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Edited by FJFSOM656: 5/24/2016 12:44:45 AM

Exotic History: Winter's Trek #3

[spoiler]This installment of Exotic History is made in part by ThatDroidGuy[/spoiler] The howling winds kicked up fiercely as the troop made their way across the bleak frozen landscape. JT lead the pack and didn't seem too bothered by the environment. Anna tried her best to not show weakness but a shiver escaped from time to time. Mom treked along with no problem as Petrie floated around scanning the environment. "Geez is there nothing on this rock?" Petrie said as he spun some ice off of his shell. "There are things here, just not visible." Mom said with confidence. "Well its hard to find invisible things. Especially since we are walking in a random direction!" Petrie looked at JT. "We have been trudging for about an hour now!" "And?" JT kept walking. "We haven't found crap!" "There is something up ahead." "How can you tell?!" JT simply pointed infront of him and kept walking. Petrie grumbled and floated around Mom. "This is a load of bull..." He paused and looked ahead. "I'm detecting my signal bouncing back..." "Because there is something ahead of us." JT kept walking with the others until the winds were blocked a bit by the giant skyscraper like structure before them. It was mostly frozen over by layers of ice and snow but the side they were facing allowed some glimpses of windows and steel beams that kept it in place. They all quickly made their way forward and got to the base of the building. JT and Anna scrubbed the ice off of their armor as Petrie and Mom walked forward to find an entrance. "Find anything dear?" Mom asked as she started to scoop at the large pile of snow infront of her. Petrie expanded and scanned the building. "Well... there are entrances... but they are frozen shut and under a mound of snow." "How long will it take?.." Anna asked as she clapped her hands together to wake them up. "Easily three hours non stop, without the use of anything drastic as I don't like the ah..." Petrie paused and looked up at the skyscraper. "Structural integrity of the ice." "Avalanche issues?" JT asked. "More like death by being crushed and/or suffocation and hypothermia..." "Either way, we need to find some form of shelter. Are there any other building nearby?" Anna said as she straightened and looked around. "It seems there are similar structures within 'walking distance' but I seriously doubt they would be any better." "Any way we can access our Sparrows?" "Um... no... I can't find any terminals around here." Anna sighed. "JT?" "I'd say we go further in, get a scope of what's around, maybe we will find where our prize is." JT looked through the scope of his sniper. "It's not advisable." Major appeared by JT's shoulder. "We have yet to see any enemy and this being their home turf and being the first actual structure we have found..." "Regardless we need to press on." Anna pointed past the building. "Let's hop from building to building, keep your eyes peeled and do NOT engage whatsoever. If Petrie's right about an avalanche, I'm not taking chances." "See? I keep this team alive." Petrie said as he spun his shell. JT grunted a bit. "Sure kiddo." Petrie glanced angrily at JT and began to float towards the edge of the building. "I believe the closest one is this way." Everyone moved quickly to get to the next cover as the winds picked up slightly in the silent city around them. They moved from two, three buildings with no issue, but with no luck of entry. Finally they hit the fourth building and made their way to the base. "Anything here?" Anna asked as she looked up at the structure. Petrie scanned the building. "No just another... Wait...." He floated forward and scanned a portion of the snow mound infront of him. "This one's good! Or atleast better than the ones before this! The doors not as frozen so a little force could break it!" "That's all I need to hear. Alright start digging, JT keep point." She quickly made her way to Petrie and shoveled snow out of the way along with Mom. Andy pitched in as well by dissapearing into the pile and reappearing out the side to move little bits of ice when possible. After about a minute of shoveling the pile free, a door way was starting to take shape. "Finally!" Petrie said as he spun in place. JT stood a little ways away and aimed down sights, Major by his shoulder. The two simultaneously looked to the right as a low roar permeated the winds. Everyone paused as that roar was followed by another, then another, the multiple more. "We are about to have company." JT said as he looked around to find where the noise was coming from. "S***! Dig faster!" Petrie said, trying to pitch in as well. Anna and Mom scrambled to clear the doorway until they hit the control panel half way. Andy floated up and scanned it. "It's busted! There's no power here!" Petrie followed suit. "It's unlocked but frozen over as bit, I think it can be busted!" Anna moved forward and pounded her fist against the ice to crack it some. Loose piles of snow fell as a dull thud echoed on the inside of the buildings. Anna struck again and dug her fingers into whatever she could find, trying to crack the door open. More roars filled the area around them, slowly drowning out the wind. Each second drawing the threat closer. JT scoped up. "I see a few. They are taking their time but not slow enough!" Anna tried to force the door open but it held steadfast. "It won't budge! She let her hands cascade in fire as she activated her super. Fire spewed forth from her, melting some of the snow immediately around her. The famed Hammer of Sol was perched by her foot but it slowly sunk into the ice with a loud series of hisses and pops. The door groaned slightly and a small split was made inbetween the panels. Anna continued to force her way through. JT began to back up. "They aren't too fond of us here." Anna glanced behind her to see several large Cabal like figures coming towards them out of nowhere. All of them were large and bulky, shifting slightly as if they were covered in fur and some held weapons including hammers, large launcher type things, and smaller sleeker guns. Mom pulled out a scout rifle and aimed down. She pulled the trigger and a loud thud echoed in the landscape, piercing an advancing enemy and causing it to fall on the ground. Some of the snow above Anna fell on her head and hissed to streaks of water. "Don't shoot! This whole thing could collapse on us!" Petrie cried worriedly. "It could huh?..." JT said. "What?..." "Got it!" Anna pushed with all her might and forced the doors open, water streaming into the open gap that she made. "Can you close it back?" JT asked. "What?.. Maybe its..." Before she could finish, JT pointed his sniper up at a previous building and shot. The howling roar of his custom rig literally shook the snow under their feet for a second, then a lower and deadlier rumble followed suit. "Seriously?!" Petrie said as he zoomed inside. JT ran back and got everyone else inside. "Close those doors!" "D***it JT!" Anna yelled as she got on one side of the door as JT forced the other side to close. The rumbling grew louder as the building before them seemed to collapse and fall, straight towards them. The two struggled to get the doorway blocked. Roars echoed in panic as the figures began to move quickly away or towards the open door. The sea of white raced towards them, swallowing everything in view. "Come on..." JT grunted as the screech of the door protested further. The two managed to slam the door shut and JT spawned his Golden Gun, putting all three shots into the door as tick welds to hold it in place. Everyone quickly moved back as the roar of the avalanche grew deafening. A loud, gut wrenching scream of steel came from the door as the avalanche impacted sending them all to their feet. link to part 2 link to part 4 link to the Winter's Trek

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  • Edited by FJFSOM656: 6/24/2016 8:28:16 PM link to Main Table of contents link to Table of Exotic Contents link to Table of Discussion Topics

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