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Edited by Killlerschaf: 5/20/2016 4:46:39 AM

Bungie pls: Bring back reforging

I'm sure every dedicated Destiny player has thought about getting the Grasp of Malok at least once. I did as well. Even more than once. But every single time I come close to farming it, I remember one essential thing: I'm totally gonna grind Omnigul for 24 hours straight to have a chance at a good roll. That's definitely fun and I definitely enjoy it. And I will definitely do it. That's also why I already have a Grasp of Malok... Oh wait, I hate all of these things and will never get a grasp. If we could rerol weapons however, I would do the grind at least once. I then remember that rerolling also balanced the PvP, because it removed the RnG component and put an emphasis on skill. Before and after HoW, if your shotgun drop didn't have max impact and range, you couldn't do anything against someone who had the luck of RNG gifting him the god roll. The difference between these rolls is so immense, that it literally substituted skill. Let's not even talk about a sniper with shortgaze, hidden hand, unflinching and quickdraw, vs a sniper with a longview SLR20, exhumed, partial refund and rifled barrel. RNG should never dictate your ability to compete long-term. And as someone who has 11 days in the Crucible and has not gotten a single god roll without reforging on anything... I would say that removing the option to reforge was one of the worst things to happen. Concerning god rolls and their prevalence/importance: Reforging was never the issue with god rolls. The issue has always been that 3/4 of all the perks are straight out garbage for absolutely every imaginable PvP play style. There is pretty much one specific god roll per weapon type, and that is only due to limited perk viability. ARs need to be bullet hoses with max range/stab, PRs need max fire rate, max stab and headseeker/HCR/Glass half empty, Snipers need shortgaze/ambush/quickdraw/snapshot/hidden hand, HCs need max range and range at all costs with HH or LiTC, Shotguns need max range with max range (old god roll would be knee perks/rangefinder/rifled barrel/aggr ball on a Matador/Felwinter). If 3/4 of the perks would actually be useful, there's a point to be made how you would want to have multiple weapon duplicates with specific rolls. Which actually makes the grind for weapons useful again and enhances playability far more than what we have right now. Or even had in the HoW (even though that was already better). Not just tedious and skill substituting. TLDR: Read the post.

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  • Please no...perfect roll shotguns again. Perfect roll everything again. No want. Killed my life.

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  • PLEASE NO! Reforging killed the game. No one tried anything new, just got the same weapon and reforged until everyone had the same roles. Definitely DO NOT bring it back! NO NO NO.

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    • Bump

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      • I had a blast with reforging, something to grind for; bit in reality, it was not good for the game. Great rolls were less special,

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      • Bad idea. It ruined year 1

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        • Reforging should probably come back, but at a much much higher price. I saw an interesting post on Reddit that had the idea of only reforging a certain perk slot for something like 150 motes of light and 1500 glimmer (maybe more glimmer, but that is arguable). I think that reforging at a higher cost would be fine because players will have to still work for the god roll, but not just be screwed over by RNG.

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        • -blam!- no

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          7 Replies
          • -blam!- no. It was ruining year 1

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          • bumperino

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            • Bump

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            • Bump. Destiny is shit right now.

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            • Dear god no

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              • I say yes bring it back but with a limit. Make it cost 50 legendary marks per reroll and make it so we can only reroll the weapon 3 times total.

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                2 Replies
                • You're not going to get it, I stopped grinding last year, there's no point. I don't even care anymore, you've got like a 1% chance of getting it and even less of getting the perks you want. If I run into a gun, great, but I'm not going to waste my life on this game. They don't even care about you anyways, otherwise they would have reforging. It's not like you're the first one to bring it up ... Honestly though, the gun sucks. It's ugly, the scopes are terrible, I have a 335 and it just sits on my Warlock, whom I never play. The loot system on this game is all -blam!-ed up, I've turned in 30 or so packages and have gotten two guns. There's no point in grinding for something you're not going to get.

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                  • How about you can only reroll primaries? So not everyone is running around with God roll Party Crashers and Efrideet's Spears like year one.

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                  • Edited by iDovahBear: 5/20/2016 10:02:40 AM
                    I am totally down, but the whiners? Well they're too busy Crucibabying. It's bad enough you beat them, but if they see God Rolls they just get extra salty. They feel like you wouldn't have killed them without that roll, which is preposterous... Or is it? Streamers are always talking about how rolls don't just equate to instant win mode. You'd think they wouldn't give a damn about Reforging, in the event. And yet nobody wants Reforging... Somebody is lying. Not sure who. But either the perks matter enough that people perceive it as a problem, or they're just too butthurt to handle seeing people use good weapons.

