I'm just curious~ I main a Warlock, but I always like to use void walker instead of Self Res or Storm caller in the Crucible.
I know Warlocks have been getting a lot of shit lately over self res and some aspects of storm caller so who here still enjoys Voidwalker?
Edit: Glad to see a lot of other people enjoy Voidwalker as much as I do haha
Sunsinger for raids, because it's expected at some spots. Wearing the Apotheosis Veil makes it more palatable, because you can use it as an instant health boost when necessary, and NOT lose all those orbs when you die. Storm caller for bounties and sometimes for Control (because it's too damn tempting in some matches). I'm not a huge fan of Stormcaller, though is did use it more than usual in the last IB (never did that Storm caller bounty line). Voidwalker for EVERYTHING else.