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4/9/2016 8:34:14 PM
"Well we both kick box the mma type but yes there are many types

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  • *The Surrogate tilts his head.* " 'MMA' type? Now that may not be one I'm familiar with."

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  • "I would show you but it wouldn't be a fair match " "My sister are the top fighters in our clan but she stronger but im way faster but together were a force to be reckoned with" *leyla smiles revealing a row very razor sharp teeth* "Oh stop droning on serenity if he was want to see how mma work why dont we show him... *leyla turns and faces me* "Spar with me big sis"

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  • *The Surrogate of Kol turns back to face Leyla. The body then seems to shift into a unique position, leaving the left foot first, the fingers on each hand seem to close into fists, the armour making them sharper, and thus more of a physical threat.* "When you feel ready to begin, make your first attempt. One more thing: This body has shields." *The Surrogate then bows, and simply stands there, slightly shifting around, as if ready to counter whatever might be thrown his way.*

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  • Edited by VengefulSiren: 4/9/2016 9:48:56 PM
    "Yes lets do this" " just know kol we wont hold anything back" *leyla and serenity get into a fighting stance* "I will mention this now we both covered in a toxic slim so if you think get a grip on us your mistaken" "So bring it on its your move"

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  • *The Surrogate of Kol starts to move, but in mere moments will become a blurring storm of punches which would probably strike them if they don't counter. Kol seems to chuckle a little.* "A toxic slime will not do anything to a surrogate form like mine. How is slime going to hurt a statue being manipulated by a being like I? ...So it begins." *The Surrogate has made it's first move; a series of differently paced footsteps, followed by what can be one strike upon both of the attackers, hitting anywhere, but generally speaking, the attack would hit them squarely in the possible regions including: Shoulders, arms, legs, and stomach.*

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  • "Underestimating us is very unwise" *they both disappear in a flash leaving a puff a dust in the air where they were both standing. They reappear with blinding speed attacking you from both sides both at the same leyla give kol a drop kick making you slam into a nearby tree. Then serenity hits with you another kick that makes a piece of your armour crack half*

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  • *The surrogate form stumbles, then gets bashed into a tree, the armour's shielding snaps from that kick from Serenity, but then bursts out in a vicious sequencial pulse of energy as a retaliation; after that sequence is complete, the shields would've recharged already due to kinetic motion. The Surrogate's attacks become sudden and aggressive, flinging strange energies at them that seem to be his raw motion, his punches fly at them but are not connected to his hands; these flying punches seem to always hit this time, and always at spots such as the armpit, the neck, the back-of-knees, and the spine.* "You do not--- [Stumbling] --- [Mumbling in unknown language; the energy shield begins retaliating] -- - I am Koldraxon!" *After the Surrogate taunted them, his attacks would've begun to slow a little, but he shall then 'jitter' between physical space, moving -through- distance in order to hit them where he is assured that it hurts.* /Attack results: -Is stumbled, gets kicked into a tree during stumble; shield pulses to get him off the tree, Serenity kicks his back, resulting in the shields flaring into a physical retaliation state. |Response: -Physical retaliation state which should knock people back, the strength increases with each pulse, five pulses within the two-and-a-half second gap, then it's at full strength, and in this case it acts as a layer of armour that will reflect the attack with a blast of physical energy. -The Surrogate has begun to use 'Moving Through Distance', enabling his attacks to hit them regardless of distance, but requires a reasonably clear line of sight to execute. Using this, the Surrogate is now attacking both of them with energized punches, among a few kicks to the rib, other than the shields trying to counter their attacks. -In this state, the Surrogate's armour, where there would be seams, is glowing in a bright orange.

