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Edited by BLACK KNIGHTSo1: 2/14/2016 4:33:53 AM
It is cheating , kid. Where in your logic can you justify it to the contrary? Because you're crutching on a sniper , so it is justified? It really shows how dependent players are on secondary weapons to win. If you're skilled you don't need to cheat. I've seen too many people in Crimson duos hanging around waiting for the secondary ammo to spawn when they have a fully loaded primary ready to go. It's pretty sad really. If you can play, you don't need the shotgun or the sniper at the start of a match. Why do you think Bungie did that in the update? To stop the dependence on sniper weapons and shotguns. I'm in the medical field and I can definitely spot when a crutch is being utilized. To walk properly again, you have to let the crutch go sometime. If kids these days put their energy into their homework like they did finding ways to cheat and exploit a video game, the world would be a much better place. Playing to win, does not mean doing it by any means necessary to achieve that goal. It's about playing by the rules, giving it your best efforts and if you're good enough, you will win , if the playing field is even. BTW , I'm glad that you guys post this stuff on the game devs forum about how you cheat. Not the wisest move, but , I'm glad that you do it. Anyways, Bungie will resolve it soon. Have fun while it lasts ,

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