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4/29/2016 12:30:41 AM

Girl Tax?

I know the title may be inflammatory to some, so I'll start by saying I love the destiny community and usually have no issues. Anytime I raid with a team that's over 50% strangers I always wind up getting kicked. Regardless of my K/d, light, dps or general wipe-causing--blam!-ups I'm always the one kicked. Am I being paranoid? Or am I being penalized for bing a girl?
#Destiny #Raid #kick

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  • Haha that's so weird that you get kicked for that I play with my friend adrianne quite a bit myself so... I find woman are way more chill at this than men too like they arnt hollering instructions at people or trying to force them to play the way they do but yeah I personally don't discriminate

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  • I usually end up getting kicked because I have no filter between my brain and my mouth and say exactly what I'm thinking. Which means that if I think someone's a beepity-beep, I'll tell them. And I swear like a trooper. Probably not because you're female. I've had very little negativity from the Destiny community, although there is always a bit of confusion when they've been talking to either myself or the other half and then we swap over and he suddenly sounds like a pre-pubescent boy. ;)

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  • It might be the same problem I have when playing with dudes. They think you're a squeaker. All the time.

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    • Thems the breaks. Not a clan guy my self but there are clans for girls, I'm sure they'll help you. I'd offer but dnt have a raid team.

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    • People are idiots. People on the internet are idiotic assholes. I'm One Shot Ted. Sucks to not be me, I guess.

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      • yulp

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      • It's definitely because you suck

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      • Do you know what to do in the raid? Also they might mistake you for a squeaker depending on your voice (I know it's very petty, but that's destiny) I often jump in a raid and have my mic muted unless I'm picking a role.

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      • Edited by Racebum: 4/29/2016 9:22:33 AM
        If it's not your ability I would take a stab at it being your personality. The only other variable is if it is kids. If you're really young or you play with people who are really young it's probably unpredictable

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      • Edited by Pocket Fox: 4/29/2016 9:26:02 AM
        Kick them baaaaaaack. Or just tell them you identify as male and use the men's bathroom, and if they kick you for not conforming to the gender a doctor arbitrarily put on your birth certificate then they must be bigots and shame on them for triggering you. This sort of thinking seems to appeal to college kids these days, and chances are there is at least 1 college kid in your fireteam.

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      • Most destiny players are a bunch of morons I say -blam!- them be bigger and ignore the idiots.

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      • Lmfao i know you're shit because in PvE k/d is irrelevant? Maybe try something else gamings not your thing

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        4 Replies
        • If you need a raid partner u can add me for next week. (Dave-g35 ) and I'll be on playing ib some this weekend. We can make a team and make sure you don't get kicked. But if I die and YOU kick ME then I might cry ; (

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        • Edited by CompassRose39: 4/29/2016 7:51:28 AM
          Practice makes perfect, learn to compensate for lag if need be. Learn from your failures and dont repeat mistakes again and again. Think before you leap headlong into a situation with little to no chance of victory. Listen to people that have a lot of completions. -edit- I hope this helps at least a little, good luck and happy hunting. Enjoy the challenge, if you need a sherpa to help out pm me.

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        • Maybe you could try joining an active clan? Mine are and we have other female members that play regularly too

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        • Nah, id be surprised if they kicked you. Since mostly fireteam's are made up of men or kids or etc, they may get a little nervous but otherwise? Odd.

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        • I like girls

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        • I've never been kicked for being a chick.... Error codes like baboon is another story. Make your own group for activities =)

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        • Yup it's 3.99 usd

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        • Of course it's for being a girl. What did you think it would be for otherwise?

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        • The only reason I ever kick someone is if they are being an asshole, or screwing up the same thing over and over I can't speak for most people that play destiny, but I welcome anyone regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. If you're respectful and you are willing to learn, you're welcome in my party.

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        • Oh geez. Muted.

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        • My observations tell me it's yes because you're a girl, but it's also based on a cultural difference. To begin with, being kicked based on gender is still very rare and If you find this far from the case being female, I would advise you rethink your general raiding/teamplay strategy and not confuse gender-booting for being a general sub-average player. That said, I have participated in countless International LFG and on my part have witnessed groups kicking or berating girls based on gender have only been confined to U.S. groups. I’ve been evenly spread amongst British, French, German, Mexican, but mostly Australian/NZ fireteams and none I have seen kicked or abused the females in their groups on wipe situations. However, I’ve seen it happen about 5 or 6 times in U.S. groups and 1 case was completely disgusting that I lodged a thorough report into. Not trying to single out a specific gaming culture, just going by my personal law of averages.

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          18 Replies
          • Edited by Sherpa: 4/29/2016 6:06:20 AM
            Getting kicked for gender is pointless but to be honest if they're kicking you for something like that they probably wouldn't have been capable of completing the raid regardless Keep in mind though some people do take stats seriously and just being blunt here your stats are below average now this doesn't mean much but to other players it may so it could just be you're not meeting their criteria and not the fact you're a female just find some people who don't care about stats as I doubt too many people kick due to gender

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          • Well if you're on ps4 you can always add me up we don't care about gender, race or k/d we play games to have fun and have a nice chat.

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          • They are probably so unused to seeing women they just assume you're a "squeaker".

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