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  • Edited by VengefulSiren: 4/9/2016 11:35:11 PM
    "Oh what this dogs bite is firing me up leyla " " i know what you mean serenity im going all out" *leyla grins showing razor sharp teeth* *she goes even faster now making it even harder for kol to detect her movements. Leyla appears grabbing you around middle and slams you down extremely hard after uppercutting you making you stagger* "Oh wow you really got leyla worked up" *Serenity pants catching her breath for second then she jumps and slams knee into your face then flips you over slaming you hard to the ground pinning your arms behind your back while leyla sits on your back pinning your legs holding them down* "Oh look we got you pinned"

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  • *The Surrogate of Kol seems to freeze when he was grabbed, causing an uppercut would result in the attacker feeling pain from trying to hit a seemingly immovable object. The surrogate's entire body then loosens, revealing the strange energy that Kol has channeled in; the[url=] body changes into another form (albeit nothing much changes, or so it seems), presumably akin to the Warframe one may know as Chroma.[/url].* *The Surrogate, before he could begin to retaliate, is pinned.* "This is not how I anticipated. I am not finished." *The Surrogate then draws from the foreign reservoir of energy that Kol seems to've provided himself, and with this power, he does an incredible thing; he attempts to execute a form-correcting flip with this might, which should send the one who pinned his arms down flying, and the one who's stuck his legs would've been thrown off. After this, the Surrogate would have glowing wings emitting from a part of the new shape's 'pelt', waiting for his opponents to recover if that was the case.* "I have many shapes. I will adapt. I shall counter you; it may take time."

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  • *they both get knocked after he knocks them off his back then look at each other and say domething in there tongue. "Do think that enough to stop us let show the true power of mer" *Serenity laughs as she bring one of her hands to her face and bites one of her fingers making it bleed dark blood. Then her sister does the same they both turn and hastily write a couple strange symbol on each others back chanting something strange and unknown. Then they very appearance change both of there skin turns dark like burnt wood and demeanor change and this dark crushing feeling. "We will make you submit" *they say in a deep voice* * they both hit him in same spot with there legs connecting with chest sending him slamming in the same tree making fall down this time. Leyla grabs him by arm picks him up slams him hard the force of which snaps his arm making his left arm worthless and limp.*

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  • "We are many. You are just two. I am but one, but our numbers will overcome you, for your emotions show." "You cannot kill that which is bound to Kol. - My lord, this form does not have it's full arsenal unlocked. They are resorting to tools outside of bare hands!" *The Surrogate's body hits the tree, and a loud scream can be heard from something attached to it as it abruptly uprights, only to end up losing an arm. [url=]This arm regenerates due to something about that pelt.*[/url] [url=]" - - THE SKY WILL BE AS IT WAS MEANT. I AM A SHADOW. MY PATH IS CLEAR. YOU WILL BE BLED DRY. I AM CHROMA IN SERVICE TO KOLDRAXON."[/url] *The Surrogate's form's arms grow a pair of weapons; both that of a Battalyst's and a Conculyst. It becomes a whirlwind of unrelenting Hate. From the sky, a strange shape looms, and things that roughly resemble the pelt have begun to descend. Their energy colour matches the Surrogate. The colours are primarily browns and bronzes, with strange lines of orange. Their heads lack the 'eyes' of common Sentient drones, and have 'eyes' akin to Promethean Knights. These simply hover in wait.* "I will attack in many forms. You do not deserve death for your crime. You broke my arm, and from it shall rise another of - MY KIND - myself." *From the dissected arm, grows another Kol-bound Chroma. The original Surrogate has fully converted itself into something different. Something... ...Sentient.*

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  • Edited by VengefulSiren: 4/11/2016 10:57:26 AM
    "We bow before no man , god , demon or sentient beast and you can never break our will. So go ahead and try" *they both hiss and bare their teeth before making there move they pause for second.* "So how much do really about mer hmm let us teach you the meaning of pain" *and with that they both release a skull splitting scream that is strong enough to induce madness inducing pain. All nearby glass like pops and shatters with the force of the scream and their still screaming* [spoiler]sorry about late response i had work and stuff[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Koldraxon: 4/11/2016 10:53:33 PM
    *The Chroma readies itself for another attack, but lets them speak. After he listened, he responds.* "Your religion does not move my devotion to the facts. I am reborn as you chose to shape yourselves as hate-of-defeat. You fear loss. [i]Your greed will break you and shape you as swords."[/i] *The Chroma is unmoved by their threats-as-hisses.* "Snakes [i]do not [/i]scare animated statues for[i] the statues know they are unaffected."[/i] *After they screamed, the Sentient Lord that is Chroma... ...Is [b]unmoved[/b] by their screams.* "You forget that despite my sentience, I do not know pain. The body may flinch and wince at it but I do not. I do not embody this. We are influenced by Koldraxon, and because of it, I see your weakness." *The Chroma gestures towards them.* "You [i]feed[/i] of pain? We will not move. We [i]will not feed you this food."[/i] *The Chroma then gestures towards the shapes he has around him.* "I have many limbs; because of your ignorance of the ancient rules of combat, I will see to it that you are... ...calmed." *A set of four of these shapes abruptly descend. Two of a variant of the shape, seemingly designed for melee. Two of another, designed to attack from afar. These split into even pairs and prepare to engage and seperate the opponents. They emit a whisper, a hum.* [i] "...You will become calm. You shall be a tamed weather. You are clouds, you will run out of water. It will stop raining. The sky will be lit once more."[/i]

