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Edited by The Ham: 3/4/2016 2:07:32 AM

Reveal your true self

The Ham would like everyone to stop playing their gimmicks and ways for just a Moment to show their real selves. He will will start.... For starts, Im a 16 year old male. I'm fluent in English and French, and I am taking Calculus. That is in fact a picture of me. I am extremely underweight despite being under the alias of The Ham. By that I mean I'm only 134 pounds. 134 and 6 ft 4. I'm American and proud of it, and I hope to become an engineer. I play Soccer and I'm pretty good at it IMO. I'm quite frankly socially awkward and an introvert. My grades are decent. I have yet to achieve my license and don't plan to anytime soon. I'm fine not being able to drive. For now. My IQ is a fine 132, tested by a phycologist. Take the time to post an actual selfie of your actual self and reveal your true colors. This is an opportunity for all of us to come out from the shadows and share our traits and personalities. This helped me with stress, and I'm sure it will for you all too. Edit: Link to proof selfie for those who don't believe that is actually a pic of The Ham. Edit 2: Made Trending. Shout out to McAllieJoy for fighting through cancer! May you have the best of Luck! Edit 3: Definitely my most popular thread thus far. There are a lot more teens than expected! A total of 1607 comments and replies, minus 19 of my own!

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  • I'm a panda and I wipe my own ass

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  • 25% people here actually read the bios people put for themselves in this thread. 75% just look at the selfies.

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by Kell of Pasta: 3/7/2016 10:53:45 AM
      I'm a 14 year old boy, 170cm (5'6) who hates lots of people because they are as[i]s[/i]holes and wh[i]ores.[/i] Who is also secretly depressed, has d[i]i[/i]ckhole friends, who I can't leave because it's hard for me. With parents who think I'm lazy and not fun, when it's their fault I don't act pro-active and fun when they are watching. Also, puberty f[i]u[/i]cks with me, which makes it very hard for me to raid without getting questioned about my age.

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    • Okay :'(

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      1 Reply
      • Not giving my name. But I'm a 22 year old male living in NC. I'm a full time college student living on my own. I used to be really into video gaming, but for the past few months I've been getting into Warhammer 40k and Fantasy so I have been assembling and painting them in between studying for classes. I also love drawing and do that while waiting for paint to dry.

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      • The image pretty much explains me. [spoiler]BTW I'm wearing a deer themed blanket over my back, holding Fawnzy, my deer GF and wearing only deer print underwear for clothing.[/spoiler]

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      • Too many squeakers!!!!!

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      • Edited by Roar: 3/2/2016 4:10:04 PM
        I'm a 15 year old Caucasian, Scandinavian with blond hair blue eyes, in Michigan who enjoys video games, wrestling, and having fights with my bros. Comfortable around girls and I listen mainly to older Eminem. Fluent in English I can speak one phrase of German and a few words in Finnish. I weigh 154 which is good with my 5'9"

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        • Edited by Guardian6276: 3/2/2016 6:17:03 AM
          I'm not really one to post a picture of myself on the Internet so here's a picture of me in a mask. Hi, I'm James, I'm 20 years old and will be 21 in the summer. I'm a mix of Asian and Italian and around 5'9". I'm currently a freshman in College majoring in 3D animation. I'm all over the arts (drawing, music, singing, acting, etc.) and you'll almost always see me with my sketchbook. I've been gaming most of my life, the N64 was my first console. I was late to the Xbox party since I first got my 360 in 2010, my first game for it was Reach. When it comes to music I don't really have a preference, if I like a song I'll listen to it. Guess that's a decent enough summary of me so I'll stop there

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          29 Replies
          • Edited by Shiver: 3/7/2016 7:26:11 AM
            I am the one that they all fear, the one that children check there closet and under there bed for at night. The one that the children have nightmares about. I am your worst nightmare. I am the one that made that sound in the middle of the night. Check you window. I am the one who stole that one sock you lost. I am the one that did the unknown mark you had on you arm this morning. The one who is always behind you. The one who makes you feel like you are being watched. You are probably wondering what they call me. They call me... [spoiler]The Strawberry Pop Tart[/spoiler]

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          • You caught me.... Im a [spoiler]porcupine[/spoiler]

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          • Chris 5' 7" 120 lb Ballet dancer Gay af

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            3 Replies
            • Edited by DelilahKots2814: 3/12/2016 7:01:16 AM
     I'm Delilah. 20 years old female. I'm living in Greece trying to get pass the economical crisis as I'm living by myself. I'm studying for college and I'm looking forward to be an economical manager. My hobby is dancing, I dance since I was 9 and I continue to this day. I'm mostly focused on twerking. I'm not a gamer I just like being on, my ex bf showed me and for some reason I like hanging around with this community. I'm a bit of a hard person to be friends with and a lot of guys say that I'm a "bad bitch". I hope to move to Canada because Greece might go out of Europe. Well that's about me. Edit: updated the picture to a new one

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              13 Replies
              • Edited by tjustie: 3/8/2016 11:36:22 PM
                This has been up long enough.

