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Edited by FJFSOM656: 5/28/2016 9:56:41 PM

Titan Story Chp 30: On the Verge of...

[spoiler]Blake and Doc are characters used within Paradox1055s storyline. Go support and read his stuff[/spoiler] Pain pulsed through my body again as a harsh white light hung over my head. Everything was blurry and bloated as my eyes adjusted and my ears began to clear out. A small squabble between Kate and... Blake? could be heard near me but I couldn't turn my head to look. table that Rex was laying on. "Whoa whoa whoa! Kate, get back!" Blake said, straining his voice. "I have to help him! I can't just let him die!" Cried Kate with determination in hers. "We don't know his full condition! Kate, he could try to kill us again! Better yet, he could pop this tin can while we are in the dead of space!" Blake barked. I tried to move a bit but more pain shot through me and my eyes began to swirl once more. A small floating Ghost peered at me and spoke in a terrified voice. "Oh Traveler!!! He's alive! He's alive and... oh f*** he's dying again!! Doc?! Doctor?! One of you get over here!!!..." My head pulsed again in pain and I let out a dull groan. The next thing I know Blake is hovering over me, his fingers on my neck. "Doc!" Doc placed two med packs on Blake's hands and he rubbed them furiously together. Charles looked with concern. "What are you-" "Clear!!" Yelled Blake as he punched me square in the chest. My body coiled in pain and my throat erupted in coughs and sputters. "WHAT THE F***?!" Charles screamed in pure anger. "HE HAS A F***ING STAB WOUND THERE!!" He spun back to look at me and started to sob. "Oh Traveler please don't die by him!! I don't want you going down as losing to a punch to the chest!!" I coughed more and felt my body try to curl up in a ball. Everything was hurting, everything was spinning. I heard a quiet voice from the corner out of my line of sight. "Is he ok?..." It must have been Laurentine because Blake barked at Charles but quieted down his voice. "Relax! I'm trying to expel the Taken substance." Blake looked at me with concern. "I can't tell if he or the Taken is rejecting it." Blake looked to Doc. "What do you got on that sample? Is there any way we can counter it?" "From what I can gather, we need to get out of the Darkness." Answered Doc. "We haven't even left Jovian territory..." said Blake with disgust. "And that is our problem." "Can't this clunker go faster?!" Barked Charles. "I'm working on it!" Shouted a new voice from the very from of the ship, probably a pilot. "Work faster!!" I sucked in a bit of breath and tried to speak but pain shot through my body once more. "Hey, hey. Stay calm. You're safe." Blake placed his hand on my shoulder and pushed me back down. "How's your Light? How do you feel?" "How do you think he feels?! There's a HOLE in his CHEST!!" Charles yelled. I felt another streak of pain hit me but I simply nodded a little. Blake looked to Charles. "I'm trying to help!! You think they teach us how to save someone from the grips of the Darkness in medical school?! Now, I was just asking if he still had Light. If he didn't, if he couldn't fight this 'infection', I was going to give him mine." "You mean they don't?! What kind of cut rate medical school did you go to?!" Doc stopped and slowly turned towards Charles. A needle slowly extended feom his shell and he stared at Charles. "I wonder if I can inject this Taken substance into you. Maybe it will cancel out. You, of course Charles, are the purest source of Light at the moment." "What good will that do?!!" Shouted Charles. "It will advance my research..." said Doc getting ever so slightly closer. Charles turned every shade of pale and quite literally shrunk from existence. Blake shook his head and patted my shoulder again. "Come on, Robinsun, keep fighting. We'll be at the Reef soon." "There..." I heard something click as Kate said something. A low hum permeated the air. Blake got up and walked out of my view. "Kate? We don't need to wake him. Not yet, at least." I turned my head and body slowly to see a damaged Kate hovering over a dismembered Rex. His lights slowly flickered to life as his core was precariously attached to his body. "He will be fine! He won't hurt..." Two of the straps snap as Rex grabbed Kate and slams her against the wall, denting it with a shriek of metal. "Oh s***!" Blake jumped up and cocked his scout rifle. "Ghost, how's the rebooting process?! Can you connect to him?" Rex's Ghost appeared, producing a series of beeps and clicks for a response. "Uh, um, um... Someone translate." Yelled Blake. Damien hovers over. "He said that the A.Is within him are still fighting for control." Kate is whimpering in pain as Rex begins to spazz out, lights flickering different colors and shades. His voice quickly shifts from one tone to another as his grip tightens around Kate's head. "Well do something!..." Damien shouts at Blake. Blake quickly jabs Rex's core. Several wires fray and Rex spazzes one last time and falls silent. Blake helps Kate out of his grip and slams Rex back down, redoing the straps and tightening them. Kate quickly scrambles away and holds her head gently. Tears start pouring from her eyes as she sobs to herself. "Like I said, don't wake him up yet." Blake gave a sharp glance at Kate as he inspects her for more damage. She coiled up further from him and Blake sighed, standing back up and walking towards me again. I slowly licked my lips and tried to speak again. "How's?..." "Save your strength Robinsun. You will..." "Blake!!" I heard Elizabeth behind me. "She's waking up!" Blake quickly moved that way. "Doc get over here!" Doc floated over quickly. I heard shuffling and painful groans as I tried to shift that way. My body flared up in more pain but I shifted over quickly to see what was going on. Blake was blocking most of the view. "Doc get her comatose! She's too fragile at this point for the medication." Doc floated over and quickly jabbed a needle into someone and she gave out a cry in pain. "Well be lucky this one has unimaginable Light... Huh... maybe..." "Not now Doc!" Blake tried to calm the person some more. "It's alright! Your not in danger but you have to stop moving!" "I can't!... I can't!!... It hurts!! It hu..." The words of Angelica morphed into more painful moaning as Blake backed away. "How long till it kicks in?" "Should be about... now." As Doc said that Angelica slowly began to calm down and whimper to silence. Doc scanned her briefly. "That should be enough... if she gets back up I'm definitely trying it." "No you won't and that's final." Blake turned to go re-examine Kate and thus revealed Angelica fully. Her body was wrapped in bandages and what little skin was exposed was blacked with bruises and dried blood. Her face was slightly swollen and her leg and hand were bent in very odd ways. I felt my anger flare as I slowly began to sit up. "Woah woah!" Blake stopped me before I could get up. "Take it easy you can't..." I tried to shove him away but he simply tightened his grip and slammed me into the table or whatever I was on. "You can't do squat so lie still." "I'm going to kill him...!" I said through clenched teeth. "Not now you aren't." "I will... I will!!" I tried to stuggle but his grip was stronger. "Doc put him out again, we can't have anymore outbursts before we reach the Reef." "Just... let me go!!" "What are you going to do?!" Charles appeared directly infront of my face, tears pooling down from his core. "Your useless as a sack of Thrall meat! What can you do?!" I flinched at his words but I gritted my teeth and growled. "I don't care, I'll find a way." "What are you trying to prove?!" "That he can't push me around!" I felt the tears sting the back of my eyes as I yelled at him. "That he can't just injure my teammates! My friends!! and get away with it!! I'll make him pay! I won't lose this time!! I'll fight and I'll win!!" Tears streaked down my cheeks as my voice gave out pitifully. Everything was silent as Charles floated there, still crying. I felt a small prick in my neck and the world began to fade to black again. The last thing I heard was Charles saying something that sparked a memory. "If you want to save them... You have to..." link to chapter 29.95 link to chapter 31

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  • Edited by FJFSOM656: 6/24/2016 9:18:41 PM link to Main Table of contents link to Table of Exotic Contents link to Table of Discussion Topics

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