as possible for a battle plan against the Cabal Armada that just now killed a guardian on Europa. NOW"

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    • Edited by Xenomorph: 5/25/2016 5:17:26 AM
      [u]Ghost Memory Fragment: Xenomorph[/u] He died as he lived. [spoiler]On the crapper reading the forums[/spoiler] [spoiler]Also, he failed to "git gud"[/spoiler] [spoiler]Sex Panther[/spoiler] [spoiler]It's a formidable scent, it stings the nostrils[/spoiler] [spoiler]It's illegal in six states[/spoiler] [spoiler]It's made from bits of real Panther, so you know it's good[/spoiler] [spoiler]Giggity[/spoiler]

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    • Edited by Frozenblade11: 5/25/2016 4:46:26 AM
      All good things must come to an end. When one challenges time itself only the strongest and most courageous will be victorious. My guardian was strong.... But not strong enough. In his dying breath he sacrificed the last of his light to create a weapon against times conflux... the Aegis. I only hope this will prevent others from suffering the same fate as us. Now I am lost in the dark corners of time where my light fades as a candle without wax ~ Text found on a dead ghost in the Vault of Glass

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    • I'll be back in an hour, don't drink my beer.

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    • Ghost fragment : Dre -"this guy one of the best hunters around" --" he still can't beat The Flash though" ...

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    • [u]Legend: Rykallis-9[/u] [b]PERSONAL LOG: ENTRY # 2851[/b] Number 10, I'm recording this message from inside bunker WAR-4. If everything goes as planned, you should still know where that is, but not why you're there. Rasputin has agreed to install a locked partition in our main memory unit with a fail safe to unlock it if there comes a time when you'll need the information. It shouldn't be a full reset, but if it is: Hi, this message is from yourself in the past. If nothing in this message has made sense, you've been reset, and are now totally screwed. Assuming everything went as planned, I have one final warning: do not return to Phobos. It's unlikely you'll find the place again, but the information I'm about to seal off is much too dangerous to risk us rediscovering. If we're very lucky (or very unlucky, depending on what you think) we won't ever need to unlock that partition, but if we do, I trust you to choose the right side. -Number 9 [b]END LOG ENTRY[/b]

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    • Ghost Fragment: Maulecule "He jumped off the tower one too many times..."

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    • [spoiler]He loved her more than the Light. I didn't think much of it, but he did, and she ate his Light. [/spoiler] "Ghost? Do you see that?" [i]That's another guardian, Spree. What about her?[/i] "Look at her. She reminds me... Of Luna." [i]She's looking at you. Maybe you shouldn't stare-[/i] [spoiler]He spoke to her for hours about his memories and his life from before. Spree was a Warlock. He's pulled himself from death more times than I have. He explained to her the cold feeling he gets when he's burning with Radiant Light. They spent many nights together on the Moon. He said, 'You remind me of this ground. Bright from the Light of the Sun, full of unknown things. I think I like you.'[/spoiler] "I think I like you, Rosie." [b]"Spree? Come with me. I need to show you... My dreams."[/b] [spoiler]I don't know what she showed him. But he was obsessed with her forever on. She loved him, no doubt, but he would die for her as many times as she would accept. And she was corrupt. The story of Dredgen Yor and his dreaded weapon occurred because of his interactions with a Hive Wizard. I believe... I believe Rosie bore Thorns of her own. Sharper... Hungrier... One night she kissed him. And his Radiance was brighter than any Warlock I've ever seen. [/spoiler] "Rosie? I love you. My life... My unending life... Wishes to end with only you. I've fought many battles... They told me the Light was what mattered. The Traveler. The City. None of it matters to me now. Only you matter." [b]"Spree? I love you too. I want you to know... Some things have to happen. I love you with all my Light. Every dream, every word I said to you was real. I want you to know that. Now please, come with me, I need to show you something-"[/b] [spoiler]She showed him what an end to life is. She took him to a dark, unknown place. She grabbed him... And he screamed. [/spoiler] "Ghost? What do you think of her?" [i]She's different. Are you sure you love her?[/i] "Of course. More than myself. More than... More than you." [i]Spree, when I resurrected you, I didn't know you'd be so bright. You've killed Hive Gods, The Black Garden's heart, and slain so many foes in the crucible. What if this love is unconquerable? [/i] "I'm just human. So is she. Look at my face, my eyes. Look at hers. We're real. This love is real, too. I'm not conquering anything at all, I'm only accepting what I deserve." [spoiler]I called his name and I knew he was dead before I finished saying it. I asked her what she's done, and she cried. 'What I had to,' she said. I flew backwards and watched in horror as his body started to burn in a way it never had before. It looked like his fire was inverted, as if it were consuming his insides. His eyes turned a color that was darker than black and his skin was a sickly green. I've seen this poison before. She explained to me that she's done this before and she'd do it again and that no one would ever be able to kill her because "they" will bring her back. 'In my sleep, I see thorns protruding my own body, and I see his face, and the Thorns grow and grow inside of me until finally they burst through HIS skin, that's how I killed him, he and I became so close that I grew a garden of darkness in him and it ate him alive and-'[/spoiler] This is long. I should stop.