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                20 Replies
                • Hi, I'm Cole. I'm a 6'4" left handed ginger that plays lacrosse. I have to park backwards into a parking spot

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                  • Only boobies

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                    • Edited by Mudkip: 3/3/2016 9:17:10 PM
                      Okay, so guess I just start listing things about myself now? 16 Y/o, a decent driver so don't be to worried about me being on the road. Ummm, I'm a highschool flunkie. I'm a decent mechanic, and work my ass off daily because I know school isn't getting me shit college wise at this point. I'm a pretty good guitarist and a halfway decent vocalist. I won't win any awards, but I'm bearable to listen to. A pretty heavy gamer, but not near as much now with work and school. I got turned down by my best friend of three years yesterday who I've treated like I queen since I met and her reason was "she was scared to be in a relationship with someone she cared about so much" And now I don't know weather to believe that or that she truly just doesn't have feelings for me... Umm. Yeah... I think that's about it... If anyone would mind commenting on some covers I've done, I'd love to here some feedback. Just let me know if you'd like to here them! Songs: Iris: The Goo Goo Dolls The Kill: Thirty Seconds To Mars Bright Eyes: Lua Saving Amy: Brantley Gilbert Into The Dark: Death Cab For Cutie (Not as good of a guitarist when I recorded DCFC, lol) Much love and thanks to all who read and listened to me whine about my life, along with whoever decides to give my covers a try. The end you beautiful people!!!!!

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                      17 Replies
                      • Edited by Madz: 3/4/2016 12:52:54 AM
                        I'm not one for selfies but here I go. And yes, that ugly mofo is me. I am 15 years old and speak fluent English. I am quite disappointed in my life not completing much. I much like to take a career in graphic design or culinary practices. I am taking beginners C.A.D and advanced graphic arts. I love art with a passion but I never draw in public. I mostly play R.P.G. Otherwise I'm a destical but I'm proud of it. Hell some of my best friends were made from destiny. So yeah... Am... Am I done? K [spoiler] I am going to regret this for all my life[/spoiler]

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                        8 Replies
                        • An amazing girl, we talk a lot but stopped for a while. Almost a month ago on Valentine's day, she texted me at around 23:00 (11:00). We started talking and got on the topic of valentines. Her's was her dog and mine was my couch. I ended up being her legitimate valentine. We've been talking ever since. One time we were talking and movies came up. I asked her if she wanted to see one and she started suggesting a date. Now in about 2 or so weeks I'm taking her to see Batman V. Superman. She also started hinting to me with things such as sitting super close when we hang out, calling me cute on a few occasions, and one time blew me kisses on Snapchat. I haven't asked her out and I'm not quite sure what to do, should I do it? I think I should but I'm not exactly sure... I'm pretty confident though.

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                          2 Replies
                          • Holy shit u r skinny.. I'm 6'1 and 130

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                          • Edited by Apollo: 3/7/2016 12:57:47 AM
                            Picture of me when i went snowboarding yesterday(at the time of this posting) Sorry for the blur my old man still lives in the stone age. [spoiler]5'9 - 5'10/ 170 pounds. Yes im fat but im still active.[/spoiler]

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                            2 Replies
                            • I......AM THE HYPE TRAIN.

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                            • My name is Tommy and I'm an alcoholic

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                            • Edited by SharkHorse: 3/6/2016 9:30:30 PM
                              Names David, or Dave, Born in Bronx, New York around 6'3 a sophomore in HS in Houston right now and I love basketball. I have been playing on varsity since I was a freshman[spoiler]and I have 2 giant fishtanks filled with baby sharks and some lobsters[/spoiler] [spoiler]idk where the horse part in my name comes from. Probably engra. I don't watch pony porn though[/spoiler]

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                            • This is me

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                              9 Replies
                              • That's me I know it shows my name who cares, I'm 6ft don't know my weight probably over 200 pounds I'm 25 own my own business and am married to a gorgeous woman and we have a beautiful son together. I like smoking weed, gaming, and shooting guns during the little free time I have. I'm conservitive /libertarian in my political views and am a Christian

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