Iron Banana is Clash this go around. What will be your loadout. Im personally using NLB, 1000 (that will be used rarely), raid rocket (with tracking) hehe.
Edit: from what people are saying we should be expecting to see a ton of mida/tlw/dop 1000 yard setups
Edit: so far i have run into more nirwens and midas than anything else
Good ole melee attack!
A rock
Shoulder charge with.......
Monte Carlo and susanoo
Mida, 1k yard, iron banner machine gun because I can't do the raid.
Edited by Das_bull3 : 2/19/2016 11:14:10 PMConvalescences duty, telesto, Tormonds bellows Most importantly...striker class with my beloved PEREGRINE GREAVES!!!1!!
grasp of malock or monte carlo ironwreath bretomarts stand
Mida, 1000 yard state or shotgun and heavy raid machine gun
320 sugar ghost shell I hope :)
Haakon's hatchet, deidris' retort, and arc edge. Simple n fun.
I will be using Hakkon's Hatchet Ashravens Flight and both IB heavy weapons
I'm sure I'll start on TLW/Thesan, but I tend to change my primary based on what's killing me.
My free 320 Crimson ghost, that's for sure!!!
On my warlock. Colovances duty Ironwreath d Truth Titan Righteous vii Ashravens flight Ruin wake I run what I'm comfy with. Not going to get a top score this time around so need to smash the dailies and lots of matches.
Edited by VIPER__g: 2/19/2016 10:31:37 PMWhatever my son chooses to use for me.... lol... i dont do pvp
Righteous 7, stare, truth.
Mida, havoc pigeon and ruin wake prolly
Primary - straw with spit wads Special - spud gun (marris piper obvs) Heavy - duck down pillow Will reach rank 5 as always (someone's gotta finish bottom to make the foundations)
Edited by BruiserCruiser: 2/19/2016 10:20:27 PMPrimary : Mida, Smite of Merrian, TLW Special : 1000YS, Invective, Havoc Pigeon Heavy: Qulliams, Truth I get my First Curse this armsday, so looking forward to trying it out as well. How is First Curse in crucible guys?
MIDA ( last word ) (hawksaw, eyasluna) 1,000 yard stare Quillms terminus ( truth )
Edited by Quaddity: 2/19/2016 9:54:59 PMNirwen's Mercy (maybe Grasp of Maloc), Mida, and Tlaloc depending on the character. IB shotgun with rangefinder, last round, and a Choleric Dragon with field scout/G&H. Void/Ram/Tlaloc for Warlock, Defender/Garrizon Mida for Titan, and Mercy/Graviton for the hunter. All will be above 310 light.
Hatchet/ntte/nirwens Conspiracy/havoc/ashraven Bertomarts
Edited by thel0newanderer : 2/19/2016 9:48:49 PMMy warlock Doctrine or Harkons Thesan or ashraven Truth or raze lighter Arms reload fusions or autos faster Chest extra fusion ammo Legs either fusion or rocket ammo Also 300 int and 310 dis Probs going to be storm caller but maybe void with manacles Edit* So pretty much my warlock as it is now....
Colovance's duty, The Chaperone, Tamarind Defender with No Backup Plans
Because I'm a scrub that needs to git gud Mida 1KYS Truth (will equip during heavy) [spoiler]Did I win?[/spoiler]
Haakon's Hatchet / Suros Jabberhakke / Invective Bretomarts Stand