The hive broke the bekenstine limit which is the limit on how much information you can store in a given amount of space. If they broke that limit on a drive the size of a shoebox they would know more than we could comprehend.
Oh and i have a theory about thorn and dregden yor and how they might actually be able to convert guardians into hive.
Meanwhile gravemind is a hyper intelligent being but is still limited by being a biological brain rather than the hives super science / magic computer things
Just because he's biological doesn't mean shit. He has the minds of entire species entire races entire solar systems in his Arsenal.
The hive have near infinite Knowlage in a single "worlds grave" on the moon. The flood were defeated by the halo rings. Whih is the silliest strategy every. [quote]lets scatter 7 super weapons across the galaxy and just nuke everyhing so our enemy will starve instead of killing them outright.[/quote]