I just don't see the point in getting on a ranked list in a game with so much lag and no actual competitive tournaments to get involved in. You can fabricate scores and k/d all you want and play every day but if you're not making destiny videos for entertainment or streaming then you aren't making money with it, so I hope you're at least having fun, (which I can't see that as possible with as much lag as there is) unless you win in a fair tournament who cares about your rank. I used to play evolve every day and I chased a leaderboard in that game and beat people 3rd and 2nd in the world but then realized without a tournament what am I doing? Seems like we are literally forced to play counter strike or cod if we want real e sports gaming unfortunately. But with all that said congrats on your rank and hours played, that's a lot of commitment and time spent and I do commend you for it.
Well since only 4 people played that game in the whole world, it wouldn't be difficult to beat 2nd and 3rd place.
Right right. Worst overhyped game ever took it back to gamestop the very next day. That game was nothing but a cash grab.
you're right, who cares about rank....lol
Well what has it done for you aside from make you feel good and get a bunch of comments?... Contact me or destiny servers when you find that answer.
You know what, I'm sorry for the attitude, Im just annoyed with the state the game is in. I came off like a jerk because you weren't taking the time to reply to me, but seriously speaking destiny needs to fix its lag and get a professional scene started. I'm making YouTube videos every day for this game but we need to find a way as a community who loves the game to make it have a competitive scene. And for the record I play streamers all the time. Here's a clip from me beating krafty for the 3rd time 5 to 1
all krafty does is help ppl....who cares if you beat a streamer helping sum1 to the lighthouse?
All I do is help people. My clan was carrying two people against him that same day. I'm just saying just because someone streams or in my case doesn't has nothing to do with how good they are. I'm trying to be nice and let you see what I'm saying is all.
Contact me when you're making 20 dollars an hour... Oh wait.