Sorry to hear that.
Don't be, it's the group falling apart all over again thats making it shitty for me
That's funny, I just talked to Fyre a little while ago on the rwby post. He said things were dandy.
Lel Azure left Talion got kicked and I just said booperdooper and didn't care
How long ago was this?!
That's what I thought. So between mine Fyre's conversation and now the group is just broken........ Again?
Wow... Welp, guess I'm never coming back. Who's the culprit?
Oh, that's... Different...
The topic?
Why azure wanted to be the new founder of the group
Nobody liked my suggestion? [spoiler]you can't assign a new founder. [/spoiler]
It's complicated, I barely payed attention XD
Good on you.
Keep me posted.
Will do