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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
originally posted in: [DIGITAL_DOJO]
3/25/2016 5:58:48 PM
[b][i]He jumps down from his spot, plunging the grappling g hook into your neck from above, near noiselessly. [/i][/b]

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  • "Hurk!" I smash into the ground, face first. Adrenaline kicks in and I grab your head, and flip you over on to your back, creating a crater in the ground. I then kick you in the ribs sending you flying. "Damn stealth. All right, no more underestimating you" The light on my hand comes back and I rush you.

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  • [b][i]As you try to flip me, I jump backwards, grabbing the end of the rope and tugging hard on it, creating a deeper hole and ripping part of your shoulder off. [/i][/b] [spoiler]Don't do a reply and not give me time to react. Just don't. That's the definition of godmodding. [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]dude you've taken 1 hit and I've been hit by all of yours. You tell [b]me[/b] who's godmoding[/spoiler] I fly up and eat some of the sun. I heal my wounds and regain my strength. I yawn, then hold my breath, fly into space and throw the sun at you.

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  • [b][i]The sun rains form on the dojo, and I ran inside, the building itself protecting me. [/i][/b] [spoiler]Lets see, hmm, you have powers and can eat pure fire, while I just have a few guns. Odds are stacked against me here, and my character has to survive somehow, what are you expecting pal?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]what. The. Fuuck??[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Jim's just badass like that. Half of the characters in the Digital Dojo wouldn't even flinch if I did this to them. Besides, this isn't his most powerful attack[/spoiler] "Don't worry I'll make a new one"

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  • [spoiler]That's.... Intense...[/spoiler] Good. I need the shadows. Let me know when it's back

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  • I fly back to space, a gigantic magic circle appears above my palm and anew sun, exactly like the original, is created. "There we go, all done. It now should be even longer before that star dies"

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  • [b]Very well. Thank you kindly. Adios![/b] *Maya disappears into an instantaneous cloud of red and black smoke or possibly shadows. As the final bits of her disappears you hear a loud [i]whump[/i] of the cloud of shadow/smoke imploded in on itself.*

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  • "Woah, badass"

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  • *You hear a similar loud [i]whump[/i] behind you. You feel the point of a blade pressed against your spine.* [b]You seem a little hostile my friend. And I recently woke up. Dont make a move and tell me why I shouldn't fight you.... Or.. Why I should...[/b]

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  • "Well I love fighting and you seem pretty good at it so... Wanna fight?" [spoiler]i promise I won't get rid of the shadows. I like fair fights[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Doos: 3/25/2016 8:43:29 PM
    [b]Helllll yes. You must know how to please a lady. I'll play fair.[/b] *another [i]whump[/i] and the pressure upon your spine disappears and you notice Maya across the field from you. She reaches behind and above her head and yanks out a bow from seemingly nothing. Leave another cloud of red and black shadows in its wake. She expertly strings it and reaches down by her waist. Pulls out of another shadow pocket° a quartet of arrows. The heads of these arrows appear to be darker than black. She draws and let's all four loose. They streak forward and then disappear. A smaller quieter [i]whump[/i] and shadows appear, revealing three arrows directly in front of you. The arrows cross the whole field by a means of teleportation it seems. [spoiler]shadow pocket° my invention. An interdimensionary pocket in a shadow world accessed only by shadows. Even a shadow the size of a pinhead will suffice for the strongest of Shadow Masters. I'll make a random post elsewhere if you want more description on my character.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by dragonlord896: 3/25/2016 8:57:10 PM
    "Oh you know I do" I create a bow made of plasma and fire four arrows at you "Well, like they say: opposites attract" [spoiler]Digital Dojo: Jim Jim: the Astral Dragon Slayer / plasma wizard. He is wearing a white (Kirito style) coat with gold trim and half-plate armor (also white with gold). He carries a katana made of dragon bone on his back. Abilities: plasma beams, regains energy from the sun, can move fast enough to create afterimages, can ionize light to get an actual x-ray / damage enemies with radiation, can blind / create illusions using light, can create plasma shields / blades, can create and condense stars, can create a supernova, and he works out by lifting white dwarves.[/spoiler]

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  • *The plasma arrows move slower than the shadow arrows but then they distort and disappear into the still closing access points to the shadow dimension. They reappear in front of Maya, two piercing her before she teleports to the left by three meters.* [b] not only did you shoot my arrows to splinters. But you shot yours into MY shadow travel points?[/b] *winces* [b] that plasma is nasty. I'll give you that. But how many arrows did I initially shoot at you? How many reappeared in front of you? Ha! Might want to start looking for that fourth one buddy[/b]

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  • "Oh shit!" The fourth arrow hits me in the arm. I pull the arrow out. "That hurt" Magic circles appear behind me and shoot a hail of plasma beams at you.

