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4/13/2016 12:25:16 AM

Problems with the April update

Look, I want to be clear, I'm not bashing against the update, I like it, I appreciate it. However, there are something I believe should've happened, could've happened, and I wish would have happened. Should've Happened: -We should've gotten at least one of the exotic armor pieces remaining for each class. It is ridiculous that we were told we were getting these at launch, that they were in the trailers, that they ARE in the armory, and that they are unobtainable. There's not much time left. -EVERYONE should've been able to play with a new exotic. There is no good reason that Xbox didn't get a new exotic at all. Please do not give me "Well it takes time to design exotics" or "Just buy a playstation" I have a playstation and I will not pay for PS plus or another copy of destiny because I prefer Xbox and bowing to Sony for money only makes me hate you more instead of convincing me to join the people who play on it. No, I don't have a problem with the gaming community on PSN, and no, I do not just hate to hate. I respect the PS4 but not Sony, nor do I enjoy their controllers or the console OS. And I am aware that it very well may be activision's choice to side with Sony and Bungie may not have any say, but you could've given us a god-blam!- gun! make a second, you had 7 months to. What's worse is how unique and cool the zen meteor is. You gave them a scout rifle that refilled ammo that we knew about since very early Y1 (which might I mention was A NEW GUN for ONE PERSON yet you couldn't do that for ONE CONSOLE-FULL OF GAMERS DYING FOR CONTENT.) only you changed what the gun looked like (I'm not gonna even mention how you did that for a gun you already made yet you couldn't do it for a new one for xbo- oh -blam!-ing wait, i did mention it. whoops.) Bungie GIVE XBOX SOMETHING SO THEY STILL PLAY YOUR GAME GOD -blam!-ING -blam!-IT. And even with the horseman, it was not much different from the invective, just faster and longer reload+no regen perk. -We should've gotten an actual quest, not 1 mission and 1 patrol mission (only in our quest log) and a strike. -The "quest" should've given us something that was UNIQUE in MORE than visuals. It's worse than a (blank) edge but deals more dmg to taken and is 320. It was instantly infused into something else by a lot of people. If this sword were to suddenly turn into a taken exotic sword when it was maxed out (or with a quest after maxed out) most people are going to have to play the 2 missio- 1 mission and a strike over again for it. What Could've happened -We could've gotten more content, period. But, we could've gotten nothing. We should be happy. -We could've had to pay for ALL treasure boxes, but we get 3 a week, not bad if you ask me. -We could've just gotten a questline, we could've gotten a longer questline, or we could've gotten no questline. Thankfully ,we got both a quest and some endgame content. -We could've gotten zero new exotics. And for Xbox gamers who enjoy playing on a system that listens to you (heh) and a company that will try to some extent to make your gaming experience better, we did. For Playstation gamers, you got your sniper, have fun. -We could've had to deal with the thorn and the ghally. We don't. They're waiting for summer to do that. -We could've not been blessed with Y1 exotics, but we did, because getting them and paying to access them and upgrading them wasn't enough, we weren't worthy for keeping the loot we paid for. And finally, what I wish we got -I wish that we got a longer, meatier questline. -I wish that the strike was in new areas. -I wish the strike implemented some new mechanics (though I guess the super blights are kind of newish maybe, at least we don't have normal blights covering the entire floor and just a few big ones.) -I wish PoE had separate options for taken and non taken. Just like original PoE, I wish there were more options to play each week, because that was what was good about PoE. Though PoE is a good endgame style as well. -I wish raids were updated, so we had a substantial amount of endgame to play. What do other destiny players want or wish was in this update (please someone provide any missing info it's only been a day so there may be secret loot still waiting to be found)

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