I know the title may be inflammatory to some, so I'll start by saying I love the destiny community and usually have no issues.
Anytime I raid with a team that's over 50% strangers I always wind up getting kicked. Regardless of my K/d, light, dps or general wipe-causing--blam!-ups I'm always the one kicked.
Am I being paranoid? Or am I being penalized for bing a girl?
Edited by Hondaenthu93: 4/29/2016 4:20:17 AMParanoid. Actually I don't put anything past lfg groups... I would suggest just looking for sherpas. There's plenty of us out there willing to help. And they go into it with patience, expecting to have some issues, but will be pleasantly surprised when you actually do know all the mechanics. Just say you've never done it before, then they'll be like damn this girls good! Lol