The whole grimoire = experience = skill deal. If you've ever played any first person shooter to any extent, you'll be proficient in Destiny. Destiny is a very, very easy game to grasp, even by first person shooter standards
Edited by Jaymz: 2/16/2016 11:15:45 PMYes, thank you for proving my point. I wrote about other FPS games in he thread, if you would've read it you wouldn't have sounded so ignorant yourself. Read next time, it's helpful ;)
I just don't like it when people write novels on extremely simple things. I'm a very blunt/to the point person. Not to mention I'm used to 90% of long posts being wildly biased.
If I was home I would copy and paste my thread and put it into Microsoft word and it might tell me I had maybe 400 words in this thread. That is far from a novel and really far from an essay. And you talk about the point, if I were to just state "Grimoire = Skill" then that would be a waste of time. I had no evidence to support it and people would just tell their opinion. Instead I posted that and my experiment I did with it. Why make a point if you have no evidence to back it up? Think that is what's wrong with a lot of this community...
The fact that anyone is stuck on what grimoire may or may not entail is what is wrong with this community. Grimoire means very little, even PvE-wise. This game is very casual.
Edited by Jaymz: 2/16/2016 11:25:49 PMNow you just changed the discussion we were having. Sad, I really see how ignorant you are now. First you don't read can't get any worst then that. Now when I proven you wrong you just try to change the conversation. I usually mute ignorant people btw ;)
If you mute me, that's your choice. And I gotta say, your ego becomes more and more apparent as you talk more. Discussion is over though, and you seem pretty biased. So gg
Bias towards what?
Grimoire meaning anything. You did say if you would have "went straight to the point" you would have said grimoire=skill.
I didn't say that tho, like I said before you should read, you will sound a lot less ignorant.
Edited by Unbreakable Patches: 2/16/2016 11:39:35 PMBlech. These forums are something else.
Maybe you would know what the forums is if you read them =\