originally posted in:Iron Hamster
This is very easy. The second half, dv85, is derived from an author name I still use when writing and posting fan fiction. The first half, digi, was added to express my interest in a certain anime that I base the fiction off of. Yet strangely enough everyone I know on Xbox Live calls me simply dig because of an off chance conversation that occurred on my first VoG run.
Someone in the group of six I was in asked me how to pronounce my gamertag. I replied as I intended it to be pronounced; ( di-gee-dee-vee-eight-five) But the same person, and to this day I have no idea who it was said back: "That's too long. We're calling you dig from now on." Now everyone I have met refers to me as that. I never officially endorsed the call sign but whatever, beggars can't be choosers and if it ain't broke don't fix it as they say.
Great name , great nickname and great attitude(^_^) So appreciated the great story and origin breakdown of the tags parts. I like it, it sounds really cool . It's great to have a quick version nickname when joining new guardians in a Raid. Thanks for finding this post and sharing so much. Play On Guardian! P. Hikita of iron hamster clan NYC