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      • Probably something along the lines of [spoiler]He grew too fascinated with the dark. He drank of it and lost his light. I miss the daft fool already.[/spoiler]

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      • He was a bad muthatrucka. He poured his milk in the bowl before the cereal. He didn't break apart kit kat bars before he ate them. He unscrewed the tops of water bottles that had pop tops to drink them. He played by his own rules. But most importantly, he was the only guardian to open a door manually, forgoing the need of a ghost.

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      • Many guardians fall to the overwhelming power of the Darkness. Then there's this asshole.

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        • Legends: Zach-26 [spoiler]"Guardian, I don't think this is a good idea" "When was the last time I had a good idea?" My guardian walks closer to the door "ghost open this door," "Guardian, it feels... dark in there, this is s horrible idea, worse then going into the vault of glass," "we are still alive , aren't we?" I go towards the door trying to get it open. It feels dark. Darker than the vault. Darker then facing Crota. Darker then Oryx. Darker then everything else. At least we had other guardians with us there. We are alone this time. "Why are we doing this again?" "Eris needed something here, some more eyes of something" "why does she want eyes so much?" The door started to open, slowly. I could feel the darkness. Stronger then anything I have felt. "This does not feel right," nothing was there. It looked like an empty hall way. "Ghost, scan the area," I scanned it. I was reading something, but nothing is there "Guardian, I'm picking up something, but I don't see anything." My guardian pulled out a weapon. He made it himself. He said he called it "The Tribute of Souls" I know he is my guardian, but I think he is crazy. Warlocks are usually crazy. The weapon Looks like something a vex would wield Something came up on the coms. It was Eris. "Guardian! Get out of there! It's a tr-" the voice cut out "ghost, get my sparrow, we're getting out of here!" "It's not working," Then, hundreds of vex goblins came out of nowhere. Teleporting from some point in time. "what are vex doing on the moon!" The door we came threw was closed, and the vex where coming. "Ghost, I really wish you had a gun," he started to shot the vex with his gun. He killed them all. I don't know how, but he did. Was it his gun? He put the gun on his back. "We're trapped," something came up behind us. "Well done," the voice sounded familiar. My guardian turned around "it's you," " you have come far, from the last time we spoke, grown obsessed with the vex? The secrets that they hold. Trying to stop them from controlling everything?" "They are the biggest threat" "Come with me.. Guardian," she said 'guardian' on a... Weird way, like mocking the word. "For my group are working to find all the secrets. Some of them could change the corse of history," "how is this" "Do you think the traveler is here for good? It's an evil force. It created the vex! It is a part of the vex. It is the core of the vex" "What?" "If you are to come with us, leave your ghost, it is part of the vex" I was going to lose my guardian to a lie. I could see it. "Guardian, don't listen to her! She has to be lying!" The Eco stranger did something. There was a vex portal in the back of the hallway. It was now open. "Come with me, Zach. With you in our group we could defeat the vex in every timeline. End it all." Guardian, you can't possibly listen to her!" My guardian looked at me, then looked at the stranger. "Ghost," "Yes guardian?" "You can go now" "Guardian! Don't trust her! She is lying to you!" He started to go for the portal. I know I could not convince him to go back. "Go on, Zach. Walk into the portal," He went in. I would probably never see him again. She then had an evil look in her eyes. "Just like Osiris" "What do you want with him?" "That's something you won't know, little light" She went in and was gone. I was stuck here. Until the darkness of this place consumed me. I will be shutting down now. If someone is reading this, remember: DON'T LISTEN TO THE STRANGER[/spoiler]

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          • He looked cute the day he died

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          • [b]Legend: Kirby235711[/b] [spoiler][i]"Guardian, what are you doing?"[/i] "I'm on the forums and I have writers block." [i]"I have just the solution for that actually."[/i] "Oh really? What is your solu-" *transmission interrupted*[/spoiler] [spoiler]*signal found* [i]"What if everything you ever wanted... WAS TO KICK §H¡† IN THE FACE? BLAH BLAH TEXAAAAAS. CAREFULLY KNEE GUNSLINGERS. PEREGRINE GRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEAAVES!![/i][/spoiler]

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          • Spak ghost fragment 1 [i]The ashes of the glass giant begin to settle[/i] [b]Ghost:[/b] I knew I choose the right pile of bones [b]Spak:[/b] What was that thing anyway! [b]Ghost:[/b] Beep boop bee... [b]Spak:[/b] So now your going to pretend you can't talk. I know you know what the -blam!- is going on here, can't you just explain it! Spak ghost fragment 2: [i]The prince lay dead, defeated by his own sword logic[/i] [b]Spak:[/b] Come on now what the hell is this! [b]Ghost:[/b] You are the champion of the light! [b]Spak:[/b] So the Galaxy is safe? [b]Ghost:[/b] No. [b]Spak:[/b] -blam!- you. Spak Ghost Fragment 3: [i]The king defeated, his lifeless corpse floats off towards Saturn[/i] [b]Spak:[/b] Surely now the universe is safe, and you can explain what the -blam!- is going on now. Why did I die? Why is the traveler hurt and dorment? Where are Toland, and Oriris? [b]Ghost:[/b] Not safe yet, still more shit to kill. No time to explain, go kill shit.

