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Edited by Jet The Pirate: 3/6/2016 3:06:09 PM
[quote][quote][quote]I don't want them nerfed but stop saying "it takes 2 perks". Lets be real, other than gift of the sun there are not other perks worth the slots.[/quote] Its the same thing i say when someone claims wombo combo is op (in comparison to firebolts)[/quote] Except firebolt is one button (grenade), it tracks, you only have to spec for discipline to maximize it, and there is an exotic so you spawn with energy. Wombo combo you have to melee and grenade, spec for discipline and strength, there isn't an exotic where you spawn with both, and is severely overrated imo. Two abilities to kill one person? A waste.[/quote] See what you just listed is called Trade Off. You can throw both grenades almost simultaneously so dont give me that bs, ive used nightstalker and know the potential of (hunter is my main aside from PvP) max disc/str w/ sealed ahamkara grasps leaving me with 3 grenades and both charge at 25 second intervals. Also no other class has a combo that can: A)Blind you visually B)take away radar C)CUT MOVEMENT BY 50% AND D)Do damage. My point by stating these things is that every class has "situationally awesome" set ups. Firebolts are great crowd control grenades. The problem arises when you have alot of less-experianced players doing the same dumb moves, pushing the same lanes, being predicable etc. When that happens well.. firebolts will succeed in pissing people off. Firebolts only do 157 damage, its only 34 more damage then ONE tag of a lightning nade'. If you nerf fire bolts then i better see a nerf to the distance lightnings can tag and the duration of nightstalker grenades because that would only be "fair". Orrrr just make it so firebolts do all of the damage at once instead of over the course of 10 seconds.

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