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originally posted in: Europa RP
2/19/2016 12:29:54 AM
[u][i]Crux, The Capitol, Central Tower[/i][/u] [b]After the Attrition of Crux, where both Federation and Rebellion armies clashed and were similarly decimated. The survivors were left scarred, battered, and full of dread, as the constant horros and atrocities both sides ha experienced had begun to take it's toll. The Federation had done away with it's corrupt government, instead reforming into a Republic, calling a Senate where every Federation System was represented. The Rebellion, in contrast, finally established a concrete government for itself, The Union of Free Systems. And so the War of Systems, as it came to be called, was drawn to a close. The two governments agreed to meet once again on Crux, only this time, to establish a peace accord. A gathering was held in the Cruxian Capitol, in it's Central Tower. where the attendees included Military Veterans from both sides, Government Officials, and others. Though tensions were still maintained between the soldiers, who had mere months ago been fighting each other and watching their comrades die, it was did not stop the flow of the gathering from taking a calm setting [/b] [spoiler]Open to All, Interact[/spoiler]

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  • "Yeah. He abducted me from the pod you shot me out of. Tricked me into destroying a city and nearly murdering silver... I was able to escape his trance and fight back, my arm is -blam!-ed though... Please don't stab me again..."

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  • *the Shadowed One chuckles, much to the surprise of the Nuva Nui soldiers with him "I won't. I promise. You want me to get someone to fix up your arm?"-Shadowed One

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  • "Nah, it's cool. Tim has it handled... Maybe." [i]"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA"[/i] [b]his AI laughs like a maniac for awhile[/b] "I'll take that as a no?" [i]"yeah man that arm is going no where."[/i]

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  • *he motions for a Nuva Nui trooper to take a look at it. She starts to fix it as the Shadowed One looks at Wheatley "You ever consider getting a different AI that wasn't defective? Because that Tim of yours sounds like he is a psychopath."-Shadowed One

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  • "He is... But I kinda am Aswell, and he's gotten me through a lot of things no man could have, he's witnessed the hostile takeover of ashuna, the glassing of corra, both my predecessors deaths, and this massive war.. He has a right to be insane, plus TAC went all commie mode on me and tried to turn me into another one of them..." [b] he motions toward a group of lowly federation grunts[/b]

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  • *he sees them and looks back to Wheatley "I see you passed our test. If not, you would be dead or still working for the Federation. Impressive."-Shadowed One *he pulls Tac's chip out of Wheatley and plugs it into his own helmet, and starts to talk with him

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  • [b]Tac has been severely injured and speaks in broken phrases[/b] "Alliance Casualties unsustainable." Federation Hivemind assuming control" Federation affiliation requested..."

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  • "Denied."-Shadowed One *the trooper finishes up her repairs and walks back into the group

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  • Edited by Cosmic: 2/19/2016 3:08:30 AM
    "Reassuming alliance affiliation. Identification, AI T.A.C combat advisor..." [b]wheatley moves his arm around [/b]

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  • "Nice to have you back."-Shadowed One *he turns to Wheatley "What did you learn about Golden and Entropy? Amy locations of bases, recruitment?"-Shadowed One

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  • "Some planet... The cities on it are completely desolate..."

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  • Edited by SilverPulse620: 2/19/2016 3:17:30 AM
    "What was the name of the planet?"-Shadowed One *his voice is firmer again

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  • "Aricktacs? Something like that..."

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  • "Aragosa? Is that it? Aragosa Prime?"-Shadowed One *he seems concerned while saying it, as though he is scared about the possible fate of that world

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  • "YEAH! Me and silver got into this huge fight with him, he tried to use me to kill him..."

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  • "Interesting."-Shadowed One

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  • "Heyyy. Don't be stabbing me, now" [b]he jumps up, his eyes narrowed [/b]

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  • X1 had remained a neutral figure in the war, spectating the bloody, ferocious battles spanning planets as the Federation and the Rebellion duked it out. X1 had watched from the planet of Mara Sal, but nonetheless, X1 attends the peace gathering, honoring the many dead. It was a pointless and brutal conflict, and one should hope it would never happen again. Though, X1, as a Cylon, knew one thing; war. War, never changes.

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  • Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 2/19/2016 2:02:14 AM
    [i]Wolf stood silently and alone in the room, occupying a corner near the refreshments, in his full combat gear. Kukri in hand, he sharpened the blade on his armor's shoulder pauldron, observing all the men and women in the room. Business had been rather slow lately, peace only made it slower. But on the bright side, peace had been achieved without weapons of mass destruction being used, and the terms had been relatively fair. He'd figure he'd hang around and gauge reactions on it just to see.[/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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  • Cosca and his guard strolled around the peace meeting, frowning "The smell of peace. Putrid and pungent. With its arrival comes the absence of business." "What now, sir?" "Now we must discuss our departure with our employers."

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  • Edited by Bardo XCIX: 2/19/2016 1:26:36 AM
    [b]Colonel Jaeger was never suited towards social gatherings, whether it be parties or parades. He fiddled with his service jacket, making sure his medals were adjusted to the perfect angle. Like most high ranking officers in the United Federation Navy, his suit was black with a dark blue trim running along the edges, and his rank displayed on his left shoulder. His hair was cut short, as he had maintained it during and after the War, with not a inch of facial hair or stubble[/b] I hate these things.. [b]After being satisfied with his medals, he walk over the the Bar, which was crowded by other war veterans, and ordered a Gilain Whiskey When it arrived, he grabbed the glass, and looked at it, watchng the ice in it slowly melt, frosting the edges, before toasting.[/b] To the winners....Heh [b]He drunk it in one gulp, before setting it down[/b] Or rather... the survivors.

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  • *the Shadowed One walks up to him, his transport having landed shortly before "You are Jaeger, are you not?"-Shadowed One

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  • [i]Colonel[/i] Jaeger, is what most in the Federation know me as... Though, you aren't Federation. Or Union. No, you look like your Alliance.

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  • Edited by SilverPulse620: 2/20/2016 8:20:52 PM
    "You are correct. I am known as the Shadowed One. I came to this galaxy to find SilverPulse620, which I found. It is good to meet you. I bring you and the Federation the tidings of the Alliance and their sincerest apologies for their attack on your worlds. We were nearly trying to free Silver."-Shadowed One *he seems sincere, but there is something strange about him

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  • An old man, about 60, sits next to him "They're one in the same, those two things."

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