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          • Here's mine [b]Legend: God[/b] [spoiler] Gjallarhorner of Skolas Ethernet puller of Crota Rapist of Oryx Pusher of Atheon Behold the holy names of your mighty god. The true traveler. Who's true name is never to be spoken[/spoiler]

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          • He ate teh booty "Or at least that's what he wanted"

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          • Edited by Nea: 5/24/2016 3:33:02 AM
            Here's mine Legend:[b]Rowe[/b] [spoiler]I knew him once [i]Just who the hell do you think you're messing with?[/i] That was his favorite line. He would always say that, and even though [i]they[/i] doubted him, his blood was never spilled on the floor. Unlike most ghosts, he found [i]me[/i], whilst out on a scouting trip to the Iranian Desert, looking to recover any survivors, Kabr, and his fireteam, consisting of Preadyth and Pahanin, found only one, and that was him. He was in complete and utter shock. It was actually quite funny watching him stumble around for a bit, after had been being in a coma for many years. But, eventually, he became one of the strongest people I've ever met. [i]"Dont wait up for us, we'll be back soon! We don't know how long it will be before we clear the Vault of Glass. Take care!" Those were the last words Rowe would ever hear Preadyth say Rowe and Preadyth, both being warlocks, both had an intimate passion for knowledge, and even though one was a Voidwalker, and one was a Sunsinger, they both got along very well. "We don't know how long it will be before we clear the Vault of Glass. Take care!" Those words haunted him for the rest of his life [/i] When word had got out that Kabr's fireteam had gone missing, Rowe went ballistic. After he had snapped, the first thing I remember hearing him say was, "I need a horde, something to [i][b][u]Demolish[/u][/b][/i], he ended up on the moon, standing in front of the gate of Crota's temple, and I recall at least 200 thrall rushing through Lightning started to spark throughout my Guardian's arm Suddenly, a spark of light errupted, leaving everything anyone could see in a bright light, when it cleared all I saw [i]Was an old friend turned into a monster[/i] Lightening was emitting throughout his entire body, and streaming out of his hands, he lifted up his hand slowly, and sparks flew. Lightning jolted towards a single thrall, and I chained to the next one, then the next one, then the next one. Next thing I knew, all the thrall were cleared, and Rowe was unconscious on the floor, and a strange gun, lying in his hand, and I had never seen him use that gun before, I searched it, and it was of his own creation, created from his current weapon, the light, and the Lightning of the first stormcaller. [i]Exotic hand cannon Sunrise Storm "The ballistic mentality that I adopted when I heard they were lost in the vault, is what drove my strength. Let my insanity drive your will."~ Rowe Row 1 Exotic Perk: Jolt fire- Headshots landed chain lighting to nearby enemies, extended Melee damage for a short period of time. Infusion Row 2 Firefly Row 3 Rangefinder Snapshot Outlaw Row 4 Triple tap Row 5 Duck and cover- jolt fire has decreased range, but increased damage No one is safe- jolt fire has extended range, but decreased damage, can chain to multiple enemies [/i] After that incident, he thought he was invincible. He went into the vault alone to search for Kabr, Pahanin, and Preadyth. He ended up getting himself killed in the process, and he never got to tell Preadyth goodbye. He left his journal and discoveries about stormcallers somewhere in my files, we're just going to have to find them[/spoiler]

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            • [u]Operation Kronos[/u] [b]TRANSMISSION INTERCEPTED:[/b] RELOCATING DATA [b]ALIEN LANGUAGE DETECTED:[/b] TRANSLATING [i]LOADING . . .[/i] TRANSLATION COMPLETE---MINIMUM ERRORS DETECTED The Ash Riders most recent report has confirmed has confirmed the informant's claim. It is estimated a full two legions supported with gunships and orbital strikes would break through within [b][Translation Error][/b] [i](54.37... seconds)[/i]. The orbital strikes are impelled as a precautionary measure only. The weakness isn't more than enough for a single legion to handle, but as is know, the Guardians are no small threat. Operation [b][Translation Error-Closest word identified][/b] [i](KRONOS)[/i] is confirmed and expected to launch within the b][Translation Error][/b] [i](2 month period)[/i].

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            • Lost to a fireteam pubstomping Twitch, throwing his controller, raged like a bitch. [spoiler]When I see this copy pasted everywhere, just remember you saw it here first.[/spoiler]

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