I don't discuss my gender on this site, but you should never assume things. Haha.
Well you have 3 female characters lol ( I haven't seen a guy have 3 female characters )
I've seen a lot of guys with all female characters. I used to think that too, though. You just never know on here.
I personally have 2 male and 1 Female
I honestly regret not making a male character.
I had all 3 male once but then I made another warlock ( female ) and then I deleted that to make a titan ( female )
Sadly I feel as if I've progressed too far on my characters to delete one just to change it's gender.
Just made a poll including you so you should check it out https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/192947297/0/0
Lol I had a couple days off school so ya know ;) Let's just say I had more than free time to do stuff
But you made a post about being a girl and asking for friends on Xbox :0
I never said anything about my gender on that post.
It's edited tho :0
My gender has not been publicly discussed on this site and I plan to keep it that way.
The gender is fluid? I didn't know gender could be fluid! I'd like a glass of it with ice.
Gender fluid is a thing, yes, but I never claimed to be that either.
Oh...no ice..?