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  • "There's too many serenity we're surrounded. Something wrong here i feel dont right...." *i watch in horror as the black marks that cover serenity skin turn bright red and i helplessly watch as she drops to the ground screaming as she claws at her skin.* "It burns leyla help me make it stop i can breathe" *i rush to my sisters side ignoring all of his clones. Her skin starts turn pale as she gasps for air while frantically clawing at her gills.* "What have you done to my sister" *then an extreme burning sensation starts coursing through her body bringing her to her knees as she clutches at her shirt as she collapses. Then wide spread racks my body as i try to take in air gasping as i do my vision getting blurry as set eyes on my sister who is still gasping for air while lying on the ground. My breathing becomes very labored as start to i black out.... * "Wwater..*gasps*...need...*gasp*.....wwater.*gasps*... cant....*gasps*....breathe... " *then Leyla blacks out*

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  • *The shapes maintain their offensive, but eventually notice something's up and even these shapes are aware of that.* ... "I adapted. The Mantle decrees that you may be spared of any further harm. You have been disarmed." *The shapes then seems to stop attacking. The Chroma then gestures at the sky, and so do his shapes. His lights then flash a liquid blue for a moment, then a boom of thunder, then what appears to be a small cloud, dispensing a waterfall, appears to form in-between Chroma's hands. The four shapes that were in combat have reverted to their 'closed' state and are simply hovering there.* "Drink of this and rest. We have bested you. Without one of the two you are vulnerable, and with this you will admit it. I have bested you in unrestrained combat." *The shapes that were fighting have returned to the ring of themselves. Chroma descends until he is at ground level; as the fight was proceeding, he had merged with some of his 'limbs'; he's bigger, his wings are a mixture of the types; Sentient armour hovers over the pelt. He looks at Leyla.* "Be assured this: She isn't dead, nor would I have wasted my effort to cut you down, for that is bad for reputation, yes?" *The Chroma then hovers over, next to her. He proceeds to let go of the cloud-thing, which then would limit it's lifespan. The Chroma then returns to the last spot, and stands there, he's taller than he was before.*

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  • *i feel the cool rain hit my now skin as slowy i look over at my sister and she still out cold and the marks on her skin are still blood red* "Oh no... that not good at all.. her mark is broken this isn't good her mark is supposed to black not red. Its rejecting her " *leyla looks extremely worried now* "i heard of this but never seen it