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  • Edited by Doos: 3/28/2016 9:18:36 PM
    [spoiler]tbh if you didnt explain what happened to my arrow. I was just going to use its absence as a distraction and then explain later that it gets lost in the shadow realm because I'm a bit rusty after waking up. But I'll roll with this my friend.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Shadow Master Corps: Maya Sundaresh Maya: 3rd degree Master of Shadows(aka Shadow Master 3°)/also part of a secondary, elite hunter group. Motto: I'm a hunter. Master of tricks and traps. No method too low. No stakes too high. I enjoy the length of the hunt. Not the kill. Physical appearance: black hair with red highlights. One red eye while the other is a gray blue color. Possible of changing color. Slender build. Whitish skin with a light tan. Wears a black and gray cloak and tunic with many patched areas. Tight black leather trousers. Wisps of smoke constantly appear and reappear on the edges of the clothing. Abilities:(via Shadow Master Corps) Shadow manipulation/A very tight grasp of shadow world control. (An interdimensionary realm of shadows. Imagine a gas cloud in space if you want a mental image but darker and chock full of red and black. The shadows take on a more smoke like appearance there. . Easy to get lost for the newer shadow trainees.) Included: teleportation, (oneself and other objects) clones, traps,(I.e. Dig a hole. Fill it with shadows and change the appearance to convey normalcy), storage, a safe zone, a semi permeable wall, and to skrew the vision of opponents and prey. Also possible: forcing the shadow down the throats of enemies to cause obstruction of breathing. Ability to hide in plain sight just by standing in a large enough normal shadow. Abilities: ( via the elite hunter group) Keen eyesight (dark or length), strong sense of smell. Ability to grasp the intent of animals comunnication. (I.e. Warnings, targets, basic info etc). One of the best trackers around. Knowledge of hiding without the use of 'Shadows'. [/spoiler] [b]OH SHIIIT![/b] *Maya brings up her hands and with it comes a large slanted wall made from a large group of wispy shadows colored dark red and black. The plasma beams slowly start eating away at the wall. The wall finally collapses into nothingness. Where Maya stood is now empty* [b]Hahahaha! That was close![/b] *you don't know where the voice comes from as it seems to echo all around you*

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  • [spoiler]oh sorry about that. And sorry it took me so long to respond[/spoiler] "How about a little light" I throw a couple hundred glowing spheres up in the air, each about 6-inches in diameter. "Now where are you?"

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  • Edited by Doos: 3/26/2016 1:14:33 AM
    [spoiler]it's all cool! I like you so I wanted to roll with it anyways[/spoiler] *With the blinding light literally washing every possible shadow away, Maya is forced from her disguise hiding under a leaf's shadow. Literally just standing there holding a leaf above her head* [spoiler]any shadow any size can be used to hide completely and utterly from any form of detection as long as that normal shadow is present.[/spoiler] [b]well... Didn't really plan on hiding for long... How about this?[/b] *Maya Sundaresh pulls her cloak off and drops it over her head, crouches until every edge of the cloak touches the ground. The cloak then keeps falling til it lays flat. With a [i]whump[/i] the hunter is gone. You hear another whump behind you. And the swishing sound of a blade rises to your ears.....* [spoiler]as long as Maya resides in the shadow realm. She can come out without shadow regardless. Only on access is a shadow required. Thus the cloak covering her from the overwhelming light.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]why thank you[/spoiler] I spin around and matrix the strike [spoiler]you were swinging at me with a sword yes?[/spoiler] I dodge most of the strike but take a cut to the chest. I'm not much affected at the moment, and I pull out my astral dragon bone sword.

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  • [spoiler]knife actually. Maya isn't a fan of using a sword but either way it works. Thoo... What do you mean by matrix?[/spoiler] [spoiler] also.. Forewarning.. I use a god killing poison. Origin is a tightly kept secret among the elite unnamed hunter group. But I [b][i]promise[/i][/b] I wont let you die. Last guy quit on me when he assumed I was killing him...[/spoiler] *Maya stands back and throws the knife into the ground. Blade buried fully. It begins to dissolve away into smoke. A crooked smirk forms on her face.* [b]You'll feel it soon friend. You'll feel it realllll sooonn[/b]

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  • "Oh damn" I fall to one knee. I raise my left arm to the sky a wisp of sunlight comes down to it. I eat the sunlight and my wound starts to heal. "Got it, don't get hit" I line my blade with plasma and charge at you "By the way, how did a nice girl like you end up a shadow master?" [spoiler]you a girl irl?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]That's a good question[/spoiler] *She looks at you with a hard stare.* [b]well guess I didn't need to bring the antidote with me...[/b] *Throws it to the side. It gets swallowed up in more shadow-smoke.* [b]It's a rather long story involving a snake hunt. A old blind man. Myself. And a village accidentally murdered. Bad village but nonetheless.[/b] *She raises her arm as if to throw a knife.. Stops... Looks at her empty hand.. Looks around in desperation for any speck of a shadow and finds nothing* [b]Shiiiiittt....[/b]

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  • "Oh right, shit. I said I would play fair" I absorb most of the energy of the stars I put in the air turning them into red stars. They now emit a soft red light. "Better?" I ready my sword

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  • Edited by Doos: 3/26/2016 3:06:28 AM
    *Maya rips a shred of her tunic in a manner similar to an addict scrounging fast for the next hit. Creating a belly shirt of sorts. She uses the scrap of cloth to create a shadow in her hand. She looks into the access point to her treasured world.. Then drops the rag and the access point withers away.* [b]No... No you're fine handsome. If I ever want to become a Shadow Master 2°, then I should learn to survive without the Shadows.[/b] *She drops into a low stance. Pulls out two onyx handles from behind her. Possibly her waistband. Her thumbs flick the edge and two solid blades fell out of the handles with a soft [i]shnick[/i].*

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