If you'd said that to anyone else on the forums, you'd have been crucified by now.
Completely agree with dabsta
To put this in perspective: I've seen a meta with only 3 viable weapons. Snipers that 1 shot to the body. Autos, Pulse, Handcannons all be the only viable weapon type in the game, fusion rifles being completely unusable, shotguns that fired for miles, various supers that wiped whole teams, special ammo abundance, and heavy that droped when you killed players. There has been real issues. So WomboCombo, grenades that do damage over time don't really seem like that big of a concern to me. Being a better player can beat these pathetic concerns. Right now, is the best the crucible has ever been. Wanna get me crucified? Bring it on. I'll defend my position. These are not that bad. Maybe Firebolt could use tweaking, but WomboCombo is not an issue at all.