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  • *Chroma and his shapes speak as one.* "You sacrifice a life to attempt the impossible. There are solutions, but the ones we know of are grim and painful. From what I recall, I have a list..." *The Chroma raises his left hand, a holographic list appears. He then gestures to Leyla.* "The options range from slightly painful to very ugly, but these are solutions - [b]if[/b] they work - ." /LIST READS: [spoiler]-Physical reformation by Promethean Order or Forerunner Composer - sacrifice the organic shell for a better chance at living. -Sacrificing one of my own limbs, I could try to transfer her conscience into it; this would allow her to manipulate that shape into whatever she feels suits herself. -Being raised from the dead - I do not know how to do this for I am no Death Knight, let alone affiliated with Zenf -. -Conversion into a ghostly form that can still manipulate the physical realm within one's grasp. -Dissecting this rune off her body and replacing it with a substitute for that flesh. -Using a means that are not my own, I could show this outcome to you before we fought. This will damage history and the Arch known as Xor'Realius will not be amused with my defiance of history. End List, End [/spoiler] "That, unfortunately, is all I can come up with. Although I didn't mention one more variable, I -could- fashion an analog to that I was shaped as when I was first reforged to serve Kol's herald. The process may take days, and the outcome is unknown. Due to your oblivion to my, our, potential, you and your companion have flung themselves like spears at me. You, the one known as Leyla, were able to pull yourself out of my scaled plating. The other one, on the other hand, was too reckless and wasted her prowess. This loss of life could be avoided. We were not designed to eradicate. Koldraxon taught me this: 'I impose Order, or the first state of my name: Kol. I Impose-this-upon, which is the second state of my name: Dra. I thus Impose Order upon Chaos. This is my third state within my name. It is: Xon. I have an inverse-self. He is Xar Dor Kol. He is Chaos brought-unto Order.' The meaning is simple. I am simply here to enact his will, but I am Sentient; free to decide for myself. So I have chosen to offer what I can, but you thought you could eradicate a being that unfurled from a bland shell; my mind was not always that shell. With this knowledge, that you had sacrificed a life close enough to matter significantly, what of the options I can fulfill would you chose, as to cleanse her of this ailment?" *The shapes seem to hum again. The Chroma slowly walks towards Leyla, who is next to her sister. Chroma carries his own rendition of War, which has a more draconian face on it's hilt in the place of the Sentient face. This one places the blade's tip to the ground infront of him, both hands on the hilt.* "Will you save the one who is related in blood, or pray that death does not befall her sooner, for I am not Death, no, Zenf is that." *The Chroma has become quiet. He awaits a response.*

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  • "Not as simple as you think see its a very powerful ritual that marks her but here the thing the mark always grows " *i lift part of serenity shirt up to see the heart of mark on her belly thats solid black but one the line in center is blood red and it slow creeps along be itself slowly moving down her belly * "See..

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  • *The Chroma nods at what she first said.* "I do not think this sort of ritual is required for me or the kind that I have become. You've witnessed this, and you, and her (*one of the shapes whispers the word 'hopefully'.*) will live to speak of it..." *Then he observes her showing the mark's center. He tilts his head, then she speaks.* "...Unless you perceive that sort of legend to spoil your own? So it's merely a matter of time before she recovers, yes?" *The list disappears. The Chroma straightens up, yet retains his position.* "Presuming this duel is over, I and my limbs wait. What is your opinion, despite the unrequired outcome of one exhausting their reservoir of energies, of our prowess?" *While he waits for a reply, he flips the sword so the tip faces skyward, and stares at the glowing energy that is channeled through it, as if listening to a voice.* [spoiler] "Yes, my mentor, their formidable performance is over, or so it seems. Is there something you require?" *Kol's voice emits from the sword, but sounds illegible.* "No, I have not managed to acquire my educational catalyst to enable me to learn what they are teaching; I am still out here, waiting for these two to recover before I proceed. What else?" *Kol's voice again emits a response.* "I am always sheltered by my limbs and my greater [HULL]. You need not worry." *Kol's voice replies yet again. Sounding specific this time* "Your Surrogate is my exemplary shell, mentor. It grew into my shape and now I am... ...What do you mean by that?" *The voice of Kol emits one last thing, and this word is clear.* "Balance. Any foe deserves an opportunity. Humanity and the Kal'eon back [HOME] were evenly matched, and thus they spared eachother from death. It was not my doing, Chroma of myself." False [/spoiler] *The blade's energy dims. The Chroma looks back up at Leyla and asks, with curiosity; his limbs seem to be humming a tune suiting to the situation, like incidental music.* "I am curious; is your friend -what I heard as 'sister'- sufficiently living? We mean, will she be fine?"

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  • "This mark is what every female in my clan gets when she comes of age soon i will have to get the same mark on my skin as well wether i want to or not. If i dont i will get banish from my clan. It has little do with legends" *leyla sits next to her sister. She looks at her with a worried look on her face. Then she looks at you.* " have to send a message my clans healer as soon possible to get aid for her they will be able heal her that means i have to call echo.." *she grabs a silver whistle that hangs from her neck and blows it. Off in the distance a cry of a bird is heard. The flapping of huge wings is heard getting closer. Then a very strange red bird the size of a bobcat that has two heads lands close to leyla then it hops closer to her.* "Hello echo my pretty bird i have a message to send to the chief its important." *leyla i pull out a piece and hastily writes out a message in mer and ties it to echo's leg* "Make haste and fly fast she needs aid" *echo turns and takes off leaving a couple red feathers on the ground. Leyla watches echo quickly disappear into the distance* "Echo will be back in couple hours he's really fast for a bird." "Just so you know that a lot of my kind doesn't like outsiders and they judge you harshly but i that you my favor seeing how im the chief daughter in all they will not argue. Now just so you know will see them fix her mark and i will probably have to get mine as well cause i told my father what her mark is doing to her. So there a good chance he will send original person that performed it" *after a while you hear a cry of a bird then you see echo returning and there is a message tied to his legs. He lands and hops closer. Leyla untie it and read the message* "They be here soon...

