Uhm how is the division any different? Endgame is just doing the same story missions on a harder difficulty. And there's no way any incursion can be better than a raid
At least there are far more of them, and we'll be getting new ones at a rate of one/month if you are a DLC subscriber. Side quests are also randomly generated, making the playing area feel much more organic than Destiny patrols. Again, I love Destiny, in the strictest sense they are very different games, but I think it's foolish to discount things The Division did right on the RPG side just because you prefer the gun mechanics of Destiny. Main thing I like is gear is mostly progressive, you don't get screwed by the RNG. Destiny, on the other hand, constantly punishes you with low light rewards after you hit 310, and relies on an addictive mechanic to keep you wanting that one piece of gear (for me, it's currently the "Does Not Bow" strike-specific AR). I also find the AI in Destiny terrible compared to The Division; every good player knows the paths each AI will take, and where they will come from in Destiny Strikes. The AI in The Division is fluid and tries to flank you so you can't find cover. Like I said, I love Destiny (look at my hours), but I'm not going to fanboy out and blindly say there is nothing Bungie can learn from The Division either.