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                    3 Replies
                    • I agree with everything you have written, but rerolling is a hot topic that divides opinion wildly. I loved it and thought it was a logical progression of the loot endgame. It reduced uneccessary grind which was welcomed. I would be very surprised if reforging didnt make a comeback in Destiny 2. By then I hope Bungie has balanced most of the perks out to allow a thriving reroll system which does not cause a perceived imbalance in PvP.

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                      • Holy crap - perfect! Reforging didn't break the game - Bungie's lack of useful perks did. I finally had a reason to grind for a particular gun, because I knew I could forge into what I really wanted (which sometimes led to more grinding for mats/motes/glimmer/etc...). WIthout it, I've given up. Won't even touch Omingul intentionally, because trying something 140 times, then finally getting the weapon you want with useless perks is a waste. Yeah, I have an Imago Loop... With exhumed and something else (forgot because it is still in my vault - never used it). Wouldn't it be great if I thought it was a good gun? It is crap. Totally not worth the time it took me to initially inspect it. How is that fixing the game?

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                        7 Replies
                        • I'm a yr2 player however I really want reforging but let's be honest it was to easy back in HoW. [b]suggestions[/b] Make it so you can only reroll x number of times per week Make xur sell some sort of reroll token Only do it for strike specific loot Make the gunsmith ,after completing a test weapon give a reroll token and when you rank him up

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                          • Bungie may as well remove the "bad" perks and only make the OP ones available

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                            • Edited by PreUsedSoap: 5/21/2016 2:21:36 PM
                              OP Complaining that a game about grinding is too grindy. I'm done. I'd also like a grasp with god rolls but i don't because i hate strikes so I'm never going to get one. If you want it that bad with "god" roll that get grinding kiddo.

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                              9 Replies
                              • NO!

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                              • Long story short not going to happen

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                              • Yes yes yes this needs to happen!

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                                2 Replies
                                • Yeeea.... No rerolls. Its not balanced at all, and when they brought it in, it nearly broke the crucible cuz people just rerolled for shot package or range finder for shotties, head seeker and perfect stability for pulses to 2 busrt you in the dome. And... Those were pretty much the ONLY weapons people rerolled for crucible. Although itd be nice for pve BUT pvp dictates pve changes pretty much. Also if they brought in rerolling theyll just reduce your chances of getting the weapon u want to make up for rerolling watever perks u want. So theres really no point. And id rather die to a few people with god roll weapons than abunch of noobs who just rerolled easily for godly perks. PLUS it takes out the fun of getting decent perks on a weapon u really wanted. Like my soul stealer claw(similiar to the doctrine) has counter balance which makes the recoil easy to control, but that was the only perk that was good. Didnt get any stability perk on it so i had to learn to use it to its potential and now i rekt kids with it cuz i had to master it. And thats wat weapons should be. Rerolling will just take the time for u to learn your weapon and pretty much gives u a freebee and cuts u short of being a better player. Comming into yr 2 i was horrible at cruciblr cuz i had a god roll hopscotch pilgrim that 2 bursted people easily. So i pretty much had to start over and learn the weapons. Hope this is enough to convince u about not bringing back rerolling

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                                  15 Replies
                                  • I love 3 things about this discussion every time it comes up and this makes me belly laugh: - All the arguments against it always seem to come from the PvP centric players who are already a cancer to this game and killing it ever so slowly. Lol, I mean they got revives and ammo nerfed for fuq's sake haha! There's no end to their malignant tears. - The use of the term "god roll". People must think that God or gods (depending on what you do/don't believe) are pretty weak zzzz. A real "god roll" would be a Fatebringer with it's original burn and crowd control trick + Wolfpack rounds + Fire Fly + Triple Tap + Mulligan + Regens Ammo + HRoF + Boosts to ALL stats on the player. THAT IS A GOD ROLL. A sniper with Final Round + (name other perk) is NOT a god roll. - The players (again, mainly PvP centric players) who cry and sniffle about "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but then e-e-everyone would have the s-same g-g-g-gun mommy waaaaaaaaa!" Again, PvP centric players to the rescue to fuq the game over. Think of ALL the guns we had in Y1, including elemental burns. Now think of what you use in Y2.... That's right, Hung Jury, 1KYS, QT is the most common or something very close to that. So, yeah, don't tell me about variety when most of the best weapons we ever had in this game are locked away from us. Plus, who are these players to determine or care what weapons I have or use? You know who they are, no one, so they can fuq right off, thanks.

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