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  • "This mark is what every female in my clan gets when she comes of age soon i will have to get the same mark on my skin as well wether i want to or not. If i dont i will get banish from my clan. It has little do with legends" *leyla sits next to her sister. She looks at her with a worried look on her face. Then she looks at you.* " have to send a message my clans healer as soon possible to get aid for her they will be able heal her that means i have to call echo.." *she grabs a silver whistle that hangs from her neck and blows it. Off in the distance a cry of a bird is heard. The flapping of huge wings is heard getting closer. Then a very strange red bird the size of a bobcat that has two heads lands close to leyla then it hops closer to her.* "Hello echo my pretty bird i have a message to send to the chief its important." *leyla i pull out a piece and hastily writes out a message in mer and ties it to echo's leg* "Make haste and fly fast she needs aid" *echo turns and takes off leaving a couple red feathers on the ground. Leyla watches echo quickly disappear into the distance* "Echo will be back in couple hours he's really fast for a bird." "Just so you know that a lot of my kind doesn't like outsiders and they judge you harshly but i that you my favor seeing how im the chief daughter in all they will not argue. Now just so you know will see them fix her mark and i will probably have to get mine as well cause i told my father what her mark is doing to her. So there a good chance he will send original person that performed it" *after a while you hear a cry of a bird then you see echo returning and there is a message tied to his legs. He lands and hops closer. Leyla untie it and read the message* "They be here soon...

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  • *The Chroma tilts his head, a little confused after hearing all that.* "So your clan would want me to be punished for this, or did I interpret that falsely? You and her were the initiators of this combat, and you mentioned of no rules. So we did not follow any, except [i]the Mantle that Kol has adorned upon my shoulders."[/i] *The Chroma's stature changes, standing tall with his blade down to one side. The strange sentient whispers still echo from his pelt, and the 'limbs' he has waiting above.*

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  • "No i will be because i told my father that i was my fualt the her mark isn't working at all. That was part of the message sent and the other was this..." *she read the message her father sent out old cause its in mer...* "Daughter prepare to be punished for causing all this mischief..and you will be mark after the fix you sisters mark you have no right to refuse if you do you know what will happen...i will be coming here too -father" "Thats my dad a ruthless tyrant of a chief

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  • "You put her before yourself in hopes that this clan of yours would fix her 'mark'?" *The Chroma's bodily expression changes to a combat-ready stance as he listens to the written message. Afterwards, the Chroma then looked at his free hand, then looked back.* "Parents do not govern children when said children have grown in knowledge to the point of understanding what they wish to do. This violates one's freedom; a thing my mentor often does not approve on." *Chroma gestures a shape with his free hand; a shield. The 'limbs' in the sky seem to remain in place, for now. Chroma itself then looks back at you, Leyla.* "Elaborate on this 'punishment' if possible. If your father fails to show you the respect you, his daughter, deserve... ...His actions will have consequences if that's so. Surely the one who is second to the leader is treated as an equal? Or is he the kind of person whom does not care?" *With that last sentence, Chroma swung his sword at a holographic crown, destroying it, to emphasise his point.* "Those who rule and do not show compassion for their people do not deserve the crown upon their head. During my time I have taught many this lesson, whether it was by action or word is not of my concern." *The Chroma then returns to his less combative stance, but he doesn't look around, as if his 'limbs' are seeing to that for him.*

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  • "Well im not sure what punishment he has in store for but i glady take it to protect my sister. " *leyla looks at her sister* "She always protects me from his wrath whenever i got in trouble so i will return the favor and he just has temper but i will endure im not scared of him.

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