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originally posted in: Europa RP
2/19/2016 12:29:54 AM
[u][i]Crux, The Capitol, Central Tower[/i][/u] [b]After the Attrition of Crux, where both Federation and Rebellion armies clashed and were similarly decimated. The survivors were left scarred, battered, and full of dread, as the constant horros and atrocities both sides ha experienced had begun to take it's toll. The Federation had done away with it's corrupt government, instead reforming into a Republic, calling a Senate where every Federation System was represented. The Rebellion, in contrast, finally established a concrete government for itself, The Union of Free Systems. And so the War of Systems, as it came to be called, was drawn to a close. The two governments agreed to meet once again on Crux, only this time, to establish a peace accord. A gathering was held in the Cruxian Capitol, in it's Central Tower. where the attendees included Military Veterans from both sides, Government Officials, and others. Though tensions were still maintained between the soldiers, who had mere months ago been fighting each other and watching their comrades die, it was did not stop the flow of the gathering from taking a calm setting [/b] [spoiler]Open to All, Interact[/spoiler]

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  • Dahlia had just stepped into another mess from the looks of it; one without blood, but peace. Ugh. She craved action, blood, combat. All she was good at; and though she is cold hearted, Dahlia couldn't help but pay respect to the fallen, who had died for a bad cause, when peace was so close in reach.

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  • [b]this strange kid, no older than around 20, is stitching up deep gashes on his non-prosthetic arm. He is sitting on a bench outside of the large tower when he sees you. He waves. His skin glows faintly, being completely pale white. He bleeds from a large cut across his face[/b] "Hey..."

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  • [b][i]Boredom. The only thing Alexandra could feel, boredom. She sits in the corner, in a brown, wooden chair, her red and black coat shielding her from the lights above, her tanned skin and bleach white hair going against each other. She watches the crowd intently, as there's nothing better for her to do. [/i][/b]

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  • [b]A man is sitting in a dark corner and its hard to make his silhouette[/b]

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  • [b]Thomas kicked back, sitting at the peace meeting as he leaned in a chair As per usual, whiskey in hand as he was dressed causally, in flannel, jeans, and work boots He takes a sip from the glass, looking around[/b] [i]"So, the fightin's done, eh?"[/i]

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  • "You Fed bastards! You killed brother!" [b]A fight had broken out between some Federation Veterans and Union Veterans[/b] "You Union scum caused the entire war! You bombed my home world!" [b]Right when the two groups were about to come to blows, a figure stepped between them and knocked down both instigators[/b] "Who the he-.... Colonel Jaeger, Sir!" [b]The Federation soldiers immediately saluted Jaeger[/b] We aren't enemies anymore. Act like it. "But Sir, these re-" Am I understood? "...Yes. Colonel." Good. Now, I think we all could use a drink. [b]Jaeger walked past Thomas' seat, glancing at him as he did[/b]

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  • [b]Thomas simply chuckles War never changes, even in a civilized room[/b]

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  • [b]Angela landed in her ship and stepped out looking around[/b] "Its hard to believe I almost died here a few months ago." [b]she walked towards the tower as her armor disappeared being replaced by a black T-shirt, leather jacket and jeans[/b]

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  • Edited by Cosmic: 2/19/2016 2:52:32 AM
    [b]wheatley, the same guy that saved her, sits in a bench, trying to repair a broken prosthetic arm.[/b]

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  • [b]she walks over to him and sits next to him[/b] "Hey....didn't think I would see you again"

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  • "Oh hey! Glad to see you made it out okay... GOD DAMN IT. TIMMMM." [b]an AI speaks, loud enough to be heard even to the surrounding people[/b] "[i]WHAAAAT?![/i]" "You got any idea on how to fix this?!" "[i]NOOOPE[/i]" "Ugh, fine... So what happened to you after I got you to that hospital?"

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  • "They fixed me up and I kept fighting"

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  • "for who?"

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  • "The rebels"

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  • "Good. I'm glad you survived. GOD DAMN this arm..." [b]his prosthetic twitches and sparks, trippin out on him like an epileptic crack head at a rave xD[/b]

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  • "Here let me help with that" [b]she grabs the arm, opens it up, messes with some wire then closes it[/b] "That should do it"

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  • [b]he moves it Around, in astonishment due to her incredibly fast handiwork[/b] "Oh.. Huh... thanks! The only thing I've seen a human do that fast is slit my fathers throat..."

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  • "Most of my enhacments are federation tech. They made me but unknowingly made the instrument of their own destruction"

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  • "Your not... Are you a robot..." [b]he looks over, shocked[/b]

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  • "No I'm human."

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  • [b]he raises an eyebrow [/b] "Don't lie."

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  • "I'm not lying"

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  • "Fiiiine... It's been awhile since I've met a robot..." [i]"HMMMM...."[/i] "FINE, FINE... God tim, you are really protective." [i]"damn right I am."[/i] "So what brings you back Round here?"

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  • "Well my home was destroyed by the feds so I figured why not go have an explore of the galaxy" [spoiler]she isn't a robot read her bio[/spoiler]

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  • "Heh... I'm in the same boat. My homeworld was glassed, murdering the wisps. I'm a third generation clone."

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