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Edited by Cayde: 2/13/2016 9:51:54 PM

Thorn is op or not

I understand thorn is op and needs slight nerf.


I disagree.


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Edit: I made a normal poll to see opinion of community. Totally forgot about how many 12 year old salty turds exist here. Without reading anything, they are telling me go to year 1 and other crap. I am year 1. I have 2300+ hours in game. Have 7000 kills with thorn in year 1. All of you turds who are telling me how it was op, this poll is not saying what was op year 1 or year 2. Compare thorn in year 2 with other exotic weapons like red death, suros, boolean gemini. Why I think thorn is op. 3 shot body shot with fastest fire rate hand cannon. Which usually is 4-5 Tracks enemy. Stop recovery for 7 effing seconds All of you who are telling me you can counter it, for sure you can counter it. Problem is, most probably it will still kill you if other person is even half decent. Please post your honest opinion. Now by honest I mean honest. If you use it and like it, it's good but that won't change the fact that it's not op. Thanks Happy hunting guardians

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  • Depends how good you are with it As you can see I am awful, but yeah it's a 3 Shot kill now, see more & more thorns everyday tbh because of sweatys, it's fun using the thorn, but not so fun being killed by one

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  • Edited by Elitespear: 2/12/2016 10:29:40 PM
    It's OP. The only change to it is that it isn't a 2 shot headshot anymore. Still has mad range 3 shot kill anywhere Huge aim assist Stops regeneration Allows you to track behind cover High fire rate If you have two players of similar ability, one using thorn and one not - the one without thorn will lose. You can be guaranteed that if it became a year 2 weapon that 99% of the people disagreeing would change their minds and it again would be the most used gun.

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    14 Replies
    • Edited by Marson: 2/13/2016 2:17:36 PM
      1 Thorn, not nearly as deadly as it was in year 1 Team of thorns, you are pretty much f**ked

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      2 Replies
      • Everyone is voting no because it's not year 2 yet so only a select few are using it, once it becomes year 2 everyone will start using it again and this poll will change

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        3 Replies
        • Edited by BLACK KNIGHTSo1: 2/13/2016 2:10:33 PM
          It was nerfed already. You can use the Thorn yourself if you're skilled enough to earn it. A year 1 weapon only viable in Crucible. Why are you worried it so much. Stop whining. Git gud, complete the steps, and it will be yours also. Until then don't complain about weapons players went through many hoops to earn. Don't hate us because you ain't us. You can be too. Everyone can have access to it if you're good enough. Life isn't fair , adapt and overcome. If you have Thorn as you claim in your Edits, then what the hell are you complaining about . Take your Thorn out and use the damn thing instead of whining for a nerf.

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          2 Replies
          • The Thorn WAS op but it's not anymore. Overused, absolutely. Overpowered? Nah it can be outshot pretty easily now if you aren't getting team shot

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            1 Reply
            • You would have never survived year 1, freakin whiny scrub

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              3 Replies
              • Get rekt

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              • Thorn used to be op. Not anymore.

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              • Thorn isn't OP it's just super annoying to fight against.

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              • Lol at who made this poll. ;)

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                3 Replies
                • I don't understand how these posts are back, haven't played properly in 2 months, wtf happened?

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                  • Edited by Wandererfreedom: 2/13/2016 12:31:08 AM
                    Let's bring back the prenerf thorn then you can bark and whine about it all you want

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                    5 Replies
                    • It's not meta knight tier like it was in House of Wolves, but it is still really annoying

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                    • It's tier 1 but it isn't as strong as in year 1. It's very easy to use thought so it doesn't take much to perform well with it.

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                    • It's worse with Firebolts.

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                    • Needs to be DOT on precision shots only

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                    • You're a year late, mate

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                      1 Reply
                      • I hate people like ruined my beloved vannila destiny thorn you !@#$*@!!

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                        3 Replies
                        • I want everyone who doesn't think it's op to pay attention for just a second. I'm going to lay this out, if you still don't think it op then feel free to argue with me. All I ask is that you remain respectful and use logic to support your answer. To start this off: I have been playing since Beta. I love this game, and have spent way to much time in it. I have started character spent a couple hundred hours on them, just to delete them and start the process over again. I also have a love affair with Thorn. Ever since the September 9, 2014 I was looking for an exotic handcannon. Now remember this was the time when we didn't know what exotics were out there. Most of it was word to mouth. So when my friends got this thorn I was pumped. I wanted one too. Thankfully I got my wish rather quickly. Now for those of you who don't remember vanilla thorn, it was rather mediocre. Decent damage, decent fire rate, but a reload that took so long I would watch Netflix episodes between reloads. Now entering into the HoW era, Thorn was Op. It was a two shot head shot that sent shivers down people's spine. And it was nerfed into what we had now. The problem with it, is that it is intrinsically better than any other hand cannon. Now you have probably heard or know that it is a three shot body shot. Which you might argue is not OP. Let's factor this in, right now the first curse, one of the highest impact weapons is a four shot body shot. Now can be brought down to 3 shot kill, but only with one head shot. The first curse also has a slow fire rate. Right now, there is no point in using another handcannon than thorn. Which was highlighted recently during the mega tournament we had about a month back. Where the primary of choice was thorn. The ability to only have to worry about hitting a shot on the target whether it be head shot or body shot takes away part of the skill that this game is built around. The burn is also a problem. Because it procs on a hit you can casually hit one player with it, and keep him from regenerating their shields for several seconds while you make a tactical push on them. So let me ask you something, purely from a numbers standpoint. If you had one destiny life, and you were given the choice between the handcannons we have now. Can you honestly say that you wouldn't pick thorn as your best chance to survive? The only gun capable of three shot body shot, keep an enemy shields down for several seconds, with a good firerate? If you can honestly say no, and think it is not Op, please explain. Because honestly this is so cut and dry for me.

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                          6 Replies
                          • In my opinion I think thorn is fine where its at. Its an exotic weapon and is meant to excel, although in year that -blam!-ing piece of bitch was op. That 2 headshot was incredible. That's long been removed and is now a nuisance rather than an enemy.

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                          • Year 1 weapon. Who cares?

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                          • Extremely annoying but not op

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                          • It shouldn't 3 shot to the body, but everything else about it is fine. People who complain about the DoT taking you out of the game, there are quite a few things in this game that force you pull back. Example: axion bolt, firebolt, skip grenade. It's meant to be a defensive weapon.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Just don't bring it to year 2 and I'll be fine

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                              1 Reply
                              • I dont even use it but people really need to understand the difference between [i]over powered[/i] and [i]over used[/i]. Thorn isnt that bad honestly and would even argue TLW is more of a problem than it (and TLW isnt even that OP) You're just seeing it used to death because this game houses the largest amount of sheep Ive ever seen

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