True, that's a good point you make.
In PvP circumstances it's not as often that someone sacrifices attack power for evasion though. I can't really imagine how useful the Ionic Blink would be in matches like Trials since there would be a very few and rare cases that one would actually use it.
I don't use ionic blink, I prefer superconductor, and I'll use my exotic armor slot for landfall gauntlets Honestly though I prefer voidwalker with the ram, I'm just trying to get the stormcaller emblem at the moment
Best of luck to you. I've been trying to get the Titan Void and Arc emblems, but, aside from the grenades, the Super and melee parts are quite a tedious pain.
For defender use the purple force barrier gauntlets (forget the name), Monte Carlo, and a shotgun, the super portion of that is stupidly easy, easier than all others, for the grenade part just wait for mayhem and use magnetic grenades For striker also rock a shotgun and Monte Carlo but use insurmountable skull fort for the double melee, lightning grenades and armamentarium, I have 3 "double kills" to go with striker until I get its enblem Striker is pretty much the same as voidwalker